21 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Would love to see a comback.
    Mel was officially canceled for the drunk driving arrest/ jew rant. I suspect making a successful movie about Jesus probably didn’t help him in Hollywood either.

    He had a recent movie playing an ex con that was decent.

  2. So, what the article is saying is being a fervent Muslim is akin to having a mental disorder?

    1. Isn’t it obvious? But I would say it’s both mental disorder and mental retardation. The average muslim IQ is probably twenty points lower than that of non-muslims.

      1. Check out the list of Muslim Nobel Prize winners. For science and such, not peace. Hey, I get it. There is a noble history of stuff Muslims did in the past (maybe, see library of Alexandria, Oops not, burned to a crisp)

    2. I’m from Finland and I think SDA decrypted the case for me. I wondered why the apellate court would ignore ‘knew or should have known’. It’s now obvious a Muslim man is just above in hierarchy from a disabled woman. It’s rather perplexing if the perp were just ‘unmarked’ men as the news were.

      The court seems to have thought a Muslim immigrant can’t see the signs of intellectual disability.

  3. I guess this is why Sir Sean Connery wanted to extricate Scotland politically from Britain.

    1. Looks like Western European socialists want to continue what their national socialist brothers started.

  4. “Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center

    CNN spoke to three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. All spoke out at risk of legal repercussions and reprisals from groups supportive of Israel’s hardline policies in Gaza.

    They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.”


    1. Really.. CNN
      Did you for get Russia. Russia, Russia that the played 7/24 for a year long with ZERO proof.

  5. Younis Tirawi | يونس
    “Rafah | Rafah’s water reservoir blown up

    Israeli soldier from the combat engineering corps sharing footage on his personal account blowing Rafah’s water reservoir in Tel Sultan neighborhood “in honor of Shabbat” as he describes it.”


          1. And releases the hostages … ALIVE!! Hamas are MONSTERS who should be eliminated from the planet. Take NO prisoners. None.

          2. And then move on to Hezbollah … who indiscriminately MURDERED a dozen little girls on a soccer field. But true to form … Hezbollah murdered ARAB girls from the Druze community. No Israelis were harmed. Radical Islam must be eradicated from the planet. Gone. Disinfect the planet of this scourge.

  6. Their ancestors fought so hard to keep the Islamicists out, and now this.
    There must be a lot of spinning noises in ancient graveyards these days.
