July 26, 2024: Reader Tips

This evening, we present a 1935 spy thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock: The 39 Steps With Rotten Tomatoes ratings of 96%/86%, it’s well worth a watch.

Your most thrilling tips of late are much appreciated!

36 Replies to “July 26, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. My mid 50s sister is controller of a successful business in Western Canada. They get audited from time to time by the Feds (CRA). My sister asked for an extension on the annual audit. She told the auditor that she has a form of cancer that has a good probability of ending her life within a year. She is willing to do the audit but asked if they could move it to early Fall. She needs a bit more time as the chemo every two weeks is knocking her on her back and making it hard to eat and she needs rest to deal with the cancer and chemo and to give her better odds of recovery. The CRA auditor responded, without blinking an eye, that “you have to also consider things from my perspective”.
    And what consideration would that be that has some equivalency? You will die within the year if you don’t get the audit done on your timeline?

    1. Well, My condolences, and not because your sister is being audited. There are some things that are just more important than being audited. I hope you are not offended if I offer a prayer for your sister.

      1. Please do. Two or three church groups are praying for her too. Thanks

    2. His perspective is greed and victimhood.

      Your sister’s is being responsible.

      That is cruel and unusual scumbaggery

    3. There is an auditor that needs, well I better not put it in print. I pray your sister gets healing and heaven, we all know where CRA auditors go…

    4. She should complain to her MP. The attitude of the CRA auditor is appalling. Best wishes to your sister.

      1. LindaL and Billy – To be fair we don’t know what cruel and unusual punishment awaits the CRA auditor. Perhaps his/her boss threatened to take away their refugee status or worse, misgenders the auditor when they don’t meet quota. The auditor may have lied in their response to the job description “Preference will be given to Narcissistic Psychopaths” and doesn’t want to be discovered as having the empathy gene.

    5. CRA came at me 3 times. 1st time the refused to accept cancelled chqs same amount month after month recipient was the landlord as proof or rent paid
      next time they disagreed with self employed designation and COPIED my earnings to the wages and salary box and nxt 2 years demanded taxes on my now double income.
      nxt time l worked for a contractor whose office was his dashboard and failed to issue T4s
      l won every time having the documents to prove my position. after that 3rd time they got a severely blistering attack accusing them of WASTING my taxes chasing after taxes l didnt owe; do it again and l go to the media who love stories like that.
      my condolences.

      1. Watch & Listen – Thanks for the tip on how to respond. Bullies continue to be bullies until they meet up with those who push back.

  2. I wonder how schweinie-lovers who squawk about “dangers of pushing Russia into the arms of China” and suchlike nonsense, find the story of the planned Comac C929 aircraft?


    Originally it was meant to be called CR929 (for China-Russia), but after Russia invaded Ukraine, it became much difficult for the Russians to do what they were doing for most of their existence – buy or copy something from abroad and claim it for thier own (which is the essence of “Russian high-tech”), so they became completely useless to the Chinese and were dumped. In that case at least, the West actually pushed Russia out of arms of China (and into the stone age where the russische schweine most certainly belong), so maybe schweinie-lovers should actually support sanctioning Russia?

    1. “schweinie” is that like “poopy-pants” or “dum-dum”?

      Russia, like that other justifiably paranoid nation — Israel, has been highly successful at going her own way .. by whatever means available. When President Trump finally sits and talks Turkey with Putin, it will be a great day for humanity — not so great for the Western Billionaire war-profiteers and the Islamo-crazies.

    1. 2 problems: turd and the communist broadcasting nitwits. One smells like shite, one is. But that too, is interchangeable.

  3. Jews No. 1 Target: Government Data

    Canada will never get rid of the HATE until the Government decides to get rid of the HATERS.
    Legislation to charge/convict them, strip them of citizenship and then to DEPORT them is a must.
    This has already started in some European countries. It must start in Canada.

    1. I do not want to prosecute strong emotions. I want to prosecute and diminish people who BREAK THE LAW.

    1. Apparently, there appears to be some kind of sporting event going on in Paris.

      Who knew! (who cares!)

      1. Sharp eye there, fc. Yes, they are holding the World Virtue-Signaling Championships in Paris. It’s a blood sport.

        1. Must agree with you two. In past Olympics, the CBC and NBC broadcasts were pathetic and unwatchable. I’d watch some soccer and basketball, but nothing else. I also think that the IOC is crooked and that the Olympics waste taxpayers’ money.

  4. Chinese and Russian bombers flying exercises together over the Bering Strait.
    There’s a first time for everything.

    1. “https://x.com/koshercockney/status/1816839390183792868?s=46”

      A REALLY good link, that one. Thanks for sharing it.
