92 Replies to “July 29, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Election day in Venezuela, held of course on the birthday of the revolution’s founder Chavez

    When you lose by an estimated +30% it’s real difficult to cheat


    I was in Venezuela when Chavez was re-elected in Dec. 2026 … couldn’t believe how difficult it was to find any information in the country that looked like it “may” be true. That was before the millions of percent inflation, prior to Chavez knocking 6 zeros from. the currency and proclaiming it to now be known as the “strong Bolivar” as opposed to the obviously weak one prior

    Chavez is saying now that there’s been some outside influence, remember when the Democrats said something about Russia Russia Russia?


    1. The Venezuela National Election Council declares the socialist Maduro to be the winner again
      National Guard surrounds the President’s palace at Miraflores… military “protecting” the vote stations…

      One side has all the guns, the other side only has them if they’re criminals now… “for your protection”
      You can vote for socialism, but you can’t vote your way out… there “may be” a lesson here!


      In a widely reported comment on the election, President Maduro had said, “we will win by hook or by crook”

      I guess we know it!

      1. When you posted the quote: “we will win by hook or by crook”, I thought you were talking about Team Trudeau™.

    2. You might as well have added that “Russia Russia Russia” will be supporting Maduro and corroborating his claims about “outside influence”.

      It’s funny how right-wing schweinie-lovers (I’m not saying you’re one) adore the Ruϟϟischeschweinen regime, but deride all the similar regimes it supports, even though they’re all built on the same principles. Elections in Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, etc. all have the same principle voiced by comrade Stalin long ago: the vote doesn’t matter, the count does.

      1. Crazy how the pedo-globalist nazi lovers support the Open Borders, Transgendered children, CRT, and try to gaslight everyone that the US elections aren’t rigged by the same.

        Less than 6 months remaining until Trump takes office and we get to watch the pedo-globalist nazi lovers making Karen video’s and posting plenty of cope on SDA.

        1. As a character for an old movie about Vietnam would say, “you’re dinky dow, you’re buku dinky dow”.

          1. Just go back to your motherland already, and LARP in your COD persona for a day, the Ruskies will be happy to accommodate your fantasies

          2. Well, if you want to portray the easily verifiable FACT that Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration supports Maduro and is happy to recognise all the fradulent elections in Venezuela including this one* as “parroting MSNBC”, you certainly can. I mean, I couldn’t possibly care less what kind of imaginary world the freaks with weird attraction for human-facying pigs create for themselves.
            *See https://breakingthenews.net/Article/Russia-Cuba-recognize-Maduro's-win-as-valid/62448009

            Oh, and anyone who thinks it’s possible to cure a rabid dog by admitting it to a pack of healthy dogs is no good at thinking.

          3. You really don’t understand how this war thing works do you.

            The fact of the matter is that you call anyone who calls for peace in Ukraine a Poootin lover, whether Trump, Steve Bannon, JD Vance, Victor Orban, Candice Owens whoever with a rational Conservative brain…..

            Meanwhile you’re in lock-step with Chrystia Freeland, the WEF, and every far left rag from the Atlantic to The View. Obviously you are a pedo-globalist lover for Open Borders and transitioning our children.

            Suck it up buttercup, you made the rules.

          4. Shut your snout Pauline. You’re a Pootin’s whore of convenience. You don’t even care about either side as long as you get to use that war to your political advantage and prove that manly man russians defeat the sissy West. That is all this has been to you all along. If Brandon supported Poorin you would be siding with Ukraine. You will support the ongoing genocide of civilized by the subhuman savages, because in your demented mind in helps Trump. You too are a worthless subhuman and a demagogue, a whore among whores.

          5. “If Brandon supported Poorin you would be siding with Ukraine.”

            Bingo, the first almost rational thing I think you’ve ever written. It’s too bad you don’t see the boot stomping on your face that you would rather lick than hate because it promises you they will kill a bunch Russians you will never meet.

            The good news for those with a brain and an ounce freedom remaining, is that we know who is actually trying to steal our money and destroy our society. It sure the f*ck ain’t Russia.

          6. “You really don’t understand how this war thing works do you.”

