8 Replies to “We just built the damned pipeline…”

  1. The fire took a few days to reach the town. They saw it coming. They couldn’t build a fire break in that time?
    The story says the fire jumped the highway. Perhaps they expected the highway to act as a fire break? Well there be an inquiry?

    1. The Park is the responsibility of the federal government. They neglected to clean up the dead trees and underbrush for the last 100 years.

      Park officials warned the feds the place was a powder keg capable of explosion at any time. Their warnings were ignored.

      Ask the Bong what happened and why.

      On top of the feds negligence is the area of jurisdiction. The Province is expected to fight the fires. Imagine the conversations that take place at fire command between the competiting jurisdictio s federal, provincial and municipal.

  2. When are the effing idiots ever going to learn. In not all that many years 3 Alberta towns have burned, Slave Lake, Fort McMurray, and now Jasper. When coniferous forests lead right into town there is no stopping a forest fire. There should be a one kilometer break with no spruce, pine, or fir around every town and limited coniferous within town. Deciduous forest is not a problem. 60 years ago I watch a forest fire burn through a mile of deciduous forest. It took all summer. Back in the day they didn’t even bother fighting it.

    1. lve pondered that Q decades. l flew to a town west of thunder bay 1983 (cant recollect the name) surrounded by trees. it occurred to me why why why dont these people living in a FIREPLACE do ‘something’ about it?
      what is it? HOW MANY po wobegottens townes have to BURN TO THE GROUND?
      how many ye civic officials? insurance companies? family business owners?

    2. In not all that many years 3 Alberta towns have burned, Slave Lake, Fort McMurray, and now Jasper.

      The bold is your answer.

  3. Forest management?
    Fire prevention?
    Site preparation?
    What are these fantastic things of which you speak?
    Global Warming done it.
    There are no consequences for morons in authority.
    Covid as in Dread Covid Theatre,highlit the obvious.
    Without consequences,fools and bandits will swarm society.
