No Matter How Much You Hate The Media

It’s nowhere near enough. Rachel Scott is what poses as a “journalist” in 2024.

16 Replies to “No Matter How Much You Hate The Media”

  1. Ever since Trump coined the phrase ‘fake news’, mainstream media has endeavoured to prove him right with increasingly strident fake outrage.

  2. “If DEI is so good why are all the DEI hires offended when you call them that?”
    Love it!

    1. I recently retired from a Japanese car company who had a DEI Manager, hired a few seconds after Saint Floyd suffered that drug overdose (I’m still amazed how quickly corporate America infused all that divisive BS into their corporate structures – lowering morale across their organizations among normies). Everybody hated her. She left after a couple years and people were elated. Let’s hope America receives Kamala’s entry into the race with the same sentiment.

  3. I watched some (maybe the last 30 minutes? but I don’t know how long it all was) of this interview today on Charlie Kirk’s show and repeatedly found myself thinking how restrained DJT was, especially with whoever the gal is who was seated closest to him. (the tall one)

    Which, is something I’m sure everyone else can see as well, though I don’t expect it to be reported as such.

  4. Did media take the bait by circulating Trump’s claim he didn’t know that Harris was Black? Harping and carping about Harris’ ethnicity just highlights that she is not African American (as in a descendant of American Slaves) and doesn’t share the history of Black Americans. Is the media not aware of the Streisand effect?

    1. People are attacking Trump for being wrong because Harris is of both Indian and Jamaican black ancestry.

      She never calls herself Indian AND Black. She calls herself Indian OR Black depending on the audience she is pandering to.

      Trump’s comments are playing to the subset of people in those groups who will be bothered by that.

  5. And this is what Trump is up against for the remainder of the campaign. The media has already flushed all coverage about the assassination attempt in order to anoint the new chosen one.

    I have long wondered whether Trump only won in 2016 because his opponent was Hillary, a uniquely detestable figure in American politics. Whatever Kamala is or is not, she doesn’t reach that level of pure loathing that Hillary inspires in voters.

    Add additional fraud measures and stir. It’ll be the unrecoverable death of the American Republic if Kamala is installed in the Oval.

  6. Somebody posted her family tree recently. She has as much Irish blood as black blood. Grampa Finnegan married a black woman

    1. I looked at her family tree. I”m guessing 1/8 black, 3/8 white, 1/2 Indian. The tree doesn’t have race so I could be wrong. I’m guessing the namesake Harris people were as white as my ass.

  7. Trump just has to push a three things;
    1. The economy
    2. The economy
    3. The economy

    Black people know they were better off under The Donald.
    Inflation under Invisible Joe and Kackles has made things worse for them.
    And that’s not even bringing up the southern invasion.
    Keep It Simple Stupid.

  8. The premise of the interview was to be about policy. That ship sunk on the first question.

    1. “The premise of the interview was to be about policy. That ship sunk on the first question.”

      That’s true. Trump wasn’t well enough prepared though, in my opinion. I could only stand to watch a few minutes of it, but when he said “I came here in good spirits” the word he needed was “I came here in good *faith*”. And the correct, immediate answer to “what are Black jobs?” should have been “what are Black *journalists*?”

      I would also have refused to answer the first woman, called her “an activist, not a journalist” and gone on to the next interviewer. Actions should have consequences, and she should have paid at least some price for that childish crap she pulled.

  9. Reminds me of the old joke about the Quebecois cavalry scout deep in Indian country. The CO winks at the others, and tells Jean-Guy that there’s supposed to be a bacon tree just over the next ridge. Jean-Guy eagerly volunteers to check it out. A short while later there is lots of gunfire, and the scout comes crawling back to his troopmates, full of bullet wounds and arrows. “Tabarnac, dat was no bacon tree! Dat was da hambush!”
