Man Made Global Warming

It’s a simple formula. Don’t look after the forests, wait for them to burn, blame it on “climate change”, crank up everyone’s taxes. Rinse and repeat.

Blacklocks- Guilbeault Had 2022 Warning

Parks Canada managers two years ago acknowledged they failed to take full precautions to save Jasper, Alta. from wildfires, documents show.

Almost half of Jasper’s Whitebark Pine forest, 44 percent, was infected by beetles. However few steps were taken to reduce the risk to the Town of Jasper with controlled burns of surrounding forest, records show.

Parks managers two years ago wrote that “targeted burns with the goal of implementing at least two every five years” would be followed with tree planting to replace dead pine. “It is likely 520,000 seedlings may be required,” said the Implementation Report. Only 18,000 seedlings were planted. There was no explanation.

50 Replies to “Man Made Global Warming”

  1. I’ve been saying this for a week,,, that the Turd could have done more to protect the National Park and the town of Jasper.
    By letting Jasper burn, the Turd was making sure to shove this CC/GW bull crap right in the faces of Albertans.
    There should be a betting site on which you can place a bet on how many times during the next election campaign, will the Turd use “Jasper” and “climate change” in the same stump speech.
    In Justiy’s mind, the burning of Jasper, is just something to use to further his agenda.

    1. Calif has the same issue with the current governor and most of the dems. (Let it burn)
      Sure wasn’t that way in the 1970’s.

    2. The Turd doesn’t like the west. Look at his approach to pipelines. If it will hurt the west, and help his political aspirations, then let the west burn. Shoot, let the west burn anyways, it’s not like they vote for him…

    3. Or Hawaii.
      seems awfully similar. Those structures burned to ash, no burned logs, nothing.
      Just little concrete walls standing

  2. In this case, it’s quite literally “not a bug, it’s a FEATURE!” Tuff luck for the people in Jasper who lost stuff ( – including everything – ) but their sufferings go on the altar of “SAAAAAAAAVING THE EARTH!!!” – they’ll thank Hans Gruber someday…

  3. California has the same problem.

    Government regulations prohibit clearing of dead brush and hamstring the power companies from upgrading the power lines. One power line break and “Poof!” One lightning strike, one deranged professor, one arsonist and out of control fires abound.

    1. Also, they will not permit logging in any area that is visible to tourist traffic. If selective logging had been permitted the stands of mature trees – which are the most susceptible to bugs and disease – would have been removed, instead of turning into tinder.

      1. Sadly, true. Proper fire prevention is secondary to the political guidance of the day. Which implies that voting improperly means that a riding should burn to “learn their place”.

        Eff Toronto.

  4. Canada certainly has the ability to minimize the risk of devastating fires around towns and cities. It’s not that complicated.

    So why are governments not following good forest management practices and creating fire protection zones around communities? Environmentalists don’t want to protect communities because they are anti-human. The federal government simply does not care about anything other than lining their own pockets and the pockets of their friends, their family, their corporate allies and foreign governments with taxpayer money. A dollar spent on forest management is dollar that isn’t going into the government’s main priority – enriching themselves.

  5. In the Athabasca valley east of Jasper there is a lot of untreed area. Before the Metis came and killed all the buffalo the whole valley was likely untreed. Solution – no forest, no forest fire.

  6. That would be Lodgepole Pine forest not Whitebark Pine (a much rarer species). The federal government doesn’t consider forest management a priority for Parks (BC isn’t much different for all Crown land as they think it’s all Indian land and they know best). Guilbeault, being a Green Peace operative on leave from the corporate monstrosity likely believes that Jasper should not exist as people have no place in the natural world.

  7. What are the odds that Banff will get a ‘plan’ but it will never be implemented…

    1. Can you imagine all the urban Calgary whiners, the US funded NGO lobby and all green elites up to and including the King allowing clearcutting all the forests bordering Banff and aggressively thinning all stands within town and overturning tree bylaws that municipalities have put in place to make towns into virtual arboretums. The path of least resistance for politicians is to let them burn and act sad when it happens. Green theocracy now trumps forest management on public land. Take it from this thankfully retired forester and former municipal politician.

      1. I’ve only ever seen sensible forest thinning surrounding two communities in the American West: Flagstaff, and Rapid City. Not surprisingly, both communities came close to burning down before they learned the value of sensible forest management.

