8 Replies to “Election 2024”

  1. If the Russians or Chinese were to invade the USA, would Kamala grant them refugee status, or finally take that trip to Europe she’s been putting off?

  2. That ad is a CLASSIC…Saw it a few days ago.
    With the Coronation of this Commie Witch by the reluctant Obama’s & the US MSM, you now Know for a FACT, they (the NeoCon/Globalist Cabal), will ABSOLUTELY attempt to steal this election as well. They have to… Cause Kameltoe hasn’t got a hope in hell of being actually honestly elected…IMO

    I smell MASSIVE potential of Civil War in the air…

    1. And the fact that Bill & Hitlery are not endorsing The Kamal speaks volumes as to the deep divide within the Dems is more of a tell.

      Let the games begin, the beer and popcorn will be served leaving up to the supposed ’24 election…it will be delayed, the lid will come off of America and the world soon enough.

  3. Parody?
    I didn’t notice any exaggerations.
    She’s an idiot and she’s unburdened by a brain or morals.

  4. The fact they are trying to catch Elon in AI rules is delicious, since he actually knows how it works.

  5. DeMarxist crybaby censor collectivists are in full dudgeon at this one, enraged others play and expose their game.

  6. I’m still trying to get my mind around “President Kamala Harris”.

    Old friend Xi Jinping will split his face smiling when Harris wins. Only question now is,who will be her V-P?
    Maybe George Clooney, he’s handsome, famous, and also lives in The Land of Make Believe.