            The original post was about the elections in Venezuela and I added a note about the obvious similarities between the regimes there and in Russia and their support of each other, which schweinie-lovers like you hilariously ignore. Apparently, you are dragging the war in Ukraine, Trump, “pedo-globalists”, open borders and transitioning into the discussion in an effort to, as Colonialista says, drown the signal.

          7. Yes, you’re a binary world whore that supports genocide of the civilized. A most worthless whore possible for you blame your pathetic situation on others instead of admitting that you are a failure in life and would be one no matter who was in charge. We could have had Trump presidency for a decade and could be living in a libertarian paradise (although you would probably still be voting Librano because it was not libertarian enough) and you would still be a failure and a f|_|(kup always eager to fellate enemies of civilization.

          8. “It sure the f*ck ain’t Russia”

            Yeah right; it’s freaks like you who were saying here “it’s not Russia that floods the West with immigrants”, nevermind that Russia is trying to do just that through the Belarus – Poland border right now. Are you going to deny that it’s happening or just ignore?

          9. @Surfer

            “The original post was about the elections in Venezuela” – With a caveat insinuation that somehow your pedo-globalist masters are above cheating elections.

            It takes a little more depth of comprehension to understand when a self made billionaire President states “it would be better to have Russia inside the tent than outside the tent.” than you appear to have. Likely that’s why you’re neither a self made billionaire nor a well respected President.

            You remind me of those SDA military “experts” that were shocked when Russia decided to friend up with neighbours like China, North Korea, Iran, and now Venezuela – LOL. Like I said you don’t appear to understand this war thing too well.

            None of those countries were natural allies until your greedy masters made them allies.

            Poland’s border? You live in Poland? Otherwise piss off we need our money for our borders, Poland can take care of itself.

          10. Surfer, he will pretend it hasn’t been happening for years, just like he pretends Hamas was not trained, armed and pushed into creating a failed diversion by Kremlin. Just like he will pretend that Houtis (who appear to have hilariously slipped their leash) were not activated by Kremlin via Tehran to the same end.

          11. Or the whore can always go full Chimsky and blame Ork-Chicom-Iran-NK-Venezuela alliance on Western Imperialism.

          12. @The One and Only C

            Yea yea go suck another tranny. The good news is that Trump and Vance will most likely win this Nov barring further assassination attempts or further blatant cheating that succeeds for your side.

            Then it’s all over but the crying.

          13. Pauline, ok whore, Trump will likely win, Poilievre will likely win and it will not change anything for you. You will still be a failure and a whore, never amounting to anything, always romanticizing foreign tyrants and blaming your failures on everyone but yourself.

          14. Actually I’m bent on preserving my wealth, borders, language, and culture unlike a slave that licks the feet of it’s master.

            The only whores around here are the WEF/EU/ Progressive whores who drank the Kool-aid and push the rest of us into global warfare so that master gets rich. Meanwhile master floods your country with the Third World, kills your language & culture, and buys another mansion to match the 400ft yacht on a good chunk of your labour.

            Next time you get jacked by an illegal immigrant downtown and the cops call you racist for complaining about it, just tell them how much you love master because you stand with Chrystia Freeland on the war in Ukraine. Maybe they’ll give you a break.

          15. You’re none of those things. You’re a sad pathetic loser pretending to be “preserving” while you’re sucking on Chimpsky’s excrement. You have never met an enemy of civilization that you did not want to instantly fellate.

            Also, you voted Librano in the last two elections so shut your low rent, bottom bitch snout about that too. All those illegals, all the enrichment, all the socialism are on you. You pathetic failure.

          16. Yes you’re a failure. We have already established that. Also, to punish impure you’d vote to Cthulhu if given half a chance. Useless hysterical Jacobin.

          17. He is wrong about that. I don’t blame him, after what the state has has done to him I am not surprised he looks at things though that prism. He is still wrong.

            The state has done nothing to you. It did not have to. You’re just failure no matter who is in charge. And you’re a genocide enabling and supporting cheap whore.

          18. “The state has done nothing to you” – Holy retarded asteroid, we need a famine…….

