It’s Not Our Fault

Yes, it’s our responsibility and okay we didn’t do the work, and a third of Jasper burned to the ground. But hey, could’ve been worse.

Blacklocks- Don’t Blame Feds: Guilbeault

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault yesterday said it was “simply not true” that Parks Canada mismanaged fire preparedness at Jasper, Alta. However documents show the agency from 2015 halved the number of controlled burns needed to create firebreaks at Jasper and other parks.

30 Replies to “It’s Not Our Fault”

  1. Deal or No Deal?

    We’ll trade you Transportation Secretary Mayor Pete and his husband and two kids for Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and 3 flunkies to be named later.

    1. As long as they ship him (and flunkies) to California, where he’ll fit right in…

      1. Good suggestion, Chris. California is so bad, maybe they’ll get lucky, and he’ll undo some of the damage. [shrug] The only way to go is up in The Peoples Republic of Californiastan.

        I’ll get our people to get with their people and work out the details of the trade, and to make sure that clause is in there.

  2. Well ‘e would say that,wouldn’t ‘e?
    It was Global Warming what done it.
    You have to understand,with the likes of Steven the Lecturer,it is always, Some one , some thing, that caused their brilliant schemes to fail.
    They really are this stupid.
    Their motto becomes “Look what YOU made me do” as they engage in mass killings.
    History is full of idiot ideologues.

  3. And the type of minions such dear Leaders appoint.
    Parks Canada will hold an inquiry,at some very nice location..Where they will discover that plants grow faster than their bureaucracy can remove deadwood..Of the timber/undergrowth kind.
    And that fire works best,with a huge fuel base,pre-dried and fanned by high winds.
    And this “Shocking and unprecedented face of nature” will have to be studied until Banff Burns.
    Climate Change will be the cause.
    The solution ?
    More stick built homes with plastic coatings in fire zones.
    No fire breaks accepted.

  4. Saw a Parks Canada dude on TV stating that Jasper was the most fire prevention ready town in Canada because of all the planning and work done.

    Not really reassuring…………

    1. Marc…that pretty much SUMS it up now don’t it…
      And everything they do is DESIGNED to END our lives…Sooner than later.

      He, the PMO & the Entire Cabinet needs to be introduced to Hemp Rope.
      Sooner than Later.

    2. That includes any senior bureaucrats. Those jerks are unaccountable and care less than the politicians.

  5. soooooo there ya have it alberta.
    get with the program, deliver liberal mps or
    we let your town burn down.

  6. I wonder how much the gov paid the asshole to light the fire . Getting tired of all these “wild fires “ right next to towns and cities

    1. Funny thing that … because here in CA it’s the STUPID humans who are being blamed for building homes in the middle of the forests. It’s OUR fault for greedily living so close to nature. And fires are “natural” and should never be repressed by humans. That’s why our Federal forest service stood by and watched, gleefully, as half of Yellowstone Park burned to a crisp.

      So, the “environmental” answer to the problem is to move EVERYONE … except the FN’s OUT of the forest land. See how simple it is to live … ecologically. Now GIT! GIT OUT of the forests and go live in our shiny new 15min. Cities. And if you don’t GIT OUT … we’ll burn you out.

  7. Why didn’t the government employees remove the deadwood?
    Professional courtesy.

  8. I used to live in Jasper. Lots of the valleys filled with skinny pines a foot apart and as dry as a popcorn fart every summer. Yes the Feds did work on one area,but the fire swept from the south not the west where the Feds assumed the fire would come. It moved 5 km in 30 minutes so that’s crazy. Guilbeault drives me insane! What a selfish ass!

  9. “It’s not our fault!” …says the government.
    Yes! Yes it is your fault!

    To deny it in light of all the evidence is just more gaslighting from our esteemed federal lie-berals.
    (oh… and btw… I believe I eluded to government mismanagement early on… Just sayin’.)

  10. Is his denialist statement actionable? after all denying things is now a crime according to the competition board.

  11. Has the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government taken responsibility for any of their mismanagement, waste and corruption? Not sure why anyone would think they’d take responsibility for their failure in Jasper. Everything the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government touches turns into a shitshow but it’s never, ever their fault.

      1. I’m not a fan of politicians or government bureaucracy but the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is the worst Canadian government in my lifetime and most likely the worst in Canadian history. How could voters in central and eastern Canada be fooled into repeatedly voting for this disaster of government?

        I guess it explains why most Canadian province’s GDP per capita is ranked lower than almost all 50 US states, it’s because they keep voting in awful politicians with terrible policies both provincially and federally.

        1. Its the old adage “If my party put up a pig I’d vote for it.”
          Trump might be intentionally changing that, at least in the US. If we are lucky Trudeau might be, to his surprise, changing that here too.

  12. So all this carbon tax dough the feds extirpated from the accounts of Canadians is no damm use, is it?

  13. Face it. They want fires. Lots of them. Big ones. To “prove” their climate change horseshit.

    And controlled burns and wise logging would screw that up.

    1. Bang on, and that’s the kicker the amount of society they FK over to prove themselves right.
      And they get away with it.
      Why because we let them.
      Simple easy peasy , politics isn’t going to change much of anything.
      Unless it gets down , dirty and fking serious for the right reasons.
      Other wise no change.

  14. “not my/our fault” he says – and there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that he is going to resign.
    the trudeau government is by far, the most incompetent gang of elected officials in canada’s history.
    they will get a place in the history books.
