Kamala’s Amerika

People deserve the politicians they vote for. Canadians are now suffering the consequences of the oppressive policies brought in by Wonderboy Trudeau. If Americans are so stupid to vote for Kamala Harris, it won’t take long to realize what a disastrous effect that has on them and their livelihoods.

20 Replies to “Kamala’s Amerika”

  1. In the dictionary, under “batshit crazy” there should be a picture of Kommie Harris

  2. The propaganda ministry – AKA the Main Stream Media – is into hyperdrive trying to memoryhole everything Kackles has done.

  3. If Amerika isn’t already beyond the point of no return on its road to DemonRat ruin, it surely will be if Komrad Kamala gets her way.
    From https://www.zerohedge.com/political/if-you-thought-biden-was-bad-look-promises-kamala :
    1. Promises to ban fracking and offshore drilling
    2. Supports mediocrity over merit: “equal outcomes for all”
    3. Wants more big government / deficit spending
    4. Supports free healthcare and housing for illegals
    5. Hoax peddler (Smollett, Charlottesville, Border agents whipped migrants, Russiagate, Biden is healthy)
    6. Wants more funding for foreign wars
    7. Race-baiter
    8. BLM supporter
    9. Supported Defund the Police
    10. Supports woke DEI ideology
    11. Was ranked as the “most liberal” Senator (100/100)
    12. Wants to pack the Supreme Court
    13. Supports ending the filibuster to pass radical legislation
    14. Climate change zealot
    15. Supports open borders
    16. Wants to abolish ICE
    17. Wants the government to legislate what you eat, including less red meat
    18. Supports restricting the 2nd Amendment
    19. Wants to replace private insurance with universal healthcare
    20. Election denier

    1. the FACT a person with THAT in their CV can gain and hold such high office in 2024 DEMONSTRATES HOW FAR WE ARE FROM COMMON SENSE.
      and *because* it is happening *at that level* the conclusion is we are scaaaaREWED.

      1. It also demonstrates how detached from reality many people are and how easy it is to turn their brains to mush with propaganda.

        1. read up on Josef Goebbels. watch some vids. the man pioneered modern application of propaganda. unafraid early in the game to use the term, boast how effective it was/is.
          one of the top 5 gnat sees. relying on a constant stream of exaggeration, outright lies, with widely known truths blended to ramp up credibility.

          the American gnat see party is reborn with a black(?) woman. hey hey MEdia
          you did it !!!! im gonna buy stock in the broadcasters and publishers !!!

  4. I’m in agreement with the OP here. If you vote for the Democrats or the Liberal Party of Canada in the next election and have to be convinced otherwise then you’re just stupid or collecting government cheese. For all the others, I don’t understand why you would need convincing that things are in a very bad state and going to get worse. Much much worse. You get the government you deserve.

  5. The problem with people who vote for Kamala is that they’re so sure, they’ll vote multiple times.

    1. Lol. Youtube made me watch a 30 second Kamala ad, close up on her face, before I could watch that clip. Perfect.

      Politicians have always been slick and greasy but they really embraced the plastic face look around the time Clinton was pres.

    2. l rented the flic and liked it so much l claimed l lost it and instead of ‘new replacement’ cost l pd them ‘used merchandise’ price.
      poor Mr Buttle. or was it Tuttle. bureaucracy gone utterly and comically insane.

      p.s. in the movie momsy winds up spilling out of a casket her plastic parts having ‘separated’.

  6. Almost black and vagina.. Glass ceiling here we come :).. Beyond that I have nothing good to say..

  7. Trudeau should never be compared to Kameltoe, he’s not man enough or smart enough.

    1. They share the same don’t pay your dues coronation feature.
      In Trudeau’s case he needed the CBC, Duffy and his debate interruptus campaign to pull of his power putsch.
      But he was taking on a tired, aged government, instead of running with one, but the same sycophantic media.
      Can’t wait for Kommiemala’s mainstream epiphany of she doesn’t want open borders, fired cops or “equity.”
      Then again, this bunch were recently trying to pull a cadaver on a cart across the November finish line.
      Methinks time will not be kind to Kommiemala. Imho the Democrats just stepped into a pile of collectivist crap.
      We will see if this latest totalitarian full court press Hail Mary of a disinformation steal of an election will work.
      Wouldn’t put it past them. Nobody should. Power, money and war is their oxygen; they have no other energy.
