Lieberal Recruiting Opportunity

I feel terrible for Vanessa Gilles, and the rest of the Team Canada female soccer players.  None of them did anything wrong but are now being punished for the stupid actions of a few non-player bad actors.

One wonders if leaders of the Liberal Party of Canada are going to seize this opportunity to try to recruit those who did perform the misdeeds.  After all, with no ethics, no sense of morality, and absolutely no conscience, such folks would make perfect Liberal MPs!

27 Replies to “Lieberal Recruiting Opportunity”

  1. I also feel bad about those athletes, through no fault of their own, must pay the terrible price of some who manipulate. Imagine, you spend all of your time and effort to have someone take away the very chance of you succeeding. This isn’t a political discussion, East German, Chinese, Canadian, all have cheated. Not the first, not the last. I don’t care what political ideology you follow, to destroy the hopes and dreams of those so young, who work hard, wake up before dawn, have those promise taken away… it’s wrong. Those kids deserve better.

    1. I agree 100% Red Jeff with your comments! The athletes weren’t guilty of any wrongdoing! The drone incident was the fault of one analyst and one assistant coach! The players and team should not have been penalized!
      We have a relative on the team that we are very proud of!

      1. Nonsense. Todays athletes are vocal and activist for all sorts of causes not related to their sport and we are expected to accept it. This team cheated and apparently not just once. Are we now expected to believe that those players never watched video drone footage of the other team when their coaches showed it during pre game training. I call bull shit.

        1. Why would players of this calibre need to watch a drones footage to play a team they have seen multiple times! This was done by 2 foolish individuals and sending them home was right! Obviously Chris you have a little bitterness to elite athletes! See your therapists old boy!

          1. I don’t disagree oldbean. The cheating drone driver should be sent home. And my therapist says that he is sure they acted alone without the knowledge of the head coach or the players. So happily I bow to your superior knowledge of the purity of higher calibre athletic ethics.

          1. Nailed it man that must have been an incredible video of the New Zealand Team! Oh but the Canadians beat France and then Columbia with no video!! Something just not adding up boys!! Ha!!

      2. It doesn’t really matter because the US women’s team will sweep the Olympics. Nobody can touch the American women’s National soccer team. They’re even better than the American men’s National team who just embarrassed themselves in the Copa. That’s what the media tells me constantly.

        So the Canadian women had no choice but to cheat. I don’t blame them, because the UWNST are so far better than any other team in the world. It’s hard for people to be far worse than the greatest woman’s sporting team in the history of the planet without feeling the urge to cheat.

        My advice to the Canadian National women’s soccer team is to grab a couple of men from the FABULOUS Canadian National men’s team … and have them join the team as “transgendered” athletes. Then … you could kill several birds with one move.

    2. Did any of you opining the athletes say the same about the Russian athletes??
      Cheating is rampant in sports. At all levels. Chinese swimmers have been caught and nothing happened.
      One sad aspect: see something, say something whistle-blowers in the past decade have been pilloried in our social and political climate. Potentially athletes or others in Soccer Canada knew. But who would say anything?!
      Daysafter the ‘scandal’ broke, 960 sports radio found a hiring advert for CD Women’s Soccer on their website from Jan. 2024. One requirement: able to pilot a drone. People knew.
      The Olympics have become the vehicle for IOC members to make millions for doing very little.

  2. The only thing I’m going to say is that the Canadian Soccer team’s plight does not concern me. Anything about the Olympics does not concern me.
    I have more important things in life to worry about, and I cannot afford the distraction of a corrupt Olympic (satanic; demonic) games.

    1. Like everything else, the Olympics are corrupted beyond what anyone could have imagined. Sad to say Hitler’s Olympics were far more about athleticism than today’s homosexually-charged spectacle.

    2. OLYMPICS is just plain and simple JUST A WASTE OF $$$$$$$$……P E R I O D

      1. Keeping the testosterone high and the amygdala shy(ie the young) busy isn’t without merit.

  3. While I feel for the players who are being punished for their coaches misdeeds, this is a part of what it means to be in a team. You aren’t just supposed to have your teammates backs against outside threats but from inside ones as well. You rise and fall as one.

    Apparently, this isn’t the first time that the coaches have used drones to spy on opposing teams so whether they knew about it or not, they profited from it in order to reach the Olympics so should they be permitted to continue without some form of correction taking place? And if so, what message does that send? Your leaders can cheat and do whatever they want and the rest of team can just skate by on the profits of that behaviour?

    I think that the team got off easy by just forfeiting 6 points. They could have been tossed out completely.

      1. Grandma used to say that cheaters never prosper.
        Guess she never heard of Liberals.

  4. – And besides, the only jobs-growth area in Canada’s economy anymore is “working for the government”, either as yet another public servant or on welfare, so why not?

  5. I think the coaches will need to up their anti-Semitism rhetoric in order to catch the eyes of most Liberals.
    As well, the coaches should have blamed the players for their cheating.
    To really meet Liberal ethic standards, you blame others for your relative morals, your lies and your backdoor profits.

      1. At the very least, they need to be fined a $100 ethics violation; fair is fair…

  6. It’s the Olympics for crying out loud. Corruption and cheating is what the Olympics is all about.

  7. How much did they know and when did they know it?

    Also, really how much different is it that watching previously televised matches?

  8. Out of a field including the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah, China, and more, who had Canada down as the most discussed drone attack for 2024?

    Does this and previous scandals such as Ben Johnson in 1988 indicate that Canadians are serial cheaters? Or, is everyone cheating but Canadians are simply very bad at it?

    Maybe our priorities are all wrong since of the drone happy countries mentioned, the Canadian spying incident is the only one which doesn’t involve casualties but is getting the most publicity and discussion.
