Honoring Dictators

Given the disastrous outcomes of Covid pandemic policy and the massive backlash that it created, one would think that governments would go out of their way to avoid giving too much notice to those responsible for such fiascos, but apparently the government of Manitoba thinks otherwise.

Manitoba’s chief public health officer, Dr. Brent Roussin is a physician, law school graduate, and familiar face to Manitobans as the province’s top public health authority and spokesperson during daily COVID-19 pandemic news conferences. A specialist in public health and preventive medicine, Dr. Roussin also brings an understanding of administrative law that was particularly helpful during the province’s COVID-19 response.

Functionaries like Roussin basically assumed the role of provincial dictator and divided their fiefdoms between “essential” and “non-essential” businesses, bankrupting many in the process. They also implemented such inanities such as restaurant masking rules and, in Manitoba, the bizarre measure that one could only golf with members of one’s household. Why do some insist on honoring such fools?

8 Replies to “Honoring Dictators”

  1. Where is that guy with the cream pies when we need him? Didn’t Jean Chrietien have a dislike for cream pie to the face?

  2. Is there nothing better the government can spend money on other than this self congratulatory circle jerk?

  3. Rousellini is no fool. He knew exactly what he was doing and pushed his political agenda gleefully and maliciously. It seemed like when things couldn’t get any stupider, he would come up with another nonsensical and punitive mandate. The psychopath needs to be held accountable for his heinous actions and the damage he did to the public, not given some award.

  4. The sociopaths of the state and their supporters don’t admit to errors or inherent evil in their actions even when exposed by growing minorities. To them, the state, under their power is something sacred and morally justified in breaking a few eggs to deliver its ends. Awards to “achievers” is their way of celebrating their power over the little people. Liberty and free will is their nemesis. They are the ultimate parasite.

    “The creator’s concern is the conquest of nature. The parasite’s concern is the conquest of men.” — Ayn Rand

  5. If it isn’t too much to ask in Canada we honour folks, we don’t honor them. Honoring is so American

  6. Dr Bonnie (look at my Fluevogs) Henry has declared Covid is over in BC. Her Draconian over-reach ended the careers of more than 2,000 medical workers who refused to have the state inject a foreign substance into their bodies. Yet today (July 28, 2024) the Toronto Star breathlessly declares that Covid or one of its many variants is behind a spate of what we used to call a ‘summer cold’. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

  7. Tsk, tsk, tsk … nobody is honoring “dictators”. They’re honoring “experts”. Now all you stupid commoners run along now … while the “experts” plan more ways to keep you “safe” from “freedom run amok”

