17 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. https://www.ibtimes.sg/southport-attacker-asylum-seeker-was-mi6-watch-list-theories-float-police-arrests-17-year-old-75479

    Predictably … the BBC calls the Muslim murderer a … 17 yo “boy” … and without naming him claims he was born in Cardiff … a native British citizen. Hmmmm? So someone is wrong. The police haven’t released a name. The police haven’t revealed a motive. But the “boys” house has been surrounded and searched by the police. They know who he is. So why aren’t they releasing his name? Because he’s a minor? Or because he’s an asylum-seeking Muslim?

    “Boy”? … he slaughtered two 10yo little girls!!! + slashed and stabbed the shit out of a dozen others. Come on police … DO your damnned JOB!

    1. You think the people of England will ever learn and kick these trouble makers out?

    2. He might have born in Cardiff to two asylum seekers. Anyway, radicalization is not necessarily at all the fault of the parents. We’d need investigation, but as a 17 yo he will avoid the public scrutiny. What’s left is the fact that dangerous people should be locked up, but Western countries rarely lock people up, because what’s two killed girls? Nothing compared to protected minorities, even if mentally unstable.

  2. If there was a reliable new source in Canada, we might know about the local victims. It is a quandary how cops became so cowardly when it comes to muslims.

    Remain vigilant and situationally aware, because this shite could become a great deal more real and live with insane muslim religious hared for humanity.

  3. The Kassel case: ‘Ein Mann aus Niest hat am Abend des 16. Januar den Nahverkehr in Kassel zum Erliegen gebracht.’

    Bild, in Jan 21, 2024: Oh yes, it was just ‘one’ 30 year old man, the marked minorities omitted to protect Muslims, Afghans, and immigrants.

    This is the reason why the left absolutely doesn’t know. The media routinely deletes marked minority info as irrelevant and harmful despite it being … well … most relevant in understanding the issues at hand, say, mental problems of Afghan men.

    The only minorities that can be presented are the so called unmarked ones: men, 30 yo, name if it is Thomas or Matthew, the name of the domestic small city the man comes from. The others are deemed harmful, they are hidden, or even lied about using ‘local man’ about an apparent recent immigrant from an Islamist country.

    We would be more informed if the law simply prevented ever telling the sex, gender, name, age, nationality, race, identity, or previous criminal career of the newly arrested ‘singular cases’. Then we would not be duped to think the undocumented data resembles cases where it was documented.

    Surely this represents mental illness, maybe even drug use. It’s harmful to everyone if we don’t see the full picture. Maybe the relative majority of masturbating 30 yo mxn (like men but explicitly including transmen) on rails are actually pureblood German skinheads? Who knows? We demand statistics!

  4. Has anyone seen the news about a muslin buying an island off the coast of England to build his own country.

  5. Our news agencies in the West can’t handle the Truth!!!! Tell us his religion and I would be surprised if he’s not Muslim! Asylum seeker on M-16 watch list!
    Kenji nails it!

    1. M16 is a rifle, MI 6 is a British intelligence service (whose domestic counterpart, MI 5, would be the ones taking an interest in threats inside the U.K.)

  6. 20% or less Sunni muslims in Iraq controlled the much larger Shia population through brutality and violence under Saddam Hussein, and it’s not like the Shia’s were easy to control, they are very brutal and violent themselves.

    Eurabia has already fallen to Islam, subjugated Europeans know who has absolute power over them and it’s the people they dare not criticize or they will end up like Tommy Robinson.

  7. We in North America (well at least in Canuckistan), are about 5-7 yrs behind Britain…but Canada’s Islamic community is already showing it’s Filthy fangs.

    This sub human garbage has ZEREO Business in the Western Hemisphere – they’re not here to assimilate – never were. The Only reason they’re here is to Create an Islamic Caliphate. And when I say “here”… I mean throughout the Western Hemisphere.

    There WILL BE conflict – mark my words…

    1. I’ve taught my Son’s to be educated about the Depravity of Islam. Awareness of your surroundings will always help you. Also, in Canada, Brown stands out well in snow. Load up, we are the Next Crusaders.
      Ban Islam
      Destroy All Mosques
      Deport the inbred and Wahabi imams
      Exile All Muslims.
      Muslims are Muslim first, not Canadian. Back to your Feces infested Shitholes, you contribute nothing to our Country but despotism despair and decay.

  8. “The current conflict between Gallant and Ben-Gvir comes after the Military Police arrested nine soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner.

    The Israeli investigation of the rape became necessary after reports by CNN, the New York Times (archived) and the Washington Post (archived) about prisoner abuse and murder in Israeli jails. The reports threatened to trigger international investigations:”

