14 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Those Moderate Muslims continue to surprise me with their honesty.
    We should import more of them to help support Justin Trudeau, the most honest prime Minister ever.

    (Channeling Progressive Pat)

    1. I think Pat gave up as he recognized that truth really is stranger than fiction in Canneduh.
      Just how do you parody No Borders, Math Doesn’t Matter, Modern Monetary Theory, BLM, Critical Race Theory, Mo and the Boys, Take a Knee, No Exams, Justice Isn’t Blind, Liberal-Owned Media, Russia,Russia, Russia, and of course, parody nonpareil Justin Trudeau.
      Just a sampling of the real life horror/comedy that never ends.

  2. The White Dudes for Harris all appear to be well on their way to transitioning to God knows what. Whatever soy boys with man buns are selling, I’m avoiding.

  3. Surely we want the future today to be unburdened by the past today, which will be today’s day tomorrow.

  4. Although it would mean that Steven Holiday was no longer on council, all of Toronto council should be term limited to 2 terms.

  5. There is a simple, time honored method for defeating the prosecute the president after he leaves office plan, never leave office. “President for life”.

    1. Mega wealthy Hollywooden white dudes from your grandpa’s era … claim they’re supporting Camilla. How … how … “authentic”
