20 Replies to “Postcard From Paris”

  1. The food sucks too.
    The eco-beds are uncomfortable.
    No air conditioning in buses.
    An hour to get 10 km.
    Athletes are fleeing the village for better areas.

    It’s an environmental crap fest!
    With Christian and Jew hatred to break up the day…..

  2. How much did they spend on the opening ceremony? Speaking of human feces floating on the Seine.

  3. Triathletes kicking themselves for not taking up surfing.
    The weather and water in Tahiti look excellent.

    1. What a stupid comment.
      The triathlon wasn’t held in the Montreal Olympics and Vancouver hosted the winter games.
      Do better.

      1. Vancouver and Montreal both dump their sewage into the ocean/the St Lawrence river. The Seine might be filthy, but the French tried to clean it, no such effort is made by Vancouver and Montreal. I have no comment to make about the Montreal and Vancouver Olympic games, just the filthy water.

        1. “Vancouver and Montreal both dump their sewage into the ocean/the St Lawrence river. The Seine might be filthy, but the French tried to clean it, no such effort is made by Vancouver and Montreal. I have no comment to make about the Montreal and Vancouver Olympic games, just the filthy water.”

          You are confusing Vancouver with Victoria. Vancouver does not dump sewage in the ocean.

        2. “The French tried to clean it” after decades of making it worse, and “tried” much too late for it to have any benefit. Nice try rustbucket.

          1. So France is bad for trying and Victoria and Montreal are AOK for doing nothing? Makes sense I suppose.

  4. “But the U.S. should still come up with a backup plan that doesn’t involve wasting billions of taxpayer dollars or athletes making questionable hygiene decisions. ”

    Why should government spend any taxpayer dollars for this circus?

  5. If you don’t stop the incoming sewage sources, your efforts will inevitably fail. France needed to build in a fair few sewage treatment plants and then divert the sewage flowing Seine-wards to said plants. Anything else is bound to be futile.

  6. Chairman Mao had no problem swimming across the Yahtzee River. Sometimes when he was floating downstream a poop would bump into him on its way to Shanghai and it didn’t worry him at all.

    There’s no mention of the possibility that those poops floating down the Seine aren’t just poops that were once buried on the beaches upstream from Paris from “new frenchmen” like the poops on the beaches in Canada are poops from “new canadians” but nobody is seriously investigating ?

    Someone should check to see if those poops in the Seine are halal. Then we’ll all know.

    1. As it happens, the OPP is investigating the woman who posted about the new Canadians and their beach-going habits.

      Something about it’s racist to video morons befouling a public beach and then post it on the interwebz.

      1. Well by now you’d think I shouldn’t be surprised that the police are investigating the videographers of this event, and not who’s actually pooping on the beach.
        But part of me still is. I guess I need to work on that.

  7. that litereal shit about the mayor taking a dip proves NOTHING.
    its clean is it you stoooooopid tXXX? HAVE A DRINK
