16 Replies to “Because of course they do”

  1. Saskatchewan Environmental Society wants more of your money and the ability to tell you how to run your life. There fixed it for you.

  2. I appreciate Brian’s efforts to post statements from “the opposition” (for lack of a better phrase), but I would also appreciate a counter-point view to challenge the SES narrative.
    I am not an expert in this area. Not by a longshot. I would appreciate reading positions from all fronts to better educate myself.

    1. The idea here is that people should see the full-throated thoughts of the high priest, clergy and the like of the Church of Climate Change. How else are we do know the Church’s doctrine and dogma? After all, it is the new world religion.

      1. New world religion? Not really. It’s simply old school marxist socialism in a very thin disguise. A principal goal of the SES is to get the NDP reelected in Saskatchewan. These lunatics are a principal reason why most Saskatchewan voters will have nothing to do with the Dippers.

        1. “These lunatics are a principal reason why most Saskatchewan voters will have nothing to do with the Dippers.”

          Oh? Well then, keep up the good work SES.

      2. I get that. What I was hoping to see is a rebuttal to their… [ahem]… “statement,” because as it stands now, the average consumer of information will swallow their BS hook, line, and sinker.
        Without an opposing view to shatter the SES narrative, I’m afraid people who are not really up for the game, are going to accept their “reasoning” as an inescapable conclusion, and that really concerns me.

  3. $84k from other charities, and over $100k from governments (mostly municipal or regional) and most of their “charitable works” is paying their employees to propagandize about climate change since 1972.

    Tell us again why we should listen to these 10 people who work for a grandiose sounding organizations?

  4. A year or 2 back, there was an open discussion on climate change action by the SES. It used a zoom conference to allow comments and questions of the panel members. On the topic of wind generators, I suggested that Saskatoon had dozens of parks that could support the building of wind generators while leaving the ground free for continued use. This idea was immediately shut down as no one wanted these located in their neighborhood. But they were more than willing to have them placed in someone else’s backyard. The prominent members of this group are also against any kind of nuclear energy generation. The hypocrisy of this organization runs deep.

  5. All members of SES need to volunteer to have their hearts cut out and be sacrificed to the sun god. Because it worked so well for the Aztecs.

  6. The SES doesn’t mention that they are as antinuclear as it gets. Simply based on their own statements, they are as lying a gang of hypocrites as you will find anywhere.

  7. Would you expect something named the SK Environmental Society to say anything different? It is remarkable how these organizations spout studies that supposedly support “ the science” but never advance to say what that means in terms of actual actions other than shutting down the fossil fuel industry. They never say why they have drawn those conclusions or how it impacts real people’s activities. Nor do they offer practical alternatives, probably because right now there are none.

    1. If you read their “Our Story” on their website, they formed in the 1970s as an opposition group to river bank development, uranium mining in Saskatchewan and opposition to nuclear power generation. That’s what they are about, as everything else came later.