        1. Hinton AB took some very good measures (a good firebreak standoff on the upwind side), and I would advise that it should be added to your list.

  8. In the past when there were no firefighters, at all, and the America’s forests cover far far more square miles, I wonder how long they burned for out of control, and how much co2 was released?

    1. In the past there was less forest coverage in North America. The Plains Bison kept the forests beat down. Even today Wood Buffalo NP is bald headed prairie where there are roaming bison. It wasn’t until after the bison were decimated that forests expanded southward; and eastward from the Rockies.

      1. The bald prairie extended as far north as Edmonton. The four Plains Cree reserves are 70 km south of Edmonton at the hamlet formerly known as Hobbema.

  9. When Hans starts bleating about climate change causing the fire (it wasn’t lightning), can we report him to the competition bureau for violating their regulations on false climate change information?

  10. There’s a trillion dollar energy source that is our forests.
    Some other natural consumer will consume it like fire, disease or bugs.

    We could have harvested a great percentage of it thereby controlling the fire, disease and bugs and built things, but we have Leftards.

  11. This massive blaze was brought on by GROSS Forest Mismanagement – most likely on purpose.
    You don’t leave 2+ feet of dead undergrowth on the ground. Ya also don’t leave X # of 1000 hectares of trees killed by the pine beetle standing either. There was more than 1 offer from lumber companies more than willing to go in and remove said trees.

    NOPE said Parks Can.

    Not only did they say no, but Parks Can had contractors go into said Forested area and literally obliterate ALL the Cut lines..!! Done so by uprooting & cutting down trees to block access.
    their Reasoning being there was A SMALL HERD of Elk….Elk that NO ONE Who hunted or fished in said Forest had ever seen. Open Cut lines would have allowed Fire Fighting Equip/men to access the area’s.

    3rd issue is that when there is an attempt at re-forestation, “they” ALWAYS – Soley plant Coniferous seedlings which to me is STUPID – if you truly wish to see your forest grow & be naturally somewhat resistant to wild fire, you also plant Deciduous Trees.

    This Fire could Have been Prevented.
    I blame previous NDP Prov Govts in both BC & Ab….and the Feds who have an equal amount of blame with their BS CLIMATE CRUSADE.

    1. And sadder, Mother Nature supplies a tree that’s perfect for reforestation – a tree that Parks Canada has spent decades spraying from helicopters to try killing-off – Alders. Alders have (among several others) four enormous advantages:
      1) they self-seed like weeds and grow really fast, doing an excellent job of ground cover and resisting erosion; they grow so fast that, like the Elm (known as a ‘widow-maker’ because if you try to cut one down, it’ll drop a branch on you), they’re dangerous to cut down as their fast, twisting growth leaves their trunks under immense internal stress and the trunk may split vertically and snap out at you, it’s called a “barber chair”,
      2) their roots fix nitrogen in the soil, fertilizing it,
      3) they’re short-lived and soon die-off, leaving gaps in the canopy that’re good for other species to root once the alders are gone, and
      4) Alders are remarkably resistant to forest fire; a group of Alders has a reputation as a ‘fire blanket’.

  12. The Pine Beetle infestation has been caused by Global Warming. There, I fixed it for the government.

  13. This reminds me of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. New Orleans had been given lots of money to repair the levees, but chose to use the money for social welfare programs. The hurricane hit, the levees broke and we know the rest of the story. That is almost 20 years ago now and the city of New Orleans is about half of its previous population and has lots of problems.

    1. “…New Orleans is about half of its previous population…”
      Take a bunch of welfare queens that vote democrat, pile them into an area below sea level protected by a inadequate levy in a hurricane zone and wait. Pure genius if you ask me.

  14. Seems like criminal negligence.
    Not doing something to purposely create a negative outcome is a crime in many countries.
    Like not feeding your baby.
    Seems to me that legal action against the federal government, against Hirsute Hans, PM Backstabber and any other POS Liberal or federal bureaucrat you can name, needs to happen ASAP.
    Anyone else who shoulda and coulda but didn’t should also be put in a Jasper pillory where bags of shit can be thrown at them.

  15. Thank you to the commenters above… I’ve learned so much about our forests, fire fighting and history. SMA is a broadbase supergroup of experts and practical people!

