Thursday On Turtle Island

Cackling Kamala’s America:  Harris rallygoers walk out.  Live not by lies.  The anti-white bigotry.  A party of preachy females and scolding shrews.

Blackie’s Canada:  CBC journalist laments death of Hamas leader.  Liberal MP abuses abused women.  Disclosure is temporary.  Scandal talk upsets Liberal MP.

Diversity Is Our Strength News:  Southport is the end of the line.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.  Bonus cartoon.

25 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Trump shooter visible on roof. New video taken by one of the shooting victims emerged yesterday.

    I find it interesting that we still don’t know what the counter snipers on the roof behind Trump saw.

    With all the site visits, and all the congressional and senate testimony, to date no videos from the counter sniper positions taken after the rally have been made public.

    Why not?

    What could the counter snipers actually see? They could see Crooks. After all they very quickly shot him after Crooks started shooting.

    1. Because the assholes had no communications between the 3 different police agencies, I suspect the Secret Service snipers didn’t fire because they thought Crooks might be a local or state cop charged with covering the building. From top to bottom the Biden administration is a total DEI infested clown show.

  2. I don’t give a shit about one of the CBC people spewing stupidities.
    They are legion.
    Here is what’s sick – the CBC “does not take a position on the Israel-Hamas war”.

    So if Caliphate-seeking Islamists came ashore in Digby, Nova Scotia and killed 3/4 of the 2000 citizens and kidnapped the rest for torture/rape, the CBC wouldn’t pick a side.

    The CBC doesn’t need to be defunded, it needs to be destroyed.

    1. Buddy….

      The CBC, CTV, Global, McLean’s, Tor Star, Globe n mail etc. are to a man/woman – 100% Anti Semites – Pro Islamist…As is the ENTIRE LIBERAL Party (just look at the Cabinet)

      Nothing has changed since 1946…

    1. Joostaihn’s favourite position? Missionary – for the chicomms. But I’m sure he could brace himself and baaaaahhhh like a goat if someone with sufficient political clout wanted him to do it.

  3. In 2016, Hag Hilary got more votes than Donald.
    (Or at least we were told that.)
    For sure a fair number of dudes voted for the Witch Queen.
    This election, men aren’t going to vote for Kackles.
    Because she’s an idiot and a phoney, not because she has a va-jayjay.
    Not because she has a tits and a tan, but because she’s just like Juthtin Trudeau.

    1. You’re right, men won’t vote for her. But she’ll going to collect all the votes from the ever-growing crowd of metrosexual squat-to-pees.

    2. That cackling Moron is a 100% Communist.
      One that honors Maduro, Xi Ping et all…No Question
      Her call to End/Remove 2A should be ALL that’s needed to understand…

  4. Ref: Live not by lies
    “People paid as “fact-checkers” twist reality to invent new facts and hide reality, untroubled by the transparency of their deceit. ”

    Yup. Completely untroubled. No regret, no remorse, not even a dignified retreat.

  5. The Karen Cat Lady Party was more inevitable than Liberals raising taxes.
    I bet the 40% that don’t vote are men who are stepping back and saying okay, go ahead, whatever, you women aren’t worth the bother. And they are right.
    That’s why cat food, wine and vibrators are the investments of the future.
    North American men want relationships with North American women that last as long as a Liberal promise.
    Maybe the fashions they voted for, full length body bags, will turn the tide.

    1. Best comment from that article:

      “…But then again, if you purport to be a man and you support Kamala Harris, that’s what you are—a complete zero…”


  6. Seymour Hersh confirmed his secret source within the white house codenamed “deep throat” was Kamela Harris.