          19. Yes, that is correct. Yes you need a famine, and an asteroid. You are not Tommy. The state has done nothing to you. It never had to. Given what a dejected loser you are, you would still be a failure under Trump or Maxipad or Pinochet. You could be living in the richest, freest place in the world and you still would be a failure blaming the state for your limitations. It is you, none else is that the source of your misery. You, and you alone. A sad pathetic failure no matter where and when. So you idealize tyrants and demand team loyalty with a zeal of a teenage Jacobin, It is a defense mechanism. You can’t lie to yourself indefinitely.

          20. Retard, I am wealthier and more successful than an idiot like you could imagine. Your grammar, writing style, ridiculously comical hypocrisy, and whatever you think is an argument style proves that each and every time.

            That is why my occasional drop-in to help auto correct retards like you is fun time on my spare time.

            You are stupid, from condemning posts of the IMF to rallying behind posts from the IMF when it suites your retarded agenda. From fawning praise on Tommy Robertson to defending Tommy Robertson once you realize your an idiot once someone points out that Tommy is the guy you been hating on for over two years.

            Yea, one seriously mentally ill idiot dude – seriously look in a f*cking mirror and then get some help.

            Otherwise we’ll keep beating you with an ugly stick and never get tired.

          21. “I am wealthier and more successful than an idiot like you could imagine.”

            Suuuure you are, and I bet Freddie told you that you got a big dick too. Comedy gold.

          22. “You are stupid, from condemning posts of the IMF to rallying behind posts from the IMF when it suites your retarded agenda. ”

            ^^^^ Team playing Jacobin gets confused when confronted with people thinking by themselves.

          23. It’s funny reading an idiot like this, because they will lick their boots while their masters kick the guts out of them, and then they will still try and sell that stink to everyone else.

            The good news for the rest of us is that the “Colonialist” weak minded losers will go away fast while patriot survivors will one day see the Constitution & their Bill of Rights stand tall to hail a new era of prosperity and unity.

            This is not an idle prediction it’s a matter of history and the human condition. The “seeds of Liberty” were sewn long ago, an “idea that cannot die”.

            Never let the “colonistas’s” or whatever other troll aliases on SDA that attempt deter the Patriot – we will win, we will win no doubt whatsoever………….

          24. LOL stop drinking before posting. Your delusions of grandeur notwithstanding, you are irrelevant. You’re not a patriot who will win or reclaim anything. You’re a seething loser that the people who have a chance of saving civilization will not even notice.

        2. “Less than 6 months remaining until Trump takes office and we get to watch the pedo-globalist nazi lovers making Karen video’s and posting plenty of cope on SDA.”

          So the corrupt little tyrant Zelensky has now come up with another ‘action plan for peace’ to be revealed near the end of November.

          Gee…why did he pick the end of November, I wonder? Because that’s when the gravy train comes to a sudden halt and all the money *stops*, is why…and he knows it.

      2. “You remind me of those SDA military “experts” that were shocked when Russia decided to friend up with neighbours like China, North Korea, Iran, and now Venezuela – LOL. Like I said you don’t appear to understand this war thing too well. None of those countries were natural allies until your greedy masters made them allies.”

        If anybody was shocked at those countries being allies, it was only schweinie-loving freaks like you. You have some perverted attraction for human-fancying pigs and are happy to clear them of any blame for anything, blaming everything on the West instead, as you’re a typical UI (Useful Idiot). And yes, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and now Venezuela are very much natural allies because they all have similar regimes with a a life-long ruler and sham elections. Tell me, when was the last time opposition came to power in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela through an election? The answer is “never” for Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and “never after Chaves came to power” for Venezuela.

        “Poland’s border? You live in Poland? Otherwise piss off we need our money for our borders, Poland can take care of itself.”

        No, I don’t live in Poland, but it doesn’t mean I can’t pay attention to what’s going on there, especially because it matters for a lot more than just Poland, as those illegals generally have more wealthy countries on their minds when they cross the border. Certainly, I’m not going to ignore it just because of your undying love for pigs that fancy themselves human.

