The Sound Of Settled Science

Roger Pielke Jr;

Everyone knows that in recent years climate change has fueled floods, storms, and drought, making them much more common and intense. For instance, a 2023 Pew Research poll found that 84% of Americans believed that climate change had contributed to worsening floods, storms, or drought in their local communities.

The widespread public belief in climate change as a cause of the weather events that we experience and see on social media is nowadays conventional wisdom. It is a fact so obvious that it barely needs to be supported at all.

As renowned climate scientist Michael Mann explains, the detection of climate change is as simple as “turn on the television, read the newspaper or look out the window to see what is increasingly obvious to many.”

Given these apparently undeniable realities we might wonder why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) spends so much time and effort on assessing the science of the detection and attribution of changes in climate. Well, for the IPCC at least, science still matters.

Given widespread popular beliefs and media-friendly experts willing to cater to those beliefs, many are surprised, shocked even, to learn that the IPCC has arrived at conclusions on extreme events and climate change that are completely at odds with conventional wisdom and popular opinion.

19 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. thought I’d add this related article here,,,
    excerpt; The study, published in Science Direct in March 2024, confirms that the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited, with the limit having been reached decades ago. The study also confirms what climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has stated, which is that the “manufactured consensus of scientists at the request of policymakers” regarding climate change is all a ruse to push an agenda that has nothing to do with climate change. She insists that “Earth has survived far bigger insults that what human beings are doing.”

  2. Every day that isn’t perfect weather for a picnic is irrefutable evidence of climate change science fiction.

    Eco-activist funding is directly correlated to wildfires, more man made wildfires equals more funding.

    A tornado in Kansas? Funding. Heavy snow? Funding. A dry spell? Funding. A warm spring day? Funding.

    1. Philanthropist: “Every day that isn’t perfect weather for a picnic is irrefutable evidence of climate change science fiction.”

      Wrong! Haven’t you heard about extremely normal weather? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

      But the rest of your comment is exactly so, and extremely normal weather gets funding, too.

  3. Bunch of gobbledegook.
    The Sun controls the climate.
    Anyone who thinks otherwise is insane or retarded.
    Variances – don’t give a shit about term – are caused by all kinds of things, like farting Karens, belching volcanoes and falling asteroids.
    But the Sun controls the climate.
    Always has, always will.

  4. Yeah, everybody knows Glowball Warmening.

    Funny story, I met a Climate Scientist at as wedding one time, typical tweed-jacket European. Asked him straight out if the Glowball Warmening was the Real Thing. He nodded that yes it was indeed the real thing.

    And I knew right there that it wasn’t. Just the condescending look on his face was all the proof I needed.

    What about another great Lefty cause, overpopulation? Everybody -knows- the Earth is overpopulated and we’re all gonna die from overcrowding, right? What are the chances that they lied about that too?

    1. Depends how you define overpopulation. We certainly have at least one too many of Justin Trudeau.

  5. Here’s what I don’t believe. 84%. We are dumb. We are destroying our civilization and it’s not with CO2. It’s probably around 50%+ that believe it, so I take very little comfort in that. I remember a conversation with a bunch of CBC type acolytes in a bar in Toronto over 30 years ago, they all contemptuously asked, what do you think is causing it? I answered – the weather. It was me against everybody else, I stood alone. Groupthink didn’t even phase them.

  6. Pielke Jr is very much worth following on Substack. He writes extensively on the refusal of scientiste and governments to accept the fact that predictions have not come to pass.

    Canada’s budget document contained the following phrases.

    “Canada is already experiencing an increase in heat waves, wildfires, and heavy storms. These impacts—and the economic and health repercussions that come with them—will continue to accelerate if we do not act now.”

    Each claim was false, according to Environment Canada and the Forestry Service. I filed a complaint under the Access to Information Act demanding to know where Ms. Freeland got the information to support the claims.

    Response: We can’t tell you because of Cabinet Confidentiality!

    The Office of the Information Officer (tasked to keep the government honest) supported the Finance Department’s “reasoning.”

  7. The difference between a climate scientist and a used car salesman is when the used car salesman gets caught turning the odometer back he apologizes profusely in fear of getting charged for fraud and convicted. When the climate scientist gets caught cooling the past to make the present appear warmer he insist that he knows better what the past weather was like than the dedicated people who recorded those temperatures and expect a promotion and a large grand cheque cause he is creating the science Justin and Steven wants to hear.

  8. Anthropogenic climate change is “The Big Lie “! It is based on an Impossible And fraudulent Hypothesis! It is designed by the Left to provide a massive money grab and to control the masses!

  9. I have had the great good fortune to meet and listen to three actual climate scientists within the last fifteen years: Fred Michel, Iian Clark, and Michael Hart. They spoke at public venues that had been well advertised in advance. They all scoffed at the contention that current CO2 levels and temperature increases were “unprecedented “, and presented lots of data to back it up.

    During his presentation Michael Hart mentioned that a jet plane going through the sky did add a bit of heat to the atmosphere… and a pebble tossed in Lake Superior theoretically raises the water level. At that point a reporter from our local rag closed up her notepad and strutted out of the hall with her heels just a clicking, causing Hart to joke, “I hope it wasn’t something I said.”

    But it was indeed. The following week’s headlines blared: “Climate Scientist Confirms Humans Responsible for Global Warming”,

  10. And in a related story … Camilla Harris made the Border more secure than Donald Trump.

    1. Hyena Harris would be nowhere without having first unsecured Willie Brown’s pants.

  11. Global warming, climate change is a fraud that is designed to enrich Communist China at the expense of the Western world. Nothing more.

  12. Anyone, anywhere isvwelcome to try to demonstrate that CO2 is a cause of human-generated climate change rather that the result of naturally occurring climate change. I’ll wait.


    Bottom line is this: if the Earth was truly warming up in a catastrophic manner, you would see massive melting of the polar Ice caps which in turn would in fact increase Ocean levels.

    Given that the Financial institutions of the planet continue to provide 40-50 Yr Mortgages for Ocean Front Property – you know that Climate change is 100% BS. (Money Talks and BS walks)

    It’s been BS since day one, but is the linchpin of the Globalist Desire/Plan to see 95+% of Earths population DIE

  14. Climate is not weather, at least that what is I tell myself.


    we had 1 really hot day last summer(40c+), in the 3 years prior we had no really hot days.
    It’s been a fairly cold, wet winter as in consecutive days of coldest day in 20 odd years.
    What I presume in the increased winds are driving cold air from the Antarctic.

    But antarctic sea ice is growing /shrug or the climate guys just have no clue.
