Question Asked

So, I’ve returned from my travels and I have questions. Among them, why is a planet-wide celebration of athleticism and uncommon sporting prowess being introduced with yet another tedious display of cross-dressing, oddly selective sacrilege, and self-satisfied obesity?

Answers on a postcard, please.

58 Replies to “Question Asked”

  1. Offensive and perverted. I think many people are put off by these bizarre displays,to the point where they will not bother watching the Olympics. I won’t be watching.

    1. 100%! This book’s cover looks and smells like a POS. Besides, Canada’s 1st medal was in CHEATING. I have zero urge to watch.

    2. LindaL – It is a shame that the young Olympians who sacrifice their childhood by working 20 to 40 hours a week to be the best in the world at something, are having their moment of recognition and reward eclipsed by predators and pedophiles.

      “Dutch Olympian who raped a 12-year-old girl ‘is not a paedophile’, official says”

      1. There needs to be justice for the girl.
        If he is found guilty, hang him.
        Olympian does not give him a pass.

    3. I’m not watching either even before this grotesque display. I am done with and have been down for a long time with this gross overspending on sports with the tax payers money. “Let them eat cake.”

    4. The Last Supper parody was vilely blasphemous. And then there was the rider on the pale horse. In the biblical book of Revelation the rider on the pale horse represents death and God’s judgement (one of four that destroys the wicked). Ironically, were these vile pagans signaling their own demise? Surely whoever put this together was aware of the symbolism. Or were they laughing in the face of God, asserting judgment will never come to them? Daring God to annihilate them? I can assure them that, even if delayed, judgment WILL come to them. And I would hate to be them when it does.

    5. Me neither. As a Catholic I am disgusted and angry. I usually watch it a lot. it is dead to me now.

  2. That summary really captures the event. To add, it is not original, clever, unifying, or uplifting.
    I’m with LindaL.

    1. Exasperated – You are not alone.

      “This was extremely disrespectful to Christians,” – Elon Musk

      “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the #Paris2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. #notinmyname” – French politician Marion Maréchal

      “The Paris Olympics is under fire for including a *child* in their hyper-s*xualized, blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper. Instead of bringing people together, the planners of the event apparently wanted to mock the religion of 2.4 billion people,” one user wrote.

      1. at least they got it right. the judas looking away, to the left of the fat one in the middle, the one representing the Lord Christ Son of God.
        ooooooh boy they’se gonna be in REAL DEEP doo doo when the time comes.
        l was watching some YT vids on the question of the unforgivable sin.
        calculated DELIBERATE
        mocking of the Godhead. The repercussion and consequence is guaranteed.

  3. Is it stupid season again? Look, folks, this is clown world revealing its satanic side. Evil needs to show off. It’s a compulsion. I don’t watch the Olympics and you shouldn’t either, otherwise, you’re endorsing and supporting evil.

  4. In the comments, some says it’s almost like a humiliation ritual.

    It absolutely is a humiliation ritual. It is designed to demoralize decent people.

  5. Its the media.
    We really can’t hate them enough.
    I heard most of the “Opening Ceremony” and it struck me the athletes are being set up.
    Our media ghouls need another Munich.

  6. I was relieved when I saw they’d started. Now the promo stuff is done and the clock’s running.
    It helps.

  7. I’m trying to picture myself watching this opening ceremony with grandparents and children present. I just can’t.
    Sick politically motivated propaganda disguised as ‘art’….

  8. Who ever is in charge is putting this in our faces on purpose and laughing at us and challenging us by saying “ what are you going to do about it little man?” And they are not wrong.

    1. We don’t have to do anything. GOD himself is quietly keeping score. One day the clock will wind down to judgement day.

  9. I’m wondering whether Olympics viewership is declining. Don’t have an answer. AndcI wonder is the big media corporations (e.g. NBC) make money after paying out huge sums for broadcasting rights. With CBC they don’t care, since their goal is to spew as much woke propaganda no matter what the cost. But I think TSN has co-rights. Does BellMedia, which runs TSN, make money on the Olymics? Last time I checked BellMedia was losing money.

