11 Replies to “Citius, Altius, Fornicus”

  1. Anyone who still think the west are still the good guys needs his head examined.

  2. The world has become one giant pride parade.

    Where’s Bruce Jenner? How can the Olympics have a tranny last supper without inviting the only gold medal winning tranny?

    What does lady gaga have to do with France? Pervert idol.

    1. Not the world. Just the west.
      This is what Jessica and his surfer want for Ukraine and Russia.

  3. OK … I dare Paris to do a Mohammed parody. Let’s see how Transexual they can dress-up Allah … or depict him as an obese lesbian?

  4. I guarantee you that Moderate Muslims Everywhere have no problem with Alphabet people making fun of Islam.
    Next up for the insanely normal: An Auschwitz parody at the Winter Olympics!

  5. It’s an unrelenting shit bombardment, isn’t it. Budweiser beer, John Deere, CBC, OJO TV ads, our local drug store, etc.

    My boycott list is growing by skips and prances.

    1. Jamie M.: “My boycott list is growing by skips and prances.

      Skips and prances. I am s-o-o-o stealing that one, Jamie.

  6. Hamas promised to attack the Paris Olympics. For once, I’ll be disappointed if they renege on that promise. Especially since it’s become a degenerate-fest.

  7. Sickening, notice MSM aren’t reporting how revolting it was just the reaction “Right wing religious people are angry” or something akin.
