8 Replies to “What Exactly is Project 2025?”

  1. The hysterical left would have us believe Project 2025 is a cabal of zealots out to destabilize or even take over the government. But it’s no scarier than any of the PACs or Super-PACs seeking to affect the outcome of US elections. Once again, disinformation rules the day.

  2. Once again … it’s the Left who are spreading misinformation. No wonder they invented the term … it’s what THEY do.

  3. Gee, the media and the Left are lying about a Conservative project? So shocking.

    Tim Poole makes a great point about DemocRats right at the begining. They march in lock-step and support any policy of their leadership, no matter what it is, even when it makes no sense. Declare #HeelsUpHarris the candidate with no vote? Absolutely! They’re all for it!

    Now, I am not suggesting Conservatives do the same, because that is IDIOTIC and harmful to Western Civilization. But I am suggesting that Conservatives finally wake the F- UP! and understand that is what they are facing.

    I did not watch the whole video, I do not know what Project 2025 is. Everything I know about it is that some Lefty fruitbat senator mentioned it in a hearing where Ben Shapiro was speaking, and Benny took the guy to the -cleaners-.

    But, it is safe for me to assume that if Lefties are saying “Oh, Project 2025! Trump! Fascism!” then everything they’ve said is a lie. Because of course they lied. They’re Lefties. Even when they say the truth they’re lying.

  4. I am currently reading 2025 and find it a suggested blue print on restoring constitutional and common sence government to the US. NO FASCIST, MANIACAL content.

    1. Apparently a world of limited cliche. They’ve passed the expiry date and jumped the shark, it seems. Should we perhaps put a fork in them? Are they, in certain respects, like dinner?
