21 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. I guess the election is over. The Obamas have declared Harris as Queen of America.

    1. Harris will win the election, make no mistake of that. The Ds will pull out all the stops to retain power and don’t care how obvious it’ll be. Might makes right.

    2. Yes, it was a “perfect phone call” … Obama style. Informing Camilla that she will be made the Candidate at the DNC Convention … “and then on to the Presidency”. Is this Obama’s version of “building the finest Vote Fraud Organization in the History of America”? Oh! Wait! That WAS Obama’s version … it’s just a mentally compromised Biden said the quiet part out loud.

  2. Will the Elites in Canada see the Harris “surge” and do what’s needed to remove PM Backstabber and dismantle his PMO crew?
    The Libs and Dems election/power playbooks are certainly interchangeable.

  3. RE: “Never let a tragedy go to waste.”
    Out of respect for Jasper, I refrained from making the following comment, but since it was a liberal that is trying to put a political spin on this disaster, allow me to counter that spin by reminding liberals that a significant to vast majority of these fires have been deliberately set, or not sparked by natural causes.
    But since this wacko liberal MP *from Ontario* felt the need to blame this disaster on climate change, I will suggest the possibility that it may be someone associated with, or supporting the these liberals, who have been in power for the last 9 years, that they may have just decided to let it burn.
    And if my comment ruffles a few feathers, well, I don’t care. They want to play this game, then lets play it — HARDBALL!

    1. There’s all kinds of spin from liberals and their enablers trying to pin the blame on climate change, the Alberta government for a spending cut in 2017 (since more than reversed, btw), and Danielle Smith personally. Like I alluded to in reader tips, that place was overgrown for years, which allowed the pine beetle spread to begin with, and then leaving the standing dead for as long as they did, the park was basically the worlds largest pack of matches. There was no stopping it once it started.

      I am legitimately mad as hell this was allowed to happen and the blame rests solely with Parks Canada. I have also been trying to act with restraint but seeing and hearing every liberal outlet out there jump on the opportunity…

        1. In fact it was! But the twitter and facebook bots all blame Danielle Smith for that- conveniently ignoring this years budget, of course.

  4. An America where Harris polls anywhere close to Trump is an America that is far closer to a point of no return than we might previously have believed. Add media onslaught in her favour, pushing the first woman president narrative, and never Trumpers, and stir. Add fraud to get her over the finish line and voila! The American Republic is done for. Obama certainly mortally wounded her, and Biden has nearly bled out the body, but, perhaps with some last bit of naivety, I have held out some small hope that America could still be saved, albeit with great effort required.

    But Harris in the WH would end that hope. No recovery possible from there.

    I hold out no such hope for this decaying corpse of a county, mind you. Canada is in terminal and unrecoverable decline.

    1. Kameltoe will need a new set of kneepads when she goes head-to-head with Putin or Xi.

  5. “Mr. Erdogan is sitting on two stools. And this is something that will have to be resolved in the near future if he wants to join the eurasian club that the Russians and the Chinese have set up in two organizations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS. In this case, I would say that Mr. Erdogan is tilting towards the east and is likely to cut some of his ties in the west. But that is something we’ll have to watch closely. Nonetheless, it’s understandable that he wants to re-establish relations with Syria if the neighborhood, the Arab League, is also considering warming relations with Syria, then Turkey should not be far behind. So this makes a lot of sense.”


  6. https://www.frontpagemag.com/who-is-kamala-harris/

    A nice article sent to me this AM which goes into great detail on the V-P and probable next Prez.

    Harris is part of that good old communist infiltration into American political parties which culminated in a communist gay President and now it looks like the commies will have a second Prez.
