What Did You Think Would Happen?

After years of outright lies and gaslighting from media and the authorities combined with a police force that can’t be trusted to do their job it was only a matter of time before there was anarchy in the streets.

Telegraph- Violence erupts in Southport after child killings

Violent protests broke out in Southport on Tuesday night as hundreds of demonstrators clashed with police following the deadly knife attack on children attending a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club.

A mob gathered outside a mosque, hurling bricks, masonry and fireworks at officers, amid claims that police were not telling the truth about the suspect’s background and his motives, with rumours swirling on social media.

54 Replies to “What Did You Think Would Happen?”

  1. I think a lot of these people are just using this as an excuse to riot and break stuff. They couldn’t care less about whatever the cause of the day is.

    The people who want to destroy the world are playing both sides

    1. May as well call them “far right”.
      As the totalitarians hold more and more sway, its normal and good for people to riot and break stuff, and even kill people.
      You attitude is how totalitarians get as far as they do.
      Vote your way in, shoot your way out.

      1. I’m saying the “far right” is being stirred up intentionally- to make it easier to suppress in the future.

        1. How quickly Western Boomers forget what the IRA was all about. Reprisals against police can get pretty nasty. Cops have to live somewhere. Once the patience of the English wears out, good luck suppressing them. At one point they ruled half the world for a reason. Viciousness is in their blood.

    2. Agreed. No doubt that “the trash” is involved. But it’s getting to the point that some ordinary folks are so angry that they’re resorting to levels of protest and resistance measures they never would have dreamed of a few years ago.

    3. They seen mooselimbs getting away with violence and had every right to expect equal treatment. Turns out mooselimbs are provided.

  2. It’s about time they start getting upset. The police claim “ruffians” upset a vigil, trying to separate the protestors as ones who are okay with this nonssense and those who are problematic. Rotherham deviants abound in the U.K., and a Jihad is being waged upon the inhabitants. The people need to start taking control of the situation because they are one step short of being loaded into cattle cars.

    1. Not simply racist. Leftists will do it whenever it suits their purposes.

      The picture they continue to use for 20 year old Trump shooter Crooks is a picture from when he was in 8th grade wearing a tshirt with the flag on it.

  3. There is no political outlet for people’s grievances with regards to immigration, legal or otherwise. Ignored, tarred as racist, and two tier application of the law. It will only get worse.

    1. Reprisals against cops and politicians is a very short step away.

      I am 100% sure the Russians, Syrians, Iraqis and Libyans would be tripping over themselves to render all aid, support, training and assistance they can.

  4. The new government is just like the old government, they don’t care how the people feel about-immigrants all they care about is pandering to them for the vote. People are literally fed up with violent-foreigners, and the government criminalizes opinions over violent deeds.

    1. Amen, a real dog, more than one as they work well in teams, minimum 75 pounds, train it well. Breeds like German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois.

  5. Pretty stoked my ancestors left there 350+ years ago. Sure they settled in New Jersey, but at least they had brains enough to leave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. My Swedish great grandparents “landed” in Erie, PA … and then skedaddled to San Diego in 1919 … dirt roads the whole way … Thank you Charles! Good move … although the State has turned into a shitholio

    2. There is no shortage of White Americans getting murdered by blacks and illegal immigrants. We see it all the time. A White American is something like 50 times more likely to be killed by a Black than a black is to be killed by a white. It’s practically a genocide. Don’t see a whole lot of Americans doing anything about it with their hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rds of ammo.

      1. Because like all the black-on-black crime … it’s all related to illegal drugs. Letting the druggies kill each other is America’s de facto MAID program. Meh.

  6. You can go back over 1,000 years and see the “European Recipe for Disaster” numerous times throughout. Traditionally, Europeans are apathetic and complacent. But, when they eventually reach their threshold it gets very, VERY bloody very VERY quickly.