    1. I cut cable about 2 years ago and so have many of my friends and relatives. I have not cared about the Olympics ever but especially since that “Presidente” Juan Sameranz (sp?) took over in the early 90’s. I DO care about the athletes – perhaps start supporting them in the Canada Games or one of the other sports arenas.
      The first I heard about this mockery of my religion is on the website Biz Pac Review with its’ roundup of daily headlines. I am appalled, as they would never do this to Hinduism, Buddhism and especially not to Islam.

        the corruption when Samaranch was boss was seriously deep. he had 21 years to put it in place, plenty of time to make it permanent.
        not a word of this in Wiki.

        thus the Olympics resembles professional wrestling now and has for a considerable time. ‘amateur athletics’; there was a time HOLDING APART TIME JOB DISQUALIFIED YOU FROM COMPETITION. thus, recall, lots and lots and lots of russian athletes were in the military. (that was the loophole). now we get pro baseball players competing.

        as to why it is also a drag queen contest, read up the book of Revelation, also various specific passages in the NT. The End Times have started. we’ve been given a heads up. its not going to be pretty.

  10. And now the IOC is aggressively asserting copyright in an effort to get the video clips off of X and anywhere else. They’d do this anyway, mind you, as the IOC are the most ruthless exploiters of IP law anywhere on the planet. But there’s a whiff of, “Oops the commoners won’t give us their money over this one, do scrub it ASAP to keep the wool over their eyes,” about it.

    I haven’t watched any Olympics since 2014 maybe? And don’t plan on resuming.

  11. They will never miss an opportunity to offend you.. This way your reaction makes you a hater.. Then they can take away your rights and throw you in jail..

    Politics, like sports is adversarial by design.. Anti hate laws are designed to create hate.. Fluffing up things that don’t matter, gaslighting for the reaction.. Its all they do these days..

  12. It’d be more upsetting if I thought these people would be alive in a few years.

  13. As a person who is neutral about religion, I don’t think this will have the impact the pro-trans, anti-trad crowd hoped.

    Personally, if I had to choose between the “far rights” ideal society with marriage, white picket fence, a family and going to church on Sunday -or- the pro-trans ideal society of gaudy vulgarity that exploits children, views women/femininity with very absurd and misogynistic stereotypes, and mocks religion and artwork in such a crude and unsophisticated manner…then the “far right” vision of society looks like the winner.

    I assume the IOCs classless display really just shows how they think being gross and offensive is a peak art form. No real creativity or sense of style and grace at all

  14. Morbidly obese men tarted up as ugly obese women mocking millions of decent people, carry on France but I won’t be degraded by the media or the Olyp-ervs.

    1. Check out what Paul of Tarsus said in the first chapter of his letter to the Romans. Answers a lot of questions. Not inferring anything about you.

  15. These ceremonies, like the Olympics, are a symbolic repeat of the history of a dying and decadent Roman Empire (Olympics were Greek, I know) only this time its western civilization. I suspect that not one nation state represented runs a balanced budget and instead borrows money that will never be repaid to fund these gaudy displays of mindless nationalism. It may be a big deal for the athletes but for most, its bread and circuses distraction.

  16. From the High Renaissance of DaVinci’s Last Supper to the Low Depravity of the LGBTQueer mockery of beauty. Mockery of all that is sacred.

    You go Low … My people go High

  17. Why are you guys even looking at it? Cuckservatism is the largest distribution channel of filth there is. Dislike share and make every advertising penny worth it!

    Ye olde “look at them!” Or “can you believe” posts are just monetized click bait.

    The Olympics are gay. It is known. And if you think it’s about the athletes, it’s not, they haven’t bothered to check their moral compasses either.

