17 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. They will plead “not guilty by virtue of having committed the crime.”


  2. If their timing is right, they may hit the jackpot!
    An election is coming , a $10 million donation to both from Trudeau would not be unprecedented.

  3. I would put the Minister of Immigration in a 10 x10 prison cell for 10 years for allowing these 3rd world pieces of garbage to set foot in Canada.
    10 years in prison as a warning to future Immigration Ministers to make sure you check and vet everyone you allow into this country.

  4. PM Backthtabber, Juthtin the Papineau Putzth, sayth: “If you kill them, they win.”
    I believe its time to make them win.
    All of them.
    No exceptions.
    Not old exceptions, not young exceptions, not pregnant exceptions.
    Hell must be fed.

    1. It was only a matter of time that the British would start rioting after the Irish started their uprisings over mass immigration.

    2. The more they deny and deflect the truth, the worse the results. 20+ years of this stupid shit and no one has learned anything. I’m so tired of this game. Hey, I was all in for this stuff in the 80’s, globalization, integration blah, blah blah. Nope. Complete failure at every level.

    3. @kenjii: That’s right, the PM of the UK said that the right-wing extremists has hijacked this tragedy. Shame shame on those rightguys. (I am being facetious of course)

      1. The “Far Right” seem to be the only ones who can NAME it and SHAME it … meanwhile … the “boy perpetrator” of this horrific violence is protected by the police.

        If one of those little girls was my daughter? This “boy” would never make it to manhood. And he’d get all the virgins he’s promised.

  5. Allahu ackbar, they chanted
    And the liberalss smiled
    Kill all the infidels, they shouted
    And the liberals smiled
    They stabbed little girls in a fit of sudden jihadi syndrome
    And the liberals smiled
    Then, they came for the liberals because they represent everything Islam abhors
    And there were no more liberals left to smile.

    1. True Dat.

      I’ve encountered Muslims in a number of MENA countries, that might otherwise have been decent, well rounded, people…..but constant brainwashing since birth had/has erased all hope of that.

      1. Constant cousin marriage and inbreeding among “holy bloodlines” has reduced the average IQ in that region to between 80-90. We’re talking about a population that’s literally borderline mentally retarded.

        Zambia, the Congo and Uganda are all massive majority Christian. There’s only so much religion can do.

  6. “The West has become super-focused on great power competition, so counter-terrorism is kind of an afterthought, unfortunately,” said Clarke, a leading expert on ISIS.

    Really? And here I am, stupid me, thinking all along that “The West” has become super-focused on truck drivers, legal gun owners, and folks who fly the Red Ensign and stick “Fuck Turdo” signs on their trucks.
