15 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

    1. Seconded, Big Momma.

      Who would have ever thought that Canada’s Narcissist-in-Chief’s Hollywood idol would be Pee Wee Herman?

      My money would have been on Carmen Miranda.

  1. F Islam 1000%

    They ALL Need to be sent back to whatever shite hole they crawled outa….Then obliterated into extinction.
    They are NOT here to Assimilate – they are here to TAKE OVER.
    On Direction from their long dead ideological leader: Hassan al Banna and his “Project” to create a Western Hemisphere Caliphate…

  2. Dead Jew children.

    The only question I have is: which American Aid program purchased the SDR sewer pipe used as missile tubes to slaughter these children? #notinmyname #notinmytaxdollar

  3. Zahid, yup another truly punchable face. She should really wear the full bag on the head to spare us the sight that causes onlookers to yearn for eye bleach. Also, how in hell did that get elected? Obviously, liberals will vote for anything that is presented as a candidate, even that mess.
