No Means No

Blacklocks- Rating EVs Costly, Unreliable

Fewer Canadians say they’d buy an electric car despite billions in federal aid for the industry, says in-house research by the Department of Natural Resources. Drivers complained electrics are still too costly and unreliable in winter.

A majority of respondents complained electrics were “too expensive” (cited by 75 percent), “perform poorly in cold weather” (59 percent) and “cannot travel far enough on a full charge” (56 percent).

30 Replies to “No Means No”

  1. Kicked to the curb..
    Three drivers in my house.. My wife is one of them.. She is going to hog the charger..

  2. A high cost, unreliable, warm weather vehicle that will burn your house down. Doesn’t sound like any vehicle I would ever own

    1. PRECISELY…and a scratch yer battery cover…its a Write off.
      New Batt: 60
      …and NO ONE will buy them used..NO ONE


  3. wait till they try trading their shitboxes in, an find they are lucky to get scrap price

    1. With those batteries you will have to pay the scrap yard to take them off your hands.

      1. And a conflagration that will make the Hagersville Tire Fire look like a Boy Scout Jamboree.

      2. You bet. But I guess someone will start a business to “recycle” them for a fee, just for you my friend. The batteries will end up in a river in the South of Asia somewhere. And they will blame you, so there will be a tax on top of it.

    1. Perfectly good for running a few miles across town to pick up more groceries than you’d want to carry on a bike.
      But that kind of electric car is actually banned. Go figure.

      1. You can do that with an old ’73 Delta for a lot cheaper. Will hold groceries, hockey gear for 4 players, a real spare tire, beer and a couple of quarts of oil. And it’s better for the environment too.

  4. There’s barely enough electricity in the grid on high demand days. If everybody bought one we’d have rolling blackouts and rationing.

  5. I think the kicker is that the government(s) just couldn’t leave it alone. Like a row of dominos, they are starting to apply a mileage tax on EV’s to accommodate costs that are directly associated with the purchase of petroleum. Pennsylvania was the latest US state to do this.

  6. They are a great replacement for mass transit. Now, let that set it — they’re a great replacement for the system that the same greenies try endlessly to promote. But they aren’t good for longer distances in cold or hot, and wouldn’t do well on rural electrical grids.

  7. The trillions of dollars that have already been wasted and the trillions that will be wasted still. Imagine all the good could have been done with that money instead. Eliminate world hunger? A cure for cancer and many other diseases? The hospitals that could have been built? What a damn shame. Thanks progs!

        1. Erectile Dysfunction … they have pills that will give you a bone so hard that a dog couldn’t chew it and a cat couldn’t scratch it!!!

        2. Look at advances in eye surgery and optics, dental surgery, hip/knee replacements, these are serious quality of life improvements that have become mainstream. Add transpants tot hat list as well.

  8. Bet the questions did not include”Not buying because it is recommended/mandated by government..”
    As real tax payers know.
    Everything Government touches turns to shit.
    And every “recommendation” made by government is guaranteed to be contrary to the producers best interests.

    So when a government/governments as inept and corrupt as ours promotes and threatens to mandate a technology, no sane tax payer will buy in.
    And with the Electric Locomotion fad,all the Gang Green Gullible market has been saturated.

  9. “”too expensive” (cited by 75 percent), “perform poorly in cold weather” (59 percent) and “cannot travel far enough on a full charge” (56 percent).”

    zero resale value
    Very expensive to fix
    require specialized mechanics to touch it for simplest repairs
    Poor trunk/cargo space
    Heavy and with bad balance (modern multi level car lots are not meant to support the added weight of EVs btw)
    Chew through tires like a race car
    Loaded with useless electronics that record your every move.

    Our local Toyota, Honda and Mazda dealers have used lots full of Teslas. There is a reason why.

  10. The Free Market will not be mocked. It will eventually revolt on the government manipulators.

  11. Here is where I GO OFF. on all vehicles with giant touchscreens on the dashboard. I cannot tell you how many GREEN lights I’ve missed because I’m 6 cars back in the queue and some tweaker in the Tesla two cars ahead of me hasn’t moved … because she was busy fiddling with her screen.

    Yeah … I live in a virtue-signaling RICH neighborhood where half the cars are a Tesla, or gawd-ugly Rivian … and they’re all so annoying

  12. Let’s cut to the chase. The entire EV scam is simply that. A SCAM. It has vacuumed enormous amounts of taxpayer cash from the majority of “middle class” taxpayers to a very few “elites” who have made off with those dollars to fill their bank accounts. Nice grift.

  13. An industry that can’t survive without government intervention is the epitome of waste. There’s a chance that EV’s could have developed into something but the government loan guarantees gave them the funds to run ahead of themselves and here we are. Red ink on the manufacturer’s investment, battery plants that will never produce, and an unstable future will doom it.
    Ignoring the facts and the realities of electric vehicles was hidden behind the money that is long gone. We could have put that money in a pile and burned it and it would have given us the same return.
    Government and the ones that live off their generosity are the only ones that win at this foolishness, and we pay for it!

  14. Arizona??? Stuck in a desert with a dead electric battery? Perhaps you have never driven there. The main interstate highway can be a lonely place.
