Uncle Tom

Blacklocks- $9M Question For NY Consul

MPs yesterday voted to investigate the purchase of a luxury condominium in Manhattan for Tom Clark, former CTV announcer appointed last year as Canada’s $205,000-a year Consul General in New York.

Bloc Québécois MP Julie Vignola (Beauport-Limoilou, Que.) expressed disgust with the purchase. “We agree $9 million for a New York condo for the Consul General needs to be examined,” she said.

What kind of shampoo do you use?

10 Replies to “Uncle Tom”

  1. A residence for 44 times annual wage. Seems a tiny bit excessive. A house that costs as much as a person in that position would earn in their entire working life? Question. If any other taxpayer is provided housing by their employer they are taxed on it at fair market value. Let me guess, this doesn’t apply to Tom Clark?

  2. Politicians and some journalists belong to a mutual admiration society. As a result many journalists become politicians (Chrystia Freeland among them). And politicians appoint friendly journos to cushy jobs (GG Mary Simon and now the smug self-satisfied Tom Clark). Even the Conservatives can’t help themselves. Before Stephen Harper appointed CBC reporter Mike Duffy to the Senate, Duffy called a seat in the upper chamber “a taskless thanks”.

  3. Who are the idiots here? The mediocre, at best broadcaster or us serfs, that stand on our principles?

  4. I think that consul general salary, is the same as other diplomatic postings and is tax free.

    In this case, $205,000 Canadian tax free. I had heard years ago that postings to the UN were equally tax free, but paid in USA dollars, “real dollars” lol…

    Felt is was important to note this, before anyone from SDA applies for a posting to NYC or maybe Argentina…

  5. Is Canada any different than Shithole Countries that have luxurious abodes here?
    (There are some pretty swanky lairs in Ottawa.)
    Yes, it is different, because everybody knows those countries are blatantly corrupt.
    Canadians are chumps. Stupid fckn chumps.

  6. Despite many decades disageeing with the the Bloc I actually agree. Stand corrected.

  7. We’ve been voting for this for 100 years. Were we too stupid to know it, or are the people getting paid to keep us in the dark just that much smarter than us?

    With all the alternate news available now, anyone that tells me they trust the govt or the mainstream media immediately gets registered as below 90 IQ.
