Free! Free At Last!

Funny how they never lose track of taxpayers.

Blacklocks- Lost Track Of 500,000: Memo

“There are no accurate figures representing the number or composition of undocumented immigrants residing in Canada,” said an April 24 briefing note Undocumented Migrants. “Estimates suggest the population could be a high as 500,000.”

11 Replies to “Free! Free At Last!”

  1. We’re seeing a country commit national suicide right in front of our faces. Not only in Canada, but here in the U.S. and most other western nations. Like our despicable media – no matter how much you hate your “leaders” – I can assure you it’s not nearly enough. We all need to ramp it up.

  2. Half a milion is the figure given by a Government that tells the truth about nothing. So you know the real figure is at least double – and quite possibly triple – that number.

  3. When one of these half million unknowns does something horrible, it won’t happen in Regina. It won’t happen in Brandon. It won’t happen in Red Deer. It will happen in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal or Ottawa.

  4. Of course they don’t know how many there are. It’s right there in the name “undocumented”.

  5. I believe commenting is an admission of xenophobia, racism, misogyny and Big Gov will come for you.
