CO2 is not a pollutant, it’s plant food, says Sask United Party leader

Sask United Party Leader Jon Hromek. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

CO2 is not a pollutant; we’re going to burn coal until we run out of coal: Sask United Leader Jon Hromek.

It’s not often an oil company CEO sells his company to run for provincial politics, becoming the leader of an upstart party in the process. But that’s exactly what Jon Hromek has done. And as someone coming from industry, his thoughts on energy transition, CO2 and coal differ from a lot of the other politicians in Saskatchewan, or for that matter, Canada.


23 Replies to “CO2 is not a pollutant, it’s plant food, says Sask United Party leader”

      1. What by validating net zero? Even if she does win, but maintains the status quo, What the hell good is that?

        The climate change fraud must be called out and destroyed.

        Our freedom depends upon it.

        1. It’s called realpolitik…..the fraud wasn’t dumped on us all at once….it has been in stages and will take stages to get rid of it. The fraud will destroy itself over time

        2. Net Zero is a fantasy as Smith knows. But you have to get elected and rag the puck until enough voters realize that it is a fantasy. Don Quixote tilted at windmills and was regarded a fool. Smith is in the real world

  1. This guy is such a breath of fresh air. He’s direct and honest about his views. The Moe Sask party has created a great environment for Sask United to have influence in our province.

  2. About time someone had the balls to stand up and say this. The Evils of CO2 isn’t quite as obvious a grift as the nonexistent graves, but near as dammit. Unfortunately at this point it’s the same as COVID. So many people have so much invested in the lie and it’s caused so much destruction that it can’t be let go at this point.

  3. Does he have a sibling living in Alberta that can run for office here?

    The conservatives need a lesson on what it really means to defend what is best for the people who live here.


    Read it.

    All life is carbon-based. All plants use carbon, a lot of it. Trees, for instance, take in carbon dioxide though tiny pores in their leaves, and using solar energy and the process of photosynthesis, they break that CO2 molecule down into carbon, which they then use to create molecules of wood and leaves and bark and other stuff, and they release the oxygen for all animals to breathe. CO2 is NOT a pollutant, it is necessary for life on this planet, and as the CO2 levels have risen, so has the density and coverage of greenery on the planet. Satellite photos prove it. The operators of greenhouses pump in extra CO2 to make the vegetables or flowers grow faster and bigger. Up to around 2000 ppm in there. And you eat those plants. Did they kill you?

    We’re at a little over 400 parts per million of CO2 now in the atmosphere. That’s 0.04%. Tiny. Evidence from prehistoric times shows that the levels there were 4000 and 6000 and as much as 9000 ppm then, more than 20 times what it is now, and the world did not burn up. It flourished and supported massive land animals.

    Canada’s contribution to manmade CO2 is 1.6% of the global total. China’s is 33%, and rising so fast that even if Canada shut down absolutely everything and we all starved and froze in the dark, China will have made up for our output within a couple of years. India’s output is high and rising. Other countries also pump out much more. So how much impact will anything Canada does have on that 400 ppm? Remember that the CO2 doesn’t stay where it was generated. The atmosphere is moving over the entire planet, and we get China’s CO2 here.

    Manmade CO2 is only about 3% or less of the global output. Volcanos, including undersea volcanoes we don’t see, dead, decaying or burning vegetation, and many other sources emit large amounts of it, and it all feeds plants.

    1. As the saying goes, I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who say it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis.

      There’s a simple way to shut down any watermelon: ask them whether they support total war with India and China. If CO2 is actually an existential threat to humanity, and India and China have made it very clear that they’re not having any of the West’s climate neurosis, then the only way to save humanity is to bring India and China to heel by any means necessary.

      If they balk at this then they’re not serious and you can rub their faces in it.

      1. It’s exactly the same with “free Tibet”. OK so should we send the 10th mountain division and round it off with a battalion or two of free Tibet activists?

    1. damn right…those people should never exhale, they should hold their breath until they piss off and die!
      that goes for you geoih!!!
      Any adult human exhales 40,000 ppm with each exhale! An average adult puts out 2 lbs. of CO2 every 24 hrs.!

  5. The real science says the earth circles the Sun and that the Sun controls the climate.
    If you can prove otherwise, please do so.
    We just do facts here.

  6. Tell that to the trillion dollar grifters 🙂 and they will laugh in your face.. What is is doesn’t matter, never did..

    CO2 is the only emission that could be taxed.. No other emission could take its place.. We should thank our lucky stars that its also the doom gas.. Its perfect.. Almost as if it was planned well in advance of the science..
