Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Unknown Saboteurs Into Your Car

80,000 travelers affected;

A major rail system in France has been massively disrupted ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremonies later today.

Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF) tweeted Friday morning that “Following this massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network, a large number of trains were diverted or canceled.”

Jean-Pierre Farandou, the CEO of SNCF, told reporters Friday the attacks on the rail system included “arson” and intentionally damaging cables. The state-run rail line said it doesn’t know who’s behind the attacks.

23 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Unknown Saboteurs Into Your Car”

  1. “The state-run rail line said it doesn’t know who’s behind the attacks”
    Really? I think it just MIGHT be commies or islamists. Or an unholy combination of the two. I guess that’s just me.

    1. Could be a state actor. FSB, or false flag MI5, or double false flag FSB. This kind of stuff happens now a lot in Europe – we’re back to umbrella murders.

  2. This is Islamophobia, straight up. Someone is trying to shut down the first Olympics held in a Muslim country.

  3. Russia and Trump for sure. The only literally hitlers in the world. And people that know that sci-fi authors are pedos. Those people are bad too.

    1. The American media told me that Putin sent a spy disguised as a Russian comedian to wreak havoc in France. It’s almost as if the US State Dept. has run out of ideas … so they just retell the story of Zelensky … with a Russian accent.

    1. But, but, but … LeBron James! Simone Biles! How can you not CARE? Deeply ? What? Are you racist?

  4. You ever get the gut feeling that something big is going to happen at the Olympics?
    Not a Munich event but something close.

    1. Potential TV viewership for the Olympics is way down. They need some drama to rekindle interest. (yawn)

  5. Meh.
    The Olympic “security” is being provided by the same “Skilled experts” protecting their borders.
    Using the same set of skills used to “protect” Donald trump.
    On the other hand,the only way to get the Perversity Games some attention would be to shoot ’em up..
    Cause no one will pay any attention to their political correctness..

  6. This is so typical of modern infrastructure. Find a few pinch points and cripple the system. This is true for the rail, highway and electrical systems in Canada. A few well placed locations could bring down our infrastructure and we have no redundancies and limited resources to effect repairs

    1. The infrastructure needs hardening.
      At the Icefields park entrance west of Rocky Mtn House, the gate house and generator bldg were built bullet proof to reduce damage from off-season target shooting.

  7. let in millions of hostile migrants…….. what do you think is going to happen?
    coming to a cana_duh! city near you

  8. I saw a few minutes. Essentially a big pride parade complete with a bridge full of trannies and plenty of naked dudes.

    Thankfully it rained.
