It’s Finally Over!

Global- British Columbia lifts COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health-care workers

B.C. provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has ended the COVID-19 public health emergency in British Columbia and ended the COVID-19 vaccine mandate in health-care settings.

However, the province is making it mandatory for health-care workers to disclose their immunization status, including COVID-19, influenza and measles vaccines.

Collecting these records will allow health-care administrators to make staffing decisions in the event of an exposure, outbreak, or future pandemic.

27 Replies to “It’s Finally Over!”

  1. “However, the province is making it mandatory for health-care workers to disclose their immunization status, including COVID-19, influenza and measles vaccines.”

    So whats the difference then? They are still going to make the un-vaccinated into Pariahs, that was the intention all along and it seems they are still loathe to give it up..

  2. Just how many, if any, of the 2500 B.C. Healthcare Workers who were terminated for not taking two shots to be re-hired remains to be seen. I suspect very few will be. THIS. Was pure 100% Tyranny. Looks like B.C. might be having a hard time attracting new people and the plebe voters are seeing. That’s the only reason I can figure the Marxists would rescind that worse than useless mandate.

    1. The Conservatives passed the ENDP in polling, so, Ideologue Dix told Bonnie Nazi to end it, despite all their contradictory statements regarding this measure, as recent as 2 weeks ago.

      1. Yup. Only rescinded because of the coming election.

        And they wonder why they have a nursing shortage.

  3. Pathetic that they kept this up for so long — long after the negative effects of the vaccine were known. No one has paid a price for this misguided policy. Henry should be fired. My daughter has paid a price. She lost considerable income when she lost her job (a solitary job in the forest) due to the mandates.

    1. I believe that the government unions in BC were bought off. They certainly betrayed their workers.

      1. EVERY union in Canada betrayed its Membership on the Covid horseshit. But the same traitors are in charge of the unions, and like sheep everywhere, the Membership is obviously content with that.

  4. Kate you have to stop the censorship. If this is what you want then you need to bail on the on your site. Censorship is never right or good.

      1. VOWG is upset that his comments are being dropped. I don`t blame him, but I will say that this is happening to all of us, myself included.
        Kate replied that his comment got filtered because he may have used a word he shouldn`t have.
        If that were the case, maybe we should know what those filtered words are so that we wouldn`t use them, but then, that would be self-censorship, wouldn`t it?
        OTOH, it`s Kate`s site, and she can do whatever she wants with it.

        1. “Kate replied that his comment got filtered because he may have used a word he shouldn`t have.
          If that were the case, maybe we should know what those filtered words are so that we wouldn`t use them, but then, that would be self-censorship, wouldn`t it?”

          Anything with the consecutive letters O, R and C in them:


          (etc, etc)

          It’s not personal…it was done to try and reduce the amount of vicious, unrelenting trolling done by a certain person here with multiple identities. It didn’t work (she just switched to ‘ork’) but was a good try anyway. Kate would never censor anyone unless absolutely necessary.

  5. VOWG, Host your own site,let anyone say what they will and you can be Canada’s Best Blog.

  6. While I’m certainly not advocating, if somebody tried to shoot a notch in Bonnie’s ear, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  7. Oh my word. Welcome, BC, to 2021. Which is when some of us knew that crap was worse than useless.

  8. The fascist NDP are worried they will lose the Provincial election to the Conservatives.
    The BC Conservatives will have an enquiry into the Tyrannical rule of the BCNDP re the Covid scam.
    The BCNDP are terrified theyre lawlessness and Despotism will be exposed.

    Theres a reason Comrade Dix has said NO to an enquiry into the Covid scam… hes a criminal and so is his hand picked psychopathic front woman, Bonnie Shitler.
    They rewarded themselves with bonuses and pay raises as they destroyed citizens freedom.
    The BCNDP are dangerously corrupt… just as bad as the federal Liberal/NDP Party.

    The BC Nurses Union is also corrupt to the core.
    They did not protect their members and were most likely bought off.
    Crimes against humanity… lets see the e mails and all communications between Dix and Shitler… lets see “the science” that we know they dont have.
    What are the BCNDP hiding ? Why are they afraid to be transparent ?
    Why are they trying to cover up their crimes ?
    Theyre only hope is to remain in power and destroy all evidence, if they havent already.
    Attempted mass murder will have consequence for these monsters.

  9. The left coast loves them some Covid mandates / lockdowns.. Turbo cancer and blood clots for the win?..

  10. My daughter among the “constructively dismissed”; we’ll see about the details from Frau Doktor Bonnie Heinrich.
    They don’t care and haven’t for a long time.
    These ballot box clowns deserve the electoral drubbing they have so richly earned. 🙂
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

    1. Hans…
      Your Daughter has integrity and intelligence and she is a brave soul. I would be very proud of her as she withstood an onslaught of propaganda and coercion… pure evil.
      Her and every other Nurse should demand the leadership of the BC Nurses Union step aside… they are corrupt.
      Unfortunately, British Columbia is the second most politically corrupt jurisdiction in Canada only behind Queerbak.
      I admire your Daughters integrity and appreciate her common sense and her bravery.
      Good for her!

  11. She’s a vindicative c-word.
    Nah, she couldn’t just make a good, albeit, looooong overdue decision. She had to balance this with some offsetting tyranny.
    Public health, my ath; more like public insanity.

    1. She didnt make the decision, she’s just the messenger of a corrupt, ideological socialist cnt, goes by the name of Dix. The only reason it happened, was the commie ENDP has been passed in the polls by the Conservatives, who have been calling for the end of this garbage policy almost since it was implemented.
      Fck the ENDP.

  12. Did she apologize? Did she say they were wrong? This ain’t over. Not by a long shot.

  13. yep, not a great deal of Mz Henrys medical expertise involved in this one. no, preemeer E.B finally figured out that he and his co horts are in deep kaka politically. hell just two months ago, i was sent some money from the provincial insurance company as a ” rebate ” for some of their overpayment charges.
    nothing like buying votes —- didnt matter I promptly donated to the provincial conservatives. so in this instance the money was better spent.
