We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

It couldn’t happen to a nicer set of Democrats; *

As additional debris from a damaged offshore wind turbine washes ashore on Nantucket, the town is considering other methods of dealing with the aftermath, including litigation.

Last weekend, a damaged Vineyard Wind turbine sent floating debris and sharp fiberglass across the south shore of Nantucket, angering residents.

In response to the ongoing crisis on the island, the Nantucket Select Board will meet in executive session on Tuesday to discuss “potential litigation in connection with Vineyard Wind” regarding recovery costs associated with the blade failure, according to an online meeting notice.

28 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. I love it when this happens. It’s almost as satisfying as hearing an old hippy – who voted Indeeper or Greenie all his life – piss and moan when neighbouring bush is cut down to grow corn for ethanol.

  2. All this over debris from one turbine.

    Wait til thousands reach the end of thier lifespans at the same time.

  3. I’d like to know how these turbines will be serviced during North Atlantic winter storms and summer hurricanes. The problem with wind power is the number of units required to generate the same output as a single natural gas, nuclear or coal plant. All the maintenance at those facilities occurs in one location.

    Wind turbines require a non-trivial amount of regular maintenance with gearbox oil changes and much, much more. Now multiply this by 50 or 100 and add in weather and you’ll have some real fun. And we haven’t even discussed blade icing and salt water spray corrosion.

        1. Yikes!
          I’ll be up there Saturday.
          The dipsticks had the brilliant idea of re- populating the freaking seals.
          Never saw one when I was a kid.
          About 8 years ago my wife was swimming at Marconi. Big-a55ed gray seal popped up out of nowhere right beside her. (5-8 yds.)
          Scared her so bad she couldn’t scream.
          Looking at the link you provided.
          The sharks all have names and glamour shots. It’s unbeleavable. These lefties have lost sense of reality and have no compassion for humanity. (Click on the sonar buoy to see)

  4. Next they’ll be upset by busloads of “illegals”…
    Oh wait, that’s their Martha’s Vinyard neighbors.

  5. The beaches there are going to be contaminated with fiberglass debris for decades. Beachgoers will be getting painful fiberglass slivers for years.

    1. New England fisheries are dead. Nobody can eat fish from those waters … if they ingest micro-fiberglass … the sliver of fiberglass will work its way from their intestines right through their heart … then … sudden death.

      1. Same thing will happen if you get a micro-sliver in your foot. It’ll work it’s way up to your heart … then (finger snap) kaput!

        And there’s no way to get the micro-slivers out of the sand. Sure hope this won’t affect ocean-front property values! 🙂

  6. So, 76% of the US off shore wind farms are owned by foreign corporations who weaseled out over $9 Billion in subsidies from the US Tax payer.

    1. Ten percent of that recycled to politicians like the big guy and you’ve still made a tidy profit.

  7. Same New England Brahmins who got their panties in a twist and called in the National Guard when migrants flooded their upscale properties this year. Yes I know it’s Nantucket and not Martha’s Vineyard which btw is a mere 7 hour swim away if you’re Ted Kennedy…but yeah, it’s the same Democrat, Liberal voting blue blood demographic.
    You get what you vote for.
    More please.
