14 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Black employees reported managers using the N-word “comfortably in their presence” and later expressing surprise at “not knowing” it was a pejorative term for Black people.”

    An obvious lie.

    I predict the Privy Council Office to be the next government entity to be de-whited then racialized i.e. minority rule.

    1. Methinks those black employees are full of shyte. In other words, lying through their teeth to stir up trouble. I worked in the PCO twenty-five years ago and I can state without fear of error that no manager there would ever use the n-word. They were politically correct back then, they’ll be even moreso now.

    2. Yeah, I don’t buy it either. The PCO is one place that’s guaranteed to be woke to the extreme.

      I think they’re just feeling like they’re being left out as victims, they want the extra power and money that being a victim results in these days.

  2. If Nicholas Marcus Thompson had any balls he’d call bullshit and walk his ass out on that fat POS lady standing beside him, tell her to pop an Ozempic and put down the Sprite and donuts, and get a real job.

    Taxpayer money was spent on this whole charade…May the odds be ever in your favour

  3. The guy suckling the government teat for 48 years thinks there should be term limits. Somehow , I am thinking he may someday enjoy that Presidential immunity. Is this one of those “let that sink in moments?”

    1. Considering his advanced dementia and poor health he is unlikely to live long enough or be held mentally capable to face any charges.

      This is to protect someone else who may be held responsible for actions.

  4. The Liberal Party owns The Privy Council Office, always has, of course it is full of racists.

    National socialists in the ndp/liberal party classify everyone based on skin color and/or ethnicity and pit them against the whites in order to create conflict and division, obviously.

    The report accurately identifies Liberals as racist bigots but that’s all it does, the Liberal author was commissioned to continue and promote Liberal racism, this kind of racist garbage is typical Liberal, is it still news to people?

  5. “I am shocked..Gambling”?
    That famous line from the Cop in Casablanca?
    These parasites may not be lying.
    For this is the Heart of the Beast,where everything they accuse the tax payer of and pretend to be “concerned about” turns out to be a confession of their own state of mind.
    Every accusation ,of perversity,vileness and corruption, coming from our progressive comrades, is a confession.
    And what better way to demonstrate ones Superiority over the common man?
    Hillary’s accidental truth telling.”Deplorables”.
    Dear Leaders use of The Emergency Act..
    This is how the circles they strut within actually view the world.
    And it will take another relic from our heritage,Madame Guillotine,to cure what ails such people.

    And in this phoney culture of Didn’t Earn It,or DEI for short,the upper minions know they are lying.
    Know they are appointing morons of colour over merit.
    So such contempt for their own appointees can only flourish.
    We are talking of a Liberal Hothouse,the perfect growing conditions for sycophants,lechers and scum.
    Perverts and hypocrites one and all.

  6. About that “apology” from the Paris Olympic committee re: the opening ceremony.

    At the link: This is good. Bishop Robert Barron has a large online presence and a site called Word on Fire; produces good resources, many aimed at getting Catholics to read the people. (I’m not a Catholic, so I disagree with some of it, but I recommend his stuff.)

    Be sure to watch the video (don’t just read the story):
