Good Luck With That

David Coletto- Liberals can’t reduce their polling deficit without changing how people feel about Trudeau

Overall, our survey finds that most Canadians have a negative impression of Justin Trudeau and those negative feelings are more intense than they have been at previous points over the past four years.

For some, change is what they want and so their negative emotions towards Trudeau is simply caused by wanting someone else leading the country.

But there is also a personal side to the negativity towards Trudeau. Many believe he lies, breaks promises, is arrogant (that pops pretty clearly), and is incompetent.

10 Replies to “Good Luck With That”

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Liberals are willing to stick with Justin to make sure he gets the blame for sinking the ship. No one wants to be the next Kim Campbell while he swans off unscathed to a cushy retirement job at some leftist think tank.

  2. So, all the Libranos need now is a new ‘Great Helmsperson’ to maintain the present course to take HMCS Canada to the eternal peace of the depths? This brilliant strategy will put a new face on an old whore.

  3. As a matter of fact, incompetent is at the very top of the real, actual matter of facts.

    The idiot would not know what to do any hour of any day if the cabal that runs him did not tell him.

    Being very charitable here.

  4. I think the job he was hired to do was to utterly destroy the country and in the process take all the blame(from the Liberal party and the Laurentian elite) for doing so. The expectation is that they’ll lose one election, sit in the opposition for 4 years and then get elected right back into power. If this is the job he was hired to do, he’s done it masterfully.

    1. Wow, sounds almost Biblical when you describe it that way. Joe Biden’s “most selfless act for democracy” got nothing on the Turd and his crew.

  5. It took the USA
    3 Bushes
    1 Obama and
    2 Clintons
    For Trump to succeed.
    Let’s hope the Trudeau name is done.

  6. My fear is that the LIV’s will think Trudeau was the problem.
    It is far deeper.
    It is the entire leftist, socialist, Marxist ideology for which JT is merely the current figurehead.
    Media, Education, Academia, Courts, Medical, Large Corporations, Civic Politics and School Boards…they are all morbidly infected.
    Changing out one man…err….person…will make almost no difference.
    Once he is gone, the Unthinking Ones will again want to virtue signal to themselves about how “progressive” they are, and the downhill slide will continue.
    They never stop to ask,”Progressing towards what?” do they?

  7. If the libranos change out the Bong for a fresh faced woman they could easily win a majority.
    It’s Canada afterall

  8. the entire gov’t prov/fed is corrupt and controlled/owned by ccp/wef, if the demonrats succeed in the US, cana_duh is turned into chinada as Kate likes to say