  16. Long long ago in the early 1970s even before global warming was global cooling, in the course of doing research on the Naskapi, I read how forest fires in northern Quebec were a constant natural part of the cycle of forest rejuvenation to clear out deadwood and make space for young growth. Yet here we are, with the people of Jasper bearing the pain of the willful ignorance and negligence of Parks Canada and Guilbeault.

    1. But that is the old story. You can’t remember the old story. You can only remember the new story. (re-read 1984 if you can’t recall why this is the case.)

      Those who do not parrot the new story are subject to intensive re-integration (aka reprogramming) to ensure a sensible democratic response to the current “disaster”.

  17. They would rather spend the money on other things.. Like global warming politics.. Far more sexy than controlled burns and tree lines..

  18. Forest fire statistics, both frequency and area burned, are difficult to interpret.

    The fluctuations are extreme. Last year was a record high but the record low was set in 2020.

    As for frequency, around 50% or more are started by humans, not lightning. Over a long period, population increase drives increases in construction, camping, roads, logging, etc.

    The area burned depends on location – if remote, we let it burn. If near populated area we fight fires. Budgets vary from year to year. This has an impact on ability to deploy resources.

    As discussed above, forestry management plays a large role.

    None of this impacts our press who take each blaze as proof positive of climate change.

    1. As the old saying goes, I have my head in the freezer and my feet in the oven but on average I’m comfortable.

  19. From Parks Canada.

    “Why they [the whitebark pine] are at risk

    As hardy as the whitebark pine is, it is declining throughout its range, including within the mountain national parks. It faces the many challenges brought on by white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle, historical fire suppression and climate change. As a slow-growing tree species that relies on Clark’s nutcracker to spread its seeds, it needs our help to recover.”

    Historical fire suppression? What on Earth does that mean?

  20. It’s a dark ages kind of stupid to think that a trace gas (CO2), the stuff you exhale, that is less than 1/2 of 1/10 of 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere can effect and/or control our climate. Science has disproved this crazy belief time and time again. Of course that gets shoved into the media backwash. Can’t wreck the narrative after all. Plus throughout the Earth’s history, CO2 levels have been as high as 7000 ppm, and as low as 180 ppm. Plants start to die at that level. If anything, at a CO2 level of around 420 ppm, we have a carbon deficit. It’s an extra kind of dark ages stupid to think that we would have any control over what the Earth does anyway. Maybe shake some rattles, scream, and dance around half naked in a forest somewhere, would have more of an effect. Especially if one believes that CO2 is the driving principle of our “climate”.

  21. We know what it takes to control fire. When it’s suggested a controlled burn is required Karen starts screaming and mounts vigorous opposition.

  22. Foresters knew it was gonna happen. Govs of all stripes ignored it. In this case, being park, held dear by concrete cubicle dwellers. No action taken.

    JT and eco nut get to wear it. Sad for those who lost assets in this event. Insurance may or may not replace loss.

    Permits, etc,etc will be forever tho, look at Lyton BC, speed of that rebuild.

    Sad but true, I do feel for those affected it’s gonna be long and ugly.

  23. Class action lawsuits against the negligent should be starting yesterday.

    But the government could just freeze their bank accounts and dis-bar their lawyers, so there’s that….

  24. I once saw a map showing wildlife corridors and areas where human habitation was to be removed to make room for wildlife.
    i remember the Alberta- BC border was a human no go zone. Can anyone remind me what it was? Seems it was put out by Canada 2020 or some such group. It would explain why the government seems hostile to development in that area.

    1. It was originally called Agenda 21 (30 year ago) but was changed to Agenda 2030 a UN inspired dream of the deep green lunatics. Canada has signed on and is committed to preserving 30% of the nation by 2030. Canada is already on track to become one of the worst performing economies in the developed world and any government that continues with this nonsense will make it much worse.

      1. Thanks, that was it. So burning out the humans in proposed wilderness areas works better than most government actions. Ecofascists should be proud.

  25. Thanks to all of the factual “this is BS” posters above. There are so many reasons that the current reason for reacting to a non-crisis is good, and we’ve hit most of them in the comments above. Well done, all!

  26. Those trees had value before the bugs took over. Log or burn makes roon for new growth. Earth first we will log the other planets later.

  27. It’s a simple formula. Don’t look after the forests, wait for them to burn, blame it on “climate change”, crank up everyone’s taxes. Rinse and repeat.

    You need to stick this in between ‘forests, wait’
    It should read… “Don’t look after the forests, ad more people with housing, wait for them to burn,
    There I fix it!
