37 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

    1. John time to establish the Knights of the Templar again! The crusades have hit Canada!

  1. Mask wearing militants strike out at the most vulnerable, the children. Who is surprised by their actions? The West Bank and Gaza militants have long histories of using their own children as suicide bombers so they naturally assume our children are expendable, too.
    Respect all cultures political mantra goes on and on from the same tone deaf morons.

  2. “It’s an anti-Semitic crime wave.”

    Of course it is. They know that even if they get caught they’ll be out the next day, why wouldn’t they go after the Jews?

    1. The first line in the CBC article says “Fire not being investigated as hate crime, police say”.

      The third line backs up the first “They say there is currently “no evidence” the fire was motivated by hate.”.

      I wonder if the BBC reported on the London bombing raids, “There is no evidence the air attack was linked to the recent dispute with the Nazi government “.

  3. And yet……….still voting Liberal.
    Hoist on their own petard………..just like wimmens.

    1. IIRC, a lefty cry is ‘”denying that hate is a firebomb is also hate! or something to that effect.

  4. I think they voted for it. And not without warning. The Jewish diaspora like to differentiate themselves from Israel by virtue signalling the same way Canadians are tought to differentiate themselves from a media created caricature of the American. Ezra’s been pounding this drum for almost 2 decades and his cousins couldn’t hear it. He that has ears to hear…

    1. Exactly. Bernie Farber was always first in line to condemn anyone who questioned third world immigration.

  5. Import mentally retarded third world scum and you get the allah akbar syndrome running rampant. They all have to go home. Everyone knows that (to borrow a sentence from one of our resident antisemites)

    1. Having secured relatively utopian level benefits many of them holiday back home.

  6. I have a question for the Jewish population of Canada:
    What in God’s name did you think was going to happen to all of you after working for, and voting for, the Liberal Party of Canada ,the NDP,and the Communist Party of Canada FOR OVER 100 YEARS IN A ROW ??

    1. what l know of history and hoomahn nature, my hypothesis is something like: because it hasnt affected them personally and directly then it must be a fluke, a misunderstanding, unintentional, ‘fake news’. or not to worry they are permanently immune; basically in denial.
      why did soooooooo many of them ‘hang around’ deutchland post krisstalnacht? WHY WHY WHY WHY dear juden???? WHY?
      or something far more deep seated, aka masochistic syndrome. all l know is of those in my past who inflicted abuse and indifference l still harbour resentment alternating with tremendous joy when for instance, another news article elementary teacherrrrrs gettting PUMMELED in the classroom by the demographic *they* USED TO use as punching bags,

      1. First they came for the conservatives but I wasn’t conservative so I turned away ….

        So now what are you going to do now that you’re back on the menu?

  7. I’m sure Moderate Muslims everywhere are appalled…
    To the non-Muslim Canadians who shrug – know that you’re next.

    1. I know that we’re next, but the Jews were never our allies. The Jews were always the first to condemn those who questioned mass immigration. Now I’m feeling shadenfraudalistic about the whole thing. Maybe seeing what’s happening to the jews will wake up my neighbours,

    2. Heh. Our thinking moderate Muslim Canadians are appalled to the same extent as our thinking moderate non-muslim Canadians. They’re all sitting back and letting it happen. While, with ever-increasing desperation they assure themselves that “then they came for me” was just a one-time thing.

      The non-thinkers …

  8. Ah, the good ole’ religion of peace that we’ve always been hearing about.

    1. “Ah, the good ole’ religion of peace that we’ve always been hearing about.”

      Yup. Most Muslims aren’t terrorists, but most terrorists *are* Muslims.

      (they hate having that pointed out to them)

  9. Jew hate is trending. ‘Look at me, I hate Jews.’ We will soon enter Damnation Alley stuff.

  10. The motive is totally unclear. And it’s a totally random attack, after all, just a coincidence that Jewish property was damaged. It could have happened anywhere, vandals aren’t picky about whose property they damage.

    So don’t rush to judgement, we have no idea why these crimes were committed.

    The big problem here isn’t anti-Semitism, it’s the likelihood of an unwarranted islamophobic backlash by racist, bigoted, far-right conservatives.

    (That’s sarcasm for all the dense folk reading this Mind you, it’s not far off mainstream media (CBC) mindset.)

  11. In for a penny.. No limit in protecting your political advantage.. Murderously wrong and you are not willing to give a inch because it will be used against you.. Blood sport politics..

  12. This is just the beginning, our little prince has imported millions of militants and third world scum since 2015, so this will continue to escalate

  13. Import turd world, become turd world. UK, Spain, France, Germany, why should Canada be any different?

  14. 80 catholic churches burned down or vandalized over the last three years and Trudeau comes out of his hole to say …”Hey, y’know what…it’s wrong but I understand the anger” It was then then that I realized I’m a second class citizen in my own country. I’ve gotten used to it Ezra, you should too. Best grow some hard bark because a hard rain is going to fall for the both of us.

    You’re a righteous Jew Ez. Your pal Bernie Farber on the other hand is a POS. Start calling members of your own tribe out.

  15. Ah, the “Rapey Beheady Crowd” of bearded bozos and mental midgets are getting their Arson on now. Toronto Cops are befuddled, and are not certain where to deliver the donuts to, now that the arsonists made off in their getaway carpet.

  16. And our Prime Minister who met face to face with Greta, instituted a plastic straw ban because a 9 yr old wrote a paper, knelt with a teddy bear at false native burial grounds but has been basically silent on an actual travesty being perpetuated on Canadian citizens.
