23 Replies to “Politics Uber Alles”

  1. “The climate crisis is real. We can agree on that”
    At that point you lost me..

    1. ““The climate crisis is real. We can agree on that”
      At that point you lost me..”

      We stopped reading at exactly the same point, then.

      There is NO ‘crisis’…there is only normal, natural climate change happening ( the vast majority of it caused by the sun, obviously). And as far as human contributions to it, well yes, we do in fact make a slight difference to the rate of change…the only question is, is it a small contribution or a tiny one? If humans disappeared from the earth tomorrow the climate would continue to change AS IT ALWAYS HAS; our contribution to any warming would be a fraction of a degree in temperature over a century or so.

      1. Exactly! That’s a typically banal confession of faith in the Church of Global Warming. It’s like the Nicene Creed for the eco-virtue-signalers. It’s the authors way of saying … “don’t hate me because I revealed the ugly TRUTH of your FAKE religion”.

        And the article HAD to be written … because the TRUTH was OUT. There is no hiding the idiocy. So … an article that both acknowledges the idiocy of it all … while insisting the “crisis is real”. So predictable … because it’s a repeated pattern.

    2. Yeah, that’s the bit that jumped out and grabbed me by the throat.

      Mr. Kelly,

      By that statement I can surmise that we both agree that the climate changes. I cannot surmise that we agree that the climate changing is inevitable, and I can know for sure that we do not agree that it is a crisis.

    3. Nopety,nope,nope, nope. There isn’t a climate crisis. It’s called summer weather in Western Europe.

    4. I was just about to post that myself DAVID.
      Let the goof suffer in 40C…

      As for me, I could give a shit about the O-LIMP-ics…

      Havent watched since the mid sixties…& then only the winter games…

        1. Summer Olympics … Mark Spitz … Bruce Jenner … err, ah, Nevermind. The world’s gone mad

  2. “The sky is falling. We can agree on that.”
    I think a lot of assholes write that because they have to “agree”, because they’re cowards.
    The only way a human can stop the sky from falling is to perform self-removal.
    So they ain’t going there.
    Everything else is bullshit.
    And they know it.
    They’d all be better off embracing Buddy’s Real Science: The Sun Controls The Climate.

  3. “… you have ENORMOUS amounts of money being made, and none of it goes to the athletes”

    Joe Rogan not only described The Olympics … but he described top NCAA Sports … which is IDENTICAL to slavery. The athletes get room & board and a remedial education since few of them truly qualified to be a college student in the first place. The Universities and every other hanger-on to the athletes work get GIANT paychecks … and the athletes get squat.

    NCAA Football and Basketball is a FARCE. An unconstitutional FARCE. It’s past time to share the revenue and PAY the Athletes what they are truly worth in the marketplace. There’s no such thing as an “amateur” athlete anymore … let alone a “student-athlete”. N-wordah Puhleeze!

  4. The athletes are swimming in what is literally an open sewer. The Seine is where all the poo from Paris goes, and always has done. The number of eye, skin and intestinal infections is going to be epic. There’s video of some poor competitor projectile vomiting after being in the water.

    I heard it referred to as an immense humiliation ritual for the West and for France. Seems about right, honestly.

  5. The Olympic officials avoided using air conditioning in the domiciles to “protect the climate.” Guess what the US Olympic team and the US ParaOlympic team did. Well, they brought their own air conditioners.

    Tough noogies.

  6. Somewhere, Antonio Samaranch is sniggering with glee at the complete balls-up the IOC has made of the 2024 Summer Olympics.

  7. The fwench are known for their cuisine. Overloads on carbs and protein. Where’s all those sauces?

  8. You have to provide the best hookers and coke for the International Olympic Committee if you want to win the games for your city, they should televise that instead of athletes swimming in poop…

  9. a gastro-intestinal infection can be life long.
    Walkerton found out that when ‘bomber’ harris fired lots of provincial inspectors.
    some survivors are to this day dealing with the damage to their organs.
    sooooooooooooooooo ‘lympic athlete, feeling lucky? dont swim in a SANITARY SEWER

    1. Walkerton had nothing to do with the Mike Harris Conservative government. It was totally the fault of Stan and Frank Koebel who effed up to an Olympic gold medal standard. The privatized lab who did the analysis did their job and notified Stan Koebel of the contamination. Koebel then thought he could fix the contaminated well water without issuing a boil water advisory. It was only when people started dropping that the district health officer noticed and issued the boil water advisory – but too late to avoid a health disaster. I always wondered how Stratford fared after they hired Stan to fix their traffic lights.

      As for the Olympics, did they ever consider holding them in late August or September?

  10. The winter Olympics in Vancouver so well planned! They trucked snow to Cypress mountain from Manning park a 400 kilometer round trip.

  11. Cowardly and wrong, “The climate crisis is real. We can agree on that.”.

    Do you agree that the guess is that increasing CO2, also known as plant food (NOT “Carbon”), will trap more infra red radiation and heat the surface? The hypothesis, (refined guess) is that this heated CO2 will heat the atmosphere at it’s mid point, 11 kilometers attitude, at the place where the most sunlight comes, the tropics (kinda explains the heat there), by 2.1 degrees Celsius. The measurement is 0.7 degrees Celsius, this is known as falsification.

    Reason, the sun hits the surface, which is 71% water, this results in clouds, then thunderstorms, plus rain and wind, which cools the surface and makes places like California dry, because the rising dried out air falls there, the Hadley Circulation. By midnight, the clouds have dissipated, allowing the heat to radiate out into space.

    So we CANNOT “agree to that” unless we are cowardly sheep who go along with this unscientific idea because we are afraid to be outside the herd.
