20 Replies to “Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop”

  1. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Like the seemingly endless trial of Tamara Lich on what is basically a bylaw infraction, the Coutts trial is indicative of the power the state can have when it flexes its legal muscle. “Just give us a person — and we’ll create the case,” wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in ‘The Gulag Archipelago’. “Interrogation and trial are merely judicial corroboration. They cannot alter your fate, which was previously decided.”

  2. Putting all the blame on Turd Jr. is obscurantism. Turd Jr. is just a figure head for the laurentian group to hide behind.
    The rats in the Golden Triangle control Canada. This is not repairable and the only hope is WEXIT.

    Food for thought.
    Turd Jr. ran through Pierre the Turds money and as he was unemployable was living off his wife’s money.
    She finally got tired of it and told him to get a job.
    He sold his name to the highest bidder the Laurention group.
    Now that money train is coming to an end so wife is cutting him loose.


  3. The CBC problem.
    PP will not commit to defunding the CBC.
    I guess he hopes they will help him in Quebec.
    The problem with insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for change.
    Variation of this applies.

    1. Relax….you don’t show all your cards before an election…but you move FAST after you get elected. Fast enough that the bureaucratic immune system doesn’t have time to kick in.

      1. Entirely true. Ynot gets lots of things wrong. The worst error is his claim that Justatwit is bankrupt. This is nonsense. Justatwit had a net worth of more than $100 million in 2023.

        Your statement about not showing cards before an election is exactly so for the reason you stated.

        Even more absurd is his claim that Wexit will fix all this. Really, Ynot? What do you plan to do about Redmonton and the penchant of Calgary to elect the most extreme of Alberta’s socialists?

        1. PET stole $300 million in the PetroFina Petro Canada stock swap swindle. Surely JT couldn’t have blown through all that already.

      2. That’s probably why politicians are so despised. Maybe if they were honest they would be better off. As for offending the CBC or MSM if he’s a conservative he’s already despised. How does telling them the truth make it any worse?

    2. PP has publicly stated he will defund the CBC, and that in fact he can hardly wait to do so.

      Or hadn’t you heard?

    3. l still say dont defund it, sell it.
      then the entire world can learn what the front street building and all accouterments are worth on the open market.
      and PP gets to shrug and wash his hands.

      1. The CBC is unsalable. It cannot be sold intact. The new buyer would inherit the unions which would render it perpetually unprofitable. It is simply not possible to break the unions.

    4. He has said many many times that he will defund them as soon as he is elected so what are you on about?

        1. Why should he defund the CBC in Quebec? It constitutes the core of Quebec culture and a huge chunk of its economy, and the people worship it blindly. If we shut it down they’d just turn to fentanyl. It’s only outside Quebec that the CBC is toxic.

  4. “At the time, according to Yorgason, 30-40 cops surrounded his truck, and many had ‘thick Eastern European accents.’ Think of that what you will.”

    Umm, what’s that all about?

      1. Yes thank you. Maybe I should’ve accented the “thick Eastern European accents” part.

  5. Trudeau will never be able to walk the streets unmolested. He froze the bank accounts of Canadians. He should be in jail.

  6. These are show trials of the state. Whether it’s happy-faced fascists or cultural revolutionary Maoists, the goal is to terrorize the people to be cowering serfs rather than free born citizens with natural rights. The rule of law doesn’t exist in Canada for enemies of the ruling elites. Lady Justice has her blindfold removed and the scales are weighted.
