The Liberal Abuse Will Continue

Until morale improves.

Globe and Mail- Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld says she regrets ‘distress’ caused to witnesses who left meeting in tears

Liberal MP Anita Vandenbeld fell short of an apology today after instigating a fracas that led two witnesses to storm out of a parliamentary committee hearing.

The MP had steered the rare summer meeting of the House of Commons status of women committee away from the planned topic of domestic violence, accusing Conservatives of putting together the agenda in haste.

That came just moments after the committee heard detailed testimony about personal experiences of intimate partner abuse.

City News- Witness who stormed out of House committee in tears demands apology from Liberal MP

“This is exactly what it felt like these last few years, where I’m literally showing my bludgeoned, bleeding, bruised body and the people who have authority and power in this country are saying, ‘Well, we care about you.’ But then they silence you.”

20 Replies to “The Liberal Abuse Will Continue”

  1. A Liberal government MP/Cabinet Minister not taking full responsibility for their appalling behavior and giving a non-aplology is their standard procedure. But I’m sure “they’re listening to Canadians” and will “take this matter very seriously.”

    The only women’s issues the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government care about are abortion and the dudes in drag. Violence against women conflicts with the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government’s political policies like easy bail for violent criminals, lack of timely court cases causing charges/convictions to be thrown out and flooding the country with cultures who have little respect for women. The current federal government treats their own women MPs who dare disagree with Trudeau like garbage so, of course, they treat all Canadian women with the same kind of disrespect.

  2. ““We do not use victims and survivors of trauma to try and score political points in this committee,” she pronounced. “I think it’s cruel to have people relive the trauma that they’ve endured just to be able to have a meeting that, if it’s not agreed to, then there’s all kinds of social media that Liberals or others don’t care about this issue, which, as we all know, we do very deeply.””

    So deeply, that they’d rather try to score points about abortion that deal with the topic at hand?

  3. I am sorry and extend my apologies to Cait whateverhernamewas that she is in such distress over this hearing as a result of the the callous duplicitous actions of the Conservative Party of Canada.

  4. When there’s a single publicly-funded shelter for male victims of domestic violence anywhere in Canada then I will consider giving a shit about this. I’m tired of women using lawfare to turn themselves into a privileged class and then whining about what victims they are.

    1. Back in the early 90’s I read a book called “What Really Works with Men” and it was an eye-opener. The author (a man) said that women jump into sex and relationships too fast and that they should treat dating a man like a job interview. You are interviewing the man to see if he will make you happy for the rest of your life. That also means that you MUST know yourself well – what make you happy, what are the non-negotiables in a relationship, how does he treat the other women (his mother, his sisters, his co-workers) in his life.
      He also maintained that men are “elegantly simple” creatures. You would not expect a chimpanzee to perform brain surgery, and therefore you, as a woman, will be doing more than 50% in the emotional side of the relationship, just because women are better at this. When I as a woman (who had more than her fair share of failed relationships) read this, I learned a lot about myself.
      This relates to abusive situations in that, the woman should have spent more time discovering who her intimate partner was. Now, the man does not get off “scot free” and is definitely responsible for his abusive actions, but if the woman had done her homework, she would have seen the red flags much sooner.

    2. I don’t think these women were testifying about women’s shelters but instead about systemic problems in the legal and justice system. Yes, there should be shelters for men if needed but most men who are victims of violence are assaulted by other men, often repeat offenders. Reforming easy bail for violent offenders, having quicker trials and longer sentences for violent criminals helps all of society.

      Big Momma, I don’t think it’s that easy to figure out if a partner will become abusive. People with narcissistic personality disorders and other personality disorders can be very good at hiding their true nature for quite a long time from not just their dates but also from friends and employers. They are quite charming, by all accounts. Does this mean we shouldn’t teach our daughters about warning signs and red flags and taking things slower? No, but to tell them it’s their fault if their partner is abusive doesn’t reflect the reality of violent people and controlling relationships.

      1. The MP had steered the rare summer meeting of the House of Commons status of women committee away from the planned topic of domestic violence

        Strauss and Gelles have been noting for decades that women abuse men more often than men abuse women in domestic relationships, fatal attacks run about equal (men do more damage when they hit but women are twice as likely to use a weapon when they hit), and the majority of domestic abuse is mutual.

        most men who are victims of violence are assaulted by other men

        So the men and their children who are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a wife or girlfriend can just f*ck off, then? Because having a Y chromosome means they can’t be victims?

        I don’t think it’s that easy to figure out if a partner will become abusive

        Yes, it is. It is extremely easy to determine if someone has a Cluster B personality disorder and/or whether they’re likely to commit intimate violence. You just have to look at their actual behaviour for more than a few casual minutes and ignore all the Lifetime movies and victimhood narratives.

        1. You seem to have delved deeply into this topic. In Canada, how many men are murdered by their wife or girlfriend per year? How many women are murdered by their husband or boyfriend? I’m genuinely interested in the actual numbers of how many men and women are killed by their partners due to domestic violence in Canada?

          1. This is all I get from my a quick search:

            “Annual domestic homicide fatalities among male victims in Canada

            According to the search results, there is no direct statistic on the number of men murdered in Canada specifically due to domestic violence. However, we can extract some relevant information:

            The CBC News investigation found that in nearly 400 cases of intimate-partner homicides in Canada between January 2015 and June 2020, 78% of the accused were men. This suggests that the majority of intimate-partner homicides involved men as perpetrators, not victims.”

        2. Having worked in male dominated occupations for many years, I knew a few men who were wife beaters. A few were obvious because they easily flew into a rage. Others, I only knew about because I was told by others. I really don’t think it’s that easy to spot if you aren’t a trained professional.

  5. Yawn. You stupid boneheads sat around when they added ‘gender equality’ to the portfolio essentially erasing women so men can make an Olympic sport out of beating the crap out of women. FOAD. As for the judge staying charges, is he or she still on the bench? Write your MPP and have the asshole removed.

  6. Liberals care as much about women as they do about balanced budgets, national defence and anti-Semitism.
    Anita is a big fat Dutch pig at a trough and that’s another way of saying she’s Pure Ottawa.

  7. What political points are to be scored with abortion? It was the burning issue of the 1960s but has been legal ever since. No political party wants to get rid of abortion although I suspect full term abortions trouble a lot of people in all parties.

  8. Cte members were busy talking about JD Vance and abortion when the witnesses finally realized they were never going to get to speak and walked out.

  9. Such a perfect example of Liberals always lie.
    You can pretty much guarantee that whatever a Liberal claims to be “concerned about” is lowest thing on their agenda..
    Lay below lining their own pockets .
    Way below rewarding their fellow thieves.
    Oh yeah,they are really really concerned about crime,vile assaults on the weak and helpless,just ask them.
    As they make laws to silence their critics and laws to reduce the consequences of criminal acts..
    By their actions you shall know them.
    For their words are always lies and thus have no meaning.

    “It depends what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.
    An amazing number of our progressive Comrades thought that was so smart..
    Making them complicit.
    Lying Fools and bandits.

  10. Holy cow! No shortage of drama: Tears; finger pointing; storming out; what about me; demanded apologies …. and a big, cruel, bitch. Sounds like a teaser for a new soap opera.

  11. She is a nauseating and singularly stupid dirtbag. Always has been, always,will be.
