Water Carriers

I doubt that you could get a more sycophantic opinion piece than this, but Vanity Fair should at least have the decency to stop pretending that they’re engaging in journalism.

Hollywood went into panic mode over Joe Biden’s candidacy after the presidential debate. Most of that anxiety has now morphed into “unabashed excitement and energy unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” according to Jordan C. Brown, a Hollywood political strategist who served on the Biden campaign’s Entertainment Advisory Council and worked on events for Harris during her Senate and presidential runs. “I think people didn’t realize how worried and hopeless they were until she had this opportunity, and the party united behind her. I’ve just never seen anything like it.”

Even DreamWorks cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg, a major force in Hollywood political fundraising who stood by Biden in recent weeks, has jumped onboard the USS Kamala. He is now a cochair of Harris’s campaign. “Again and again, she has been underestimated. Again and again, she has triumphed,” Katzenberg wrote of the vice president in a New York Times op-ed. “I couldn’t be more confident that this November will be no different.”

8 Replies to “Water Carriers”

  1. If I may corrupt an old May West line: they’ve got dew on their shoes, they’re so glad to see her.

  2. Great … so Camilla has “leaned-in” to Hollywood, like she’s “kneeled-in” front of Willie Brown’s brown willie. Not that there’s anything wrong with the world’s oldest profession …

  3. Its all or nothing for the democrats.. Its not like they can run on policy :).. It will be close.. 10 million words later..

  4. They do whatever the alien brain parasite tells them to do. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  5. Every now and then I take the time to actually watch a commercial,then I ponder..”What were they selling”.
    Try it.
    You may rise to levels of unsuspected bafflement.

    Now the Media Industry is busy selling a “New and Not the beast you have already seen Kamala”.
    Who is their client?
    And can they be held accountable to Truth in Advertising?
    Or will we be left to exact retribution upon the whole bunch ,including those dumb enough to buy what is being sold.
    What is a fitting fate for such gullible victims?
    Getting what they vote for?

  6. UNDERestimated? I just want to be sure I’m reading the correct word.
    Carry on, delulu people.

  7. I do not look forward to seeing KH’s image on every single magazine in the next three months. Sickening.
