10 Replies to “If you own it, do you protest it?”

  1. One thing is for sure. Replacing the Federal Government with First Nations is a good thing. That just tells you how bad the Federal Government is at managing anything.

    1. The First Immigrants can’t even manage a water plant, I doubt they can do a pipeline, and we’ve just traded one unaccountable government for another unaccountable tribe.

      1. Whenever they take over any industry, they hire The Evil White Man to run it for them. Indians are like the Arabs, let someone else do the work, we’ll take the profits.
        As Osoyoos Band Chief Clarence Louis said when asked why he didn’t hire Indians to run their very profitable winery, ” because I don’t want to go broke”.
        The FN’s will hire the best operators they can find,and finally we’ll get some jobs in this field. I just hope they aren’t exempt from paying taxes or royalties.

        Say,didn’t Conservative hero Brian Mulroney lead the charge against apartheid in South Africa? I guess he didn’t recognize it at home.

  2. Well look at that….injuns set up traditional tent made of white man canvas while sitting around in white man lawnchairs. Any bets that they have white man beer in white man coolers somewhere hiding around the back of the white man BBQs?

  3. Honestly, it depends if they invested THEIR OWN money or if it was just handed to them to get them to shut up.

    If FN money got spent, there will be no protests. At all, ever. They’ll patrol the thing on foot. But if the government gave them a piece, then they’ll obviously conclude the ‘protests’ worked and do it more.

    1. “paying the Danegeld means you will never be rid of the Dane”

      and yes, the government is giving them the money to “buy it”

  4. In the absence of a stable legal framework regarding the currently evolving apartheid of these race-based collectives, thinking that buying off the Indians either through old style shakedown or taxpayer gifted enterprise “equity”, does not put an end to the grift. The racial grievance industry believes that the taxpayers are their slaves as they see themselves as equal to the state in stature (Government to Government relationship despite the complete fiscal dependency of the Indians on the Feds). Politicians are essentially in Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to the grievance industry who employ the mush of the legal “profession” reliant on the quicksand of Trudeau’s Charter as interpreted by the progressives of the SCOC to advance their agenda.