        “With a caveat insinuation that somehow your pedo-globalist masters are above cheating elections.”
        “The good news is that Trump and Vance will most likely win this Nov barring further assassination attempts or further blatant cheating that succeeds for your side.”
        So, you’re basically saying that Trump will win the election rigged against him, I see. If only you realised how much of a pathetic self-contradicting freak you are, you would have killed yourself.

        1. @Surfer

          “No, I don’t live in Poland, but it doesn’t mean…” – but, but, but ,but it simply means that you’re a sad f*ck traitor to your nation that you should be hung for treason!

          Piss off traitor this is America, including Canadian peoples who believe in freedom peace and liberty – fu*ck you and your globalist wars – Canada is NOT a post Nationalist State you homosexual God damned transexual freak!

          1. “…you homosexual God damned transexual freak…”

            Seriously put down that vodka bottle, you’re emitting unusually high level of stupid even by your standards.

          2. This f*cking anti-human subhuman pig needs to be hung so help us god!!!!

            Where is Trudeau, where is Freeland???????

          3. Oh, I get it now; you just wanted to be funny, right? If so, that was a good one.

            Otherwise, it looks like you’ve got a lot more than one screw loose and need to tighten them ASAP.

      1. We will see, he did act recently like someone who had a plan B, either that or someone utterly desperate. I just hope it is not what I fear it is. If his initiative is highjacked then UK is truly gone.

      1. OMG so I happen to disagree with Tommy on this issue. Burn the witch! Can someone patient explain to this skull f|_|(ked Jacobin that this is not a team sport?

          1. Long term Subscribers only……

            The most serious question is……..has anyone, has any troll in the history of Small Dead Animals as stupid as the Colonista troll with all its known aliases bullshitted you more than anyone else???

            Common now, seriously for real, like literally?

          2. Can someone please respond to Pauline? He so needs your emotional support.

  2. I try not to post any paywalled links. But John Ibbitson, an opinion writer at the Globe and Mail, writes a column that comes ever-so-close to endorsing Pierre Poilievre:

    What I like about it is that Ibbitson uses an interview he and his wife gave to the (Spanish speaking?) TLN network to explain to Globe readers Poillevre’s political agenda. The column lists how Trudeau is so politically correct, and how the Conservatives tend to undo the woke agenda.

    1. Didn’t Justiy erase, or undue many of Harper’s reforms?
      We can erase the Turd’s laws,,, we can’t though, erase all the debt him and Freeland have left to us, and our younger generations.

    1. I’m not sure whether the “last supper” thing was as much about taking a dig at Christians, as it was thought that this slap at Christians may somehow/someway pacify or appease French Muslims that want to disrupt the games and the city.
      Just waiting for the fake Pope to say he’s cool with the float, and that Christians in America, shouldn’t be so uptight about the trannies mocking the Last Supper.

    1. “But the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision on July 1 to grant presidents broad immunity from prosecution for crimes they commit in office means there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.”

      This is typical Joe Biden nonsense. “Broad immunity from prosecution for crimes they commit”. Did Joe commit a “crime” when he pulled out of Afghanistan leaving thousands of innocents stranded at the hands of the Taliban? Did Hillary commit a crime when she let 4 people die in Benghazi? Is Kamala Harris committing a crime by ignoring all the illegal immigrants coming across the border?

      No. They were decisions, not crimes. But every decision Trump makes is a crime.

    2. Plus I thought Kamala Harris was a shoe-in. Why this “in case Trump wins” shenanigans?

    3. It’s just Virtue Signalling BS. It has ZERO chance of being implemented, as it would have to be approved by the GOP House first. Just more Demarxist Talking Points, that’s all.

    1. Couldn’t the Biden administration simply borrow the $78-trillion by issuing bonds? Then have the fed bank buy the federal Treasuries. This worked so well during the pandemic. ):

        1. Steve – It can’t cause inflation silly because the Inflation Reduction Act is designed to reduce inflation by pumping lots of money into the economy. When supply increases demand increases…. It’s the new economics

  3. “The kids are hooked on wokeness now. They’d be better off with cigarettes.” — Ian Miles Cheong on “X”

    Well, now its not just “0rc” that is being blocked, but “0rk” as in “w0rk”!
