28 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Wow, a post with no profanity and valid criticism of the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security vanished with the click of a button. Wow.

    1. “Wow, a post with no profanity and valid criticism of the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security vanished with the click of a button. Wow.”

      I’ve never had a post vanish here that did not contain a word containing the consecutive letters O, R and C.

      (and yes, you can thank Jessica for that…)

      You probably used the common word ‘f0rce’, either directly in your post, in a quote or even in the text of a link. Or perhaps ‘0rchestrate’. You’re the last person who would ever be deliberately censored here, VOWG.

      1. I just tried to post a link to a list of words containing ORĆ but the damn link used the word, so you’ll have to search it. It’s a huge list.

        How many posts have been burned because someone used the word Motor-Cycle?

        1. “I just tried to post a link to a list of words containing ORĆ but the damn link used the word, so you’ll have to search it. It’s a huge list.”

          It really is…from 0rca to f0rce to p0rch to div0rce to 0rchards to s0rceress to reinf0rcements. Close to 200 words, by a rough count.

          “How many posts have been burned because someone used the word Motor-Cycle?”

          Even after I figured out the problem I had a couple of posts disallowed by allowing a banned word in a quote (and even once in a link). It’s annoying, for sure. Don’t take it personally, people … 🙂

    1. Easy enough to answer. It has a domed roof similar to a sloped roof. So way too dangerous for USSSA.

  2. Of course Wray knows. There’s a concerted effort to minimize the assassination attempt. And, of course, denying their complicity in it.

    It’s amazing how, presto changeo, reality becomes non-reality to these folks. Same with idiot Kamala’s sudden rebirth as a smart, competent woman. That anybody believes this shit is mind boggling to me. But apparently a lot of people do without a thought.

    1. The Demarxists could run Charlie Manson as their leader, and they would still have 35% support. It’s a brain dead party, the welfare GIMMEDAT party of followers.

  3. I know why Wray said what he did. Last night, I had dinner with a friend and her sister in Chicago. The sister is an unhinged, low-IQ Democrat who believes every single pro-Leftist conspiracy theory that comes her way. Her translation of Wray’s comment to us was: “The FBI Director said that Trump wasn’t shot.”

    Propaganda at work.

  4. Having a quick read of his wiki, Wray is a typical forked-tongue snake lawyer. His father + grandfather both lawyers. Private school, private boarding school, Yale Philosophy and Yale Law. Of course he can split hairs and talk his way out of anything. Of course he can speak legalese ’til kingdom-come, he wasn’t put up there as #1 @ FBI for nothing.

  5. If Trumps wins election (you know, assuming the counting is in fact legit), the first sentence out of his mouth after he takes the oath of office, should be “Chris Wray. Pack your bags – YOU’RE FIRED!!!”

    1. And you will be investigated by the DOJ in the coming weeks and months and years.

  6. Ask Wray a really simple question at his next public appearance: ‘shrapnel’ *from what*, exactly?

    The teleprompters weren’t hit…what else was there that could possibly have created ‘shrapnel’?

    1. And Fred, we need to ignore that image showing a bullet that just passed through Trump’s ear.

      Nothing to see here. Move along.

      1. “And Fred, we need to ignore that image showing a bullet that just passed through Trump’s ear.”

        Yeah, that too. Awfully flat trajectory for ‘shrapnel’.

        “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

        They are counting on it, HR…it has always worked for them in the past, right?

          1. “Awful bullety trajectory for ‘shrapnel’”

            Gotta love that camera, though. Wow.

    2. “The teleprompters weren’t hit…what else was there that could possibly have created ‘shrapnel’?”

      Just found out that those teleprompters were on the *wrong side* of Donald Trump to have caused such shrapnel even if they had been hit (which they were not)…

  7. We are surprised at Wray’s statement, please tell me why? Fifty-one ‘intelligence’ agents, all upper management, lied about the laptop, were we surprised? The Epstein suicide, were we surprised? The Weiner laptop contents had no Hilary e-mails on it, were we surprised? The Benghazi incident was sparked by a video, were we surprised? I could go on for hours but the bottom line is as old as the hills, when a liar gets away with one lie the practice will be repeated. The problem before us is that there are more liars, charlatans, poofters, poltroons and out and out crooks running our lives that, short of a revolution, there is nothing we can do about it. But take heart for we are not alone, the cancer is global and someone, like the Canadian Truckers, somewhere will begin the amputation that will succeed.

  8. “The guy that died. And the 2 wounded. What were they hit with, spitballs?”

    Fake news. Trump staged the whole thing. Nobody died and you’re a racist and bigot if you think they did…

    (for the really dim ones)