    They’ve got your consent and they very much appreciate the money.

  18. On the other hand, Celine Dion’s brave performance of Hymne a l’Amour set a high bar for the athletic endeavours to follow.

  19. Just wondering if the current Marxist Pope has anything to say about the Paris’ games blasphemy? Or is it just understood by the Catholics, who are responsible for one of the most famous landmarks in Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral, to be light hearted and tongue in cheek with no real harm intended? My gut feel is the wine and cheese party circuit Pope will remain silent.

  20. And Dear NBC … just for THAT spectacle … I won’t be watching ANY of the Olympics. Nada. You’ve kicked my interest right in the nuts from Day One. I’m too sore to watch.

    I cannot think of a more VILE Opening Ceremony since Adolph presided over the 1936 Berlin Olympics. This taboo tableau by the LGBTQueer Natzi’s demands the same heil Hitlerian salute. Sorry, civilized people refuse to salute

    1. Oh, I saluted alright, Kenji. I gave them the Two-handed One-finger Salute.

      Add me to that fast-growing l-o-o-o-n-g list of people who will not watch a single minute of the Olympics.

      BTW, what a bunch of effin’ idiots! They could have kept viewer ratings in decent territory if they had saved this travesty/insult for the closing ceremony when it was too late for anyone to boycott. But n-o-o-o… Had to do it up front and screw their sponsors. Whatta buncha MAROONS!

      1. I just heard the (obviously Ghey) “Artistic Director” of this Last Supper cock up … and he claimed (while smirking) that he wasn’t trying to be offensive … but rather inclusive, diverse, and loving … blah, blah, blah. As if … this floating Pride Parade wasn’t a one-eyed trouser trout poke in every hetero eye as are every other Pride Parades (speaking of single digit salutes)

        1. Inclusive and diverse and loving, eh? Anti-Catholic and diabolically Satanic I say.

    2. I’m watching just enough to see who the major advertisers are…and then I’ll boycott them after sending them a letter to express my disgust that they support that crap!

  21. I must have missed the parody of Mohammed “marrying” a six year old.
    At least I didn’t have to watch a long homage to their government health care system. (London 2012)
    The Olympics have become a public works program for artsy types and alphabet people.
    P.S. I was just walking through the room at one time when I saw headless women in windows. Was that supposed to be Marie Antoinette? Why celebrate a rather shameful period in French history.

  22. The simple fact of the matter is that mentally ill narcissists unhappy with their own lot in life have actually unified with others of like quality (thanks to the wonderful social media). They are a miniscule minority of the overall population in general, but here is what they have been able to accomplish:

    They have organized to identify and acquire those key positions that allow decision making in just about every overt industry. If there is a major corporation, they set their sites directly on the Human Resources department. If there is a school, they key in on administrative hiring and school board, then influence the hiring practices on teachers. In government they focus on acquiring non-elected regulatory agencies and positions of appointment that don’t require public scrutiny, but still provide the ability to apply fiat based decisions. In such cases as Disney and the Olympics, they focused on planning, hiring, and staffing.

    Essentially, it’s a very organized and well thought out mission statement. It deceives you into thinking there numbers are more than they are. And, the focus is always a position of decision making preferably without oversight. They’re damn good at it, and to this point people have been way too polite with them.

  23. The gay community is all Outed so they should help Out the terrorist community by doing Islam.

  24. It is all DEI, which now also embraces
    Egregious Incompetence and

  25. Any chance that in of those trannies in that disgusting video have dual French & Canadian citizenship? Maybe we can have them charged with a hate crime.

  26. I read on Facebook, so you know it’s true, that it wasn’t a parody of the Last Supper at all. That it was a depiction of Bacchanalia as a call back to the ancient Greek origins of the Olympics.

    It’s so true that it only took them a day to remember it after they totally didn’t succeed in deleting all digital memory of it. And also Bacchus was a Roman God, not Greek.
