11 Replies to “Groomer Kingdom”

  1. Disney’s Next act:

    Change Michelle Obama back into a woman.

    Change Kamala Harris into someone intelligent.

    1. The first one is probably, technically, possible.

      I don’t think the second one can be accomplished in our lifetime.

  2. I was kind of surprised that no big deal was made about Drag Queen story hour outside of Cinderella’s Castle at the theme parks all Pride Month. All of the iconic princesses showed up to read to children, but the princesses were men dressed up as the iconic characters. If there was any question about the executives of Disney supporting this behavior it was put to rest in that Disney NEVER met a trademark infraction they didn’t like to challenge.

  3. Well … Camilla Harris paid homage to Drag Queens everywhere by appearing on Ru Paul’s Drag Queen beauty contest, or something. Very “presidential” …

    1. They sat down and plotted out the most blasphemous thing they could come up with. Clearly, that’s what they did. I have viewed none of the footage, and I never will if I can help it, but given the brief descriptions I’ve seen they went all out.

      The Olympic committee has officially apologized, so that’s at least an acknowledgement they were in the wrong. Really, I do not think an apology would have been forthcoming this time last year. The worm, as they say, is turning.

      I want to see them do Mo next. Pretty please, do try that one. In Paris. I have popcorn at the ready.

      1. I think that the French Olympic Committee was too busy with security concerns and let the opening ceremonies crew do as they please. I don’t really blame them for that since their local muzzies have been rioting off and on for what 3 years now? and they’ve pledged to run Paris red with blood for selling weapons to Israel. I imagine they’re paying a bit more attention to the closing ceremonies now.

      2. They apologized … then their spin consultants claimed it wasn’t a depiction of The Last Supper at all, but a heathen Greek Bacchanal or something. Yeah … the sacrilegious display has cost them dearly. And the Art Director who devised that deviant display said he was just trying to be … in-cluuu-sive… and display all manner ov luvvvv … yeah, right? As if!?

        And I believe the display was also aimed at Putin, whose Russia was not invited because they responded to NATO’s aggression and because Putin refuses to bow the knee to the LGBTQueers. So the Paris Olympic Committee put the LGBTQueers on full display as a middle appendage in Putin’s face. Some dude even had a wardrobe malfunction that he failed to notice for 10 minutes … speaking of appendages

  4. Let’s go back in time and ask Walt Disney what his opinion is on this idea.

    Walt, what do you think about this ?

    Walt? Walt?……… Walt?………..

    1. Walt Disney is spinning in his grave so hard they could power Disney World and the entire city of Orlando if they slipped a belt over him.
