If they own pipelines, will they protest pipelines?

Will this put an end to most Indigenous opposition to pipelines? TC Energy signs deal to sell minority stake in pipeline to Indigenous groups.


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23 Replies to “If they own pipelines, will they protest pipelines?”

  1. Called it. No pipeline would ever be built in Canada again unless the FN get their cut.

    Also known elsewhere as extortion.

    1. This will all change when South East Asians (the real Indians) and the Chinese are the majority of Canada’s population. They could care less about First Nations.
      I have posted previously that even including the Metis, the First Nations are about 2 million – which is about 4% of Canada’s population. The Blacks also make up 4% of Canada’s population.

  2. It *should* help to end their opposition to pipelines, but, sadly, it won’t. If the duly elected chief and band council agree to any pipeline development, any dissenting member is guaranteed a worshipful media platform, and if any “traditional chief”, “knowledge keeper”, “woman water protector”, “water carrier”, or “water walker,” and, perhaps, even an “auntie” will likely be able to keep the protests going.

    1. It’s taught them that pretend opposition leads to mega-Wampum. At some time in the future, the FNs will have to be faced down, otherwise the Danegeld will continuw.

  3. The grievance industry will not go away regardless of how many ventures are gifted to them from the taxpayers until the legal status of Indians is equal to that of taxpayers. Until then, the inversion of apartheid will continue as long as the last lawyer is breathing and the SCOC remains the chief interpreters of the mercurial mush of the Canadian Charter.

  4. Just wait for the demands for an increase in fair returns on shares without ever investing a penny.

  5. First Nations don’t matter. The real opposition is the entrenched environmentalist opposition funded by big US-based trust funds. Giving First Nations a shareholder stake does nothing to avert the environmentalist lobby. Those swine will happily throw all of the local First Nations into the bonfire if it stops any pipeline construction.

    1. If you created a Venn diagram of native opposition and US trust fund environmentalists you might find it’s almost a perfect overlapping circle.

    2. The US funded (aren’t they all) NGOs initially bought off many Indian Bands in the past but many of them realized that after the initial pleasure with the modern blankets and Beads wore off they had excluded themselves from any piece of the action by being bought off. They are not all happy with the white pimp corporate greens.

      1. I tend to agree. But, the US trust fund monstrosities are not stupid. In the case of BC, they exploit the difference between the ‘traditional’ chiefs and the elected ones. There’s a power struggle going on between the two sides. This was evident in 2020 with the rail blockades over Coastal Gas Link.

        1. The realities of “indigenous governance” is even more complex than “elected vs traditional”. It’s actually more along the lines of Roseberry’s comments above. In a room full of Indians, one never knows who actually calls the shots. The loudmouths are generally not in charge. It’s quite often a quiet little old lady or man sitting at the back of the room. As long as Indians are dealt with as tribes rather than Individuals, the “negotiations” and gaming never ends. Reconciliation (equality under the law) is the last thing their leaders want.

          1. Agreed. But the US trust funds don’t care about any complexities. They just want to provide funding for their flunkies in the various ENGOs to wreck things. When Keystone XL was cancelled in 2021, they didn’t care in the slightest that the dupes lost jobs and opportunities. Success for the ENGOs was in destroying the project. If the First Nations were stupid enough to go along with it, well, that’s their problem.

          2. They want to call themselves Nations? Okay. Then we deal with them like nations. Every single band has violated their treaty obligations not to molest the Queen’s settlements/subjects and to be of good behaviour. That makes the treaties null and void, and their subsequent actions a clear casus belli. The bombing begins in five minutes.

    3. Much, if not all, FN opposition is financed by US trust funded enviro cults.

  6. “If they own pipelines, will they protest pipelines?”

    Of course they will.

    The protesters are Communists. You can’t buy peace from a Communist. They have no honor.

    1. The protests will continue until they own it all. Then, of course, they will continue because everything will be breaking down and they will need people to fix it. and on and on and on.

      1. Of course. And they’ll REALLY lean in once they can leverage the flow of oil to add beef to their demands.

  7. Not much has changed from their current role as rent takers. When indigenous students start learning STEM instead of filmmaking and beading we may have a generation that will be ready to tackle water quality on reserves… reverse osmosis, anyone?

  8. Pretty sure you call this “a shakedown.” Or the famous line from The Godfather: “This is a nice pipeline you’ve got here. It’d be a shame if something were to happen to it.”
