Progressive parents have brought up a generation of entitled, selfish brats

In the UK, several “Just Stop Oil” protesters have received 4 to 5 year prison sentences. The folks at Podcast of the Lotus Eaters outline what happened.

Every one of these protesters appears to come from wealthy, very entitled lives:

It’s not hard to poke fun at today’s cohort of climate activists. The sheer number of double-barrelled names makes writing jokes feel too easy. But what isn’t so funny is watching the whining from these posh protesters when faced with the consequences of their actions.

I am die-hard when it comes to the freedom to protest. I’d like to see the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act repealed and the talk of buffer zones around political offices squashed. It’s outrageous that citizens now have to prove to police officers that they’re being the right level of “noisy” to freely challenge our political leaders.

13 Replies to “Progressive parents have brought up a generation of entitled, selfish brats”

  1. JSO needs to COMMMMMPLEEEETE inventory of everything they use, have, want, other need to serve them, that has the slightest connexion to fossil fuel.
    stay off the godam tarmac youre so fond of inhabiting, its ALL oil with some rock mixed in.
    do NOT ever wear synthetics or even ANNNNYYYYYYTHINNNNNGGGGG manufactured with anything even * related * to fossil fuel, and go back 10 steps into the manufacturing process make sure NOTHING requires oil for it to move or exist.

    basically, umm, back to cavemen but maybe not. maybe they had use for oil shale or oil bubbling up from the ground, who knows?

    bunch of LUNATICS

  2. It’s one thing to disrupt politicians whose policies are at odds with your beliefs via protest as the politicians go about their *ahem* work. I wholeheartedly approve.

    It’s quite another to disrupt the movement and lives of fellow citizens, some of whom may be attempting to manage 5-alarm personal/medical crises or just interested in going about their daily lives. There are laws against that for good reason.

    They broke those laws, were tried, found guilty, and were sentenced. You can argue whether the sentences were too harsh or too lenient. but you cannot argue that they did not break any laws.

    BTW, civil disobedience is a time-honored means of protest. You have to be willing to accept the consequences, though. The success of civil disobedience rides on how many people join in and support the civil disobedience. Civil disobedience in general only works when there actually are enough participating such that “They can’t arrest all of us” holds true. (Remember that if mask mandates come around again.)

    These Snowflake Warriors were not prepared to accept the consequences of their actions.

    1. It’s quite another to disrupt the movement and lives of fellow citizens…

      So, I’m guessing you were against the Trucker’s Convoy then?

      1. All emergency vehicles got through. No citizen was accosted or denied passage. Not a single person was harmed by the truckers.

        Also, this was a classic case of civil disobedience against government tyranny where indeed, “they can’t arrest all of us” applied. There was widespread support from the citizenry (c.f. the throngs of people coming out to cheer the truckers on their journey across Canada). Their protest was against the onerous and sketchy mask mandates and the mandated jabs, IIRC. As I mentioned above, their protest was directed at politicians and not ordinary citizens, who could traverse the streets unmolested.

        The truckers were prepared to and did accept the consequences. Their bank accounts were (illegally, I believe) frozen as well as the bank accounts of supporters in the community.

        Oh, there was one citizen injured if I am remembering right, but it was by mounted police, not truckers.

        But those bouncy castles were a bridge too far. Who could support the terrorism of bouncy castles? Teh horror!

        What were the truckers demanding? That Sparkle Socks come out and hear their grievances and concerns. What did Sparkle Socks do? He ran away and hid.

        As far as mask and jab mandates go, I did not and will not comply. I join with and support the truckers’ civil disobedience. Come and get me, coppers!

        P.S. There is that little matter of ‘informed consent’ which was absolutely ignored or suppressed by governments and their minions in many, if not most countries. The jabs were experimental and there was no data available that demonstrated the jabs were “safe and effective”. Quite the contrary. It has only been since billions were jabbed that we have found out the clot shots were ineffective and, in some cases, fatal to the jabbee.

  3. the ‘opinion guage’ regarding adults living at home, DIDNT APPLY to me seeing as 2 weeks before l was due to move out anyway, my sexual abuser mother got wind of it and in a fit of pique KICKED ME OUT.
    l spent the very first night of ‘independence’ wandering downtown with a month’s pay in my pocket ( a whole $400) getting turned away from hotels l cd walk to at 1 in the morning.

    by astounding coincidence l saw her going to the hair dresser, l knew that was the only reason she was at that address. gives me a ‘smile’.
    you godam gnat see. my brother blew up a phone booth as a prank, getting the gunpowder recipe from the grade 8 math book,
    and my sister who bullied me relentlessly for about 5 years got the cops on her ass for sending prank death threats to a celebrity.
    but l pick an argument over the injustices l sustained for 19 years.
    and get another one.
    ‘living at home’ WASNT an option.
    for better part of 2 years none of them even knew where l was.
    ‘what if theres an emergency’ says oldest brudder.

    there was a ‘sort of’ reconciliation but it was never the same.
    oddly enough the abusive monster got a custom tailored ‘massive brain hemorrhage’ which years later in an inventory of the fates of my abusers l chalked up to Karma sine it appeared she was the one reached into that demonic cranium and RIPPED THOSE BLOOD VESSELS OPEN in that source and residence of such hate and violation.

  4. These are the children of the upper, upper, middle class community here where I live in the SF Bay Area. Their leftist parents have never told these children “no”. And their middle school science teachers help them construct their Science Faire exhibits about how fossil fuels are killing … well … EVERYTHING on the planet. They are on TikToc, Instagram, and every other techie platform dujour. They are spoilt brats who would rather die than settle for last season’s iPhone.

    Leftist spoilt brats raised to believe they and their parents are smarter than you plebes … and you should OBEY them … or else. And yes, in our community 97% of them are going to top Universities … where they will be taught MORE of the correct way to think and act.

    1. My feelings about SF Bay residents is mixed. I know lots of down-to-earth wonderful people. But San Francisco & Silicon Valley is strong magnet for attracting some of the worst narcissists I’ve ever encountered in my life. I suspect that many of the children you describe are the spawns of these horrible adults.

      1. Robert – I just tried to give you one of my typically wordy responses … but alas … it got disappeared. Just wanted to let you know that I don’t hate people … or their spoilt little brats

  5. It would be easy to stop them from ever gluing themselves to anything. Glue your hand to the road? One swipe with a machete and no-one will ever do that again.

    1. Why do officials ever bother to “rescue” those who glue their hands to roads and art gallery floors?
      Leave ’em. They want to be glued? Grant their wish.
      48 hours of starving, dehydration and publicly soiling themselves and they will rip the skin off their own hands.

  6. I’m sitting under the bluewater bridge watching a strapping young lad close to 20 doing the garbage bag collection. Yeah it’s 7 45 am on a Sunday , and he might be hung-over but it’s pathetic watching him work making municipal wages.
    It’s not so much the well off progressives, it’s the middle class that gave up pushing and challenging their kids, and by proxy became progressives and don’t even realise what they have done.

  7. Kid gloves for the rich kids.. Held without bail for everybody else.. Its hard to not see the injustice in it all..
