Swept Under The Rug

Blacklocks- Terms Of Contracts Vanished

Cabinet has abruptly scrubbed dozens of Government of Canada webpages detailing more than $24 billion in payments to Covid contractors. The publicly-accessible database was deleted only weeks after Treasury Board President Anita Anand promised to “make sure we have transparency in government contracting.”

Details of contracting will only be disclosed “upon request,” said Link. The accounts were “archived” but not publicly inaccessible. Some 34 webpages had detailed line by line payments to mainly sole-sourced suppliers for goods from vinyl gloves to ventilators. Payments totaled $24,405,139,945.

19 Replies to “Swept Under The Rug”

  1. All the contracts with Mad Maggie Enterprises have been scrubbed …. Justin gave billions to his mother, Mad Maggie, to save us poor, stupid peons from the deadly Peking Pox

  2. It’s obviously an attemp to hide crimes and incompetence. I doubt they’d hide information that cleared the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government of corruption and incompetence. This new move stinks of desperation. Too bad for Canadians that Canada does not have independent police agencies and an unbiased judicial system that could have investigated and intervened years ago to protect Canadian taxpayers and the integrity of government institutions.

  3. Our Nations are being systematically LOOTED by the Communists who have been elected, and appointed. And you know what comes next after they run out of our tax money? They’ll come for our wealth … and our health.

    Here’s an idea … stop electing Communists to take charge of our Western nations.

    1. Agree, but my main concern is that, regardless of the number of LIVs, it’s not clear that the elections are ‘fair’.

      1. It is becoming painfully clear that elections are rigged in multiple countries. Not right or left, but who will cooperate with the permanent state, i.e. bureaucracy and who won’t.

  4. I’d call the US of A to come save us, but they’ve got their own Fifth Column to deal with.

    1. This is Canada. Corrupt cops and Librano crowns and judges. WTF does it matter?? The Libranos are above the law.

    2. Destroying evidence to conceal a crime, is itself a crime. Good luck getting anybody charged.

  5. L- Racketeering Inc. = everything can be “fixed” for a price. “Everything?” : you ask.
    Yes, it’s called the Uniparty for a reason. The Lockdowns/Mandates were proof,
    a Prima Facie case. It only becomes obvious when ordinary Canadians impoverished,
    by a serious drop in their standard of living; one so steep that a bruised and bleeding public, also began to notice. To notice those mourning the loss of loved ones, friends and their
    once free and democratic society, are now being gradually neutralized by Your Gov,t. Will
    Kill You Now. Medical Assistance In Dying is a marketing term that rivals the Soviet Unions
    Collectivizing of Agriculture starving to death 6 million of it’s own citizens in the Ukraine.

  6. Yeah, but it was an EMERGENCY after all! We wrote one cheque after another and our leaders promised to figure it all out later.The problem is that this nonsense had widespread popular support among a population that was was highly susceptible to mass panic. Few of them ever thought that things would collapse as badly as they did.

    Within six months this scandal will be forgotten about and almost no one will care. Furthermore, the voting public will happily swallow the next boondoggle hook line and sinker.

  7. That’s only about $600.00 for every man woman and child in Canada. A small price to pay for care and piece of mind that Justin provides.

  8. “Treasury Board President Anita Anand…” Is there anything she doesn’t screw up? She was at DND also.

  9. $24,405,139,945? Pffffttt… Peanuts!
    You can find that sort of cash in the cracks of Obergruppenführer Freeland’s office couch.

  10. Elections Canada should count that twenty four billion dollars as campaign spending by the corrupt Liberal Party.

    Unfortunately, Elections Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corrupt Liberal Party.

    Together with the NDP these national socialists are thoroughly disgusting, dishonest, and disgraceful.

  11. 24 billions for masks and gloves? This is incredibly expensive. I now understand why Trudeau sent our stock of masks to China in January 2020: to create a supply crisis and justify this high price.

  12. So?
    When do we hang the guilty?
    For this activity,hiding the information,says much.
    The politicians and the bureaucrats just announced their own guilt.
    No investigation is needed.
    No evidence of fraud need be sought.
    By hiding information on the spending of Other peoples Money,in direct contradiction of all rules of accountability,they announce themselves unaccountable to anyone…
    They are The Master,not the servant.

    All the information a tax payer needs.
    Canada is blessed with so many trees.
    Maybe the fear of being hanged,is what drives the mindless destruction and arson of our forests,by our “helpers”.
