Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa


Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s visit to Beijing last week was built around an understanding of China that’s at least a decade out of date.

The minister and more than a few media analysts lauded the opportunity (the first by a Canadian foreign minister in almost seven years) for “dialogue” with China’s leadership. But dialogue involves a conversation, a shared approach to illuminate or resolve an issue. It’s what happens when senior officials from normal countries meet. But China hasn’t been a normal country since Xi Jinping ascended to paramount leadership in 2013. Xi’s China doesn’t do dialogue. […]

China almost certainly saw the visit in historical terms, as the deference shown to the ruler in Beijing by the emissary of a smaller state. And in this particular case such deference will be understood, unhelpfully, as Canada being invited to apologise face-to-face for daring to complain about China’s behaviour.

And more from Sam Cooper: The Power behind Mélanie Joly’s bow to Beijing

13 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. ” . . . the emissary of a smaller state.”

    Which is objectively the fact. The only way Canada can objectively claim to be something more than that is to acknowledge that it is a flying monkey of the First World.

  2. Mélanie Joly….whoooo! The little French fry from faggy potato’s cabinet, that commands respect, doesn’t it?
    Canada is a loony northern left wing satellite of the US that would not exist in its current form without total protection from America.
    I hope Trump takes hold of Ottawa, we will not survive until Oct 2025.

  3. Frankly, I’d almost welcome Chinese commies in power because I know the first thing they’d do is take traitors like Joly, Juthtin, Telford, Butts and the rest out to a field with a big trench.

    1. …followed by anyone else who isn’t Han. Be careful of what you wish for.

    1. Indeed. Because communism appeals to the stupid and the lazy. It takes no great intellect to run a totalitarian state.

  4. Front page news. Is what this deserves to be.

    Media in canada are cowardly and awful and corrupt.

  5. Behind the media defended red curtain is the Laurentian Elite in bed with the Chi-Coms. It’s no wonder that they are so resentful and contemptuous of the western resource sector actually doing well without such alliances while they see nothing wrong with their CCP “connections”. In Terry Glavin’s words, “how do you deal with national security when you believe in the post national state?” On the world stage, Canada is seen as a yappy little dog cowering under the military skirt of the US, a vision certainly shared by the CCP. Being one of their puppets should be difficult to reconcile for LPC elite unless their contempt for Canada is matched by their alignment with CCP hegemony despite the public caning they receive by their CCP masters. “Contempt for Canada” from Quebec MPs should not be considered particularly shocking.

  6. China should occupy Vancouver now as there would be NO push back from the Biden- Harris government as they are in disarray because of the current political situation. No push back from Canada as they would tolerate it. Armed conflict on the streets of Vancouver will not happen.Fighter planes in Vancouver will not happen. Armed conflict will not happen,so Canada is ripe for invasion. Now is the time for China to act. Don’t laugh, it’s not funny or out of the question.

  7. How could a state organ harvesting program assist budget deficits?

    Asking for a friend.

    1. For this regime, it would be a money loser as despite the profitability of selling organs, they would over-staff and under deliver. It’s their model. Added to the loss would be the extra costs of health care and pensions of those who would otherwise die from not getting the organs. Dead people are the preferred outcome for the health care system’s administrators concerned with their budgets.
