We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars


A crisis situation is unfolding in the California desert. Thousands of people headed to Las Vegas have been stuck on the I-40 for many hours, running out of gas and water. This is all due to the lithium battery truck fire that closed down I-15 yesterday.

@SLCScanner 5:04 PM

#Baker #California I-15 closed near #Baker after a semi-truck carrying lithium batteries caught fire Friday morning. The fire was reported at approx 6:30am. I-15 was closed in both directions by 8:30am.

#CaliforniaHighwayPatrol and the #SanBernadinoFireDept advised the semi-truck overturned while hauling a “connex of lithium ion batteries.”

As of this moment the freeway remains #closed and thousands of people are stuck between #California and #LasVegas. With the current temperature at 108° and all vehicles stopped, people have their pets, elderly family members and they are running out of fuel, battery charge, food, water, medications etc. Some have been stuck since the 0830 closure yesterday morning. They have no update on when it will reopen. I-15 closure and I-40 is at a stand still. The last pic is a screenshot of traffic minutes ago.

Video: KTNV Channel 13

17 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

    1. Whoa, Nelly!!

      Lesson learned, Bunny. I do not need to find this out for myself. Sometimes, it’s best to learn from others’ mistakes.

    2. Saw that a cpl days ago…

      Why Anyone would bring something like that into their Home, Apartment or Garage for that matter is totally beyond me. Every week we here of spontaneous combustion of Lithium batts that will burn with hi intensity for hours & that simply cannot be put out (as far as I know..?).

  1. Phew! Good thing we are building a “high speed” train down the center of I-15 …
    Then … we will …”get everyone OUT of their cars” … and onto mass transit! That’ll save them! Oh … it feels soooooo good to live here in Progressive CA … where we spend $Hundreds of Billions on “clean, green, sustainable, Socialist projects.

    Soon will be gone the olden days of freedom of movement and personal Liberty. How selfish of you self-centered drivers. The State knows what’s best for you … Equity of movement. Nobody gets to drive to Vegas in a Luxury 2024 Range Rover while others can only afford a 1990 Toyota Tercel. Soon … you’ll all travel … Equal.

  2. The first thing I thought was why doesn’t US Army get some of those mobile bridgelayers out, bridge the divide between the lanes, and start diverting traffic the other way?

    1. Actually do something innovative to ameliorate a problem?

      Remember the words of a feral named Rahm Emmanuel:

      “Never let a crisis go to waste”….or words to that effect.

    2. Even better , the excavator is at the site , so roll the lithium out in the desert.

      This is woke America in full view

    3. Surely you saw the video showing a pileup of “First Responder” vehicles? Dozens and dozens of em. Lights flashing. Looking soooooo First Responding. Sitting there … backed-off from the electrochemical fire … studying the situation … catching up with each other … doing … well … nothing.

      Funny thing … it was THOSE “First Responder” vehicles that were creating the greatest danger for the thousands of vehicles running out of gas, water, and food … by keeping those drivers safe from the fire and overturned truck.

      Don’t get me started on the CHP protocol for every “white powder spill” on the freeway. It started sometime in the 1990’s when EVERY white powder or paint spill is treated as a Class-1 Nuclear waste spill … roads closed … traffic stopped … everything frozen in place. No traffic diversion. No allowance for reversing or diverting traffic. The attitude is: a little inconvenience is the PRICE of your automobile driving. The attitude is: We’re the CHP … we’re not traffic cops, doing traffic duty.

      And also, sometime in the 1990’s the CHP started CLOSING I-80 over the Sierra every time a little snow started falling … eminently drivable … safely drivable. But they shut down the freeway. I learned a little trick that has allowed me (more than once) to get through their roadblock … I tell them I’m “a local” … and I go on my way and drive to Tahoe. I guess there are now just too damn many incompetent drivers in the State of CA?

      Yes, the CHP could have safely opened at least a single lane to let the traffic backup pass.

  3. Makes one wonder how many electric cars are stuck out there, and will be for eternity. Or at least until the tow trucks descend.

    1. lm working on a standup joke how a series of electric powered tow trucks get stalled one after the other, going on a rescue mission causing another.
      a metaphor for the entire GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN energy mantra

  4. Well, i for one would just drive the desert and go around. Looking at the crash scene, I see no reason not to just drive around the spot.

    1. Having been in a somewhat similar traffic jam close to this spot (caused by holiday traffic gridlock), we got to watch impatient folks drive out into the desert to try to get past it all… most made it a couple of hundred yards before they were stuck in the soft desert soil & sand, buried up to their axles.
      In our case, it was a slow, four hour trip to cover about twenty miles.
      What’s surprising is that Fort Irwin (next door almost) didn’t send out a heavy equipment team to drag the sea container far enough away to mitigate the hazard.

  5. As a 20 year Deputy Sheriff, after the victims are on their way to the hospital or safe, then you get traffic flowing. If that truck needed to be pulled into the desert to burn, that would be OK. Getting to the truck and getting a chain hooked to it may be a real problem. The cops today just shut everything down and go, “Oh Well”. That puts a lot of people in jeopardy with the extreme heat. Or at best, allow the people to turn around and go back where they came from. They need to use their head from something other than a hat rack?
