19 Replies to “It’s A Feature Not A Bug”

  1. Yes, Dr.Death Jr. only rescinded the order because an election’s coming in a couple of months and the NDP are behind in the polls.

    Dumb bit** drove hundreds of nurses out of the province, now we are short staffed at every hospital. Many RN’s have retired early instead of constantly having to work O/T.
    I wonder whatever became of the book she was going to write.

    1. don,
      she wrote a book. you might find it in some remainder pile in a bookshop, if such a shop still resides in your town.
      Oh, and she also made a movie, which had its “world premier” in Victoria last year.
      The book and movie are to pay homage to one of the most evil manifestations made in Canada during these inverted times. It is what these demonic types do for shits and giggles.
      “Dr” Bonny Henry awaits some serious Karma, or, in Christian terms, some BIG Divine Retribution.
      Arian Dix, her Boss….same. I cannot express my bile for these pigs without melting my keyboard.
      Have a nice day.

    1. They are all run by government, so they have all crashed as governments do nothing, NOTHING cheaply or well. In my province, the government loses money selling marijuana through the liquor commission. I know lots of people who made a lot of money selling marijuana, but the government can’t even do that.

      1. Well to be clear, they have all crashed because they are all bound by the ridiculous Tommy Douglas concept and the Canada Health Act. And too many Canadians have bought into the myth that we have the “best healthcare system in the world”.

  2. Our provincial health systems were already crashed. Worms like Henry and the Premiers lit the funeral pyres when the Wuhan flu arrived.

  3. Socialist medicine tastes like Jim Jones Kool aid.. I know people who know the score but given the opportunity they will gladly fall inline again for more lockdown and mandates.. That is politics where winning decides who is right..

  4. Yes the system was already in dire straits years ago, but what are the consequences of welcoming everyone and anyone into Canada?
    It’s destroying everything we have.

    And the provinces are left holding the bag. All they can say is we need more nurses and doctors, or we need more affordable housing.

    Nobody feels they can say shut the taps off and let things stabilize. It’s a nightmare.

  5. Honestly, didn’t know B.C. still had a mandate until these posts here. That she hasn’t resigned and buried herself under a rock tells me a lot about Communists and women. Yeah, the men are bad too but holy crap – the women.

    1. Personally I think that the B.C. NDP government, public service unions and the Ministry of Health are more closely aligned with the principles of Fascism than Communism, but I can’t disagree with the point you are trying to make.

    1. Frau Doktor Bonnie Heinrich 🙂
      And my daughter is among the “constructively dismissed”. I fail to see anything constructive about the entire imbroglio of an intentionally failing health care system.
      They don’t care and haven’t for a long time.
      C in C
      1st St Nicolaas Army
      Army Group True North

      1. Hans, the top dogs and administrators still get their paychecks bonuses, and pensions regardless of the outcomes. Couple that with promotions and plum positions based on party loyalties, sociopathic skilz, and connections.

        It’s no surprise there’s no incentive to give a flying freep about patients, staff, or even the survival of the organization… so long as they get their pension.

        Hey, the power trip is just a bonus.

  6. well when you fire 1/2 your medical workers (doctors & nurses) for not taking the jab and let the vax kill 1/2 of those that did take the jab…. Surprise! You have a health care crisis.

  7. We called her Nurse Ratchet after the narcotic-voiced character from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. BC folk gladly stand in line, six feet apart, to hand over their rights.