  7. History repeats.
    The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.
    A content and complacent people are very slow to anger.
    But once infuriated,they are brutal.
    Every 80 years.
    The long march through the institutions has been a “great success” according to our parasitic overload..
    Very soon they will find out what most citizens already knew..Those institutions only existed to protect the likes of our Progressive comrades..the useless and clueless.

  8. seething fury still against cops the way they dismiss my legitimate concerns for fcuking years.
    zilch zip nada ZEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOOO sympathy in fact great schadenfreude on them.

  9. Of course this would happen. That’s what they wanted to happen. They wanted to provoke and emotionally trigger people who still had a moral compass into doing something violent so that they can justifiably a) brand them as a terrorist threat and anti-democratic, and b) justify their implementation of drastic measures that would further impede on basic human rights, such as free speech expression and even freedom of thought, like for example, the implementation of martial law.
    We cannot allow that to happen.

    1. Go ahead and comply yourself right into a gulag. The longer it takes us to retake our society from the progressive destroyers, the bloodier it’s going to get.

      1. Who’s talking about complying??? I’ve been resisting for years. There are ways of resisting without giving the authorities justification for clamping down even harder.

        1. If they clamp down harder, the resistance will escalate more. Remember, state vs. state is a very passe form of war. In fact the vast majority of wars today involve non-state actors, fighting usually for freedom from oppression, or against a genocide.

          What I find weird is how so many anglos are super duper hot for war with Russia over Ukraine, but are are too chickenshit to fight for their own land and their own family against the slow motion genocide taking place. Weird.

          The authorities are not the only ones with “threat escalation” potential, by the way.

          History 101.

    2. It can’t become open rebellion until there is martial law and with open rebellion you’ll get martial law. Nothing will be fixed without open rebellion, so here we are.

    3. What’s the alternative?
      As the saying goes: “you can vote yourself into servitude but you can only shoot your way out. “

      1. We’re not there yet. We’re getting close, but not there yet.
        (so I guess that word is still allowed, so what gives???)

        1. No we’re not there yet. But UK is getting closer and closer. People are fed up with enricher violence and the state that ignores people being victimized and routinely sides with enrichers. Right now and average Brit sees that both enrichers and the state are allied against them. They see their people, including their children, being raped and murdered by the very scum the state is importing. They see the response from the state where the victims are being further punished and are routinely gagged, and threatened with harm, and harmed by the state if they even dare to speak up about those who victimized them. They’re told to shut up about harm done to them in the name of social harmony. To embrace those who brutalize them. At one point they begin to ask themselves what do they have left to lose?

  10. THREE little girls … MURDERED … in the most brutal fashion possible. Slashed. Stabbed. LITTLE GIRLS!!! From ages 6 to 9. WHO DOES something like that? Murdered … in cold blood. And for “no reason” … “no motive” … according to the LYING police? They were at a DANCE class!! What? Does that offend Allah? Did this perp believe these little girls should be married already … working barefoot in a Muslim kitchen!?

    If the locals DIDN’T react violently … daily … repeatedly … I’d say there is no FUTURE for Western Civilization. Sadly … that’s where this case is leading.

    1. “THREE little girls … MURDERED … in the most brutal fashion possible. Slashed. Stabbed. LITTLE GIRLS!!! From ages 6 to 9. WHO DOES something like that? Murdered … in cold blood. And for “no reason” … “no motive” … according to the LYING police? ”

      I predict that they will fall back on the tried-and-true “mental illness” excuse.

      (whether or not the perp shouted “Allahu Akhbar!” first…”Mental illness, yeah that’s it…”)

  11. The Men Who Wanted to be Left Alone:

    “The most terrifying f0rce of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the f0rced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are f0rced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when f0rced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

    – Author Unknown

  12. Did the yobs get paid to go be “anti-social”?

    Does the government want to reconsider it’s cancellation of the “Rwandan deportation scheme”?

  13. Home Secretary tells public to “stop stirring up divisions”

    The arrogance and audacity of that statement, what a bastard.

    Divisions were created by these bureaucrats for Islam, the Members of Parliament are responsible for these divisions because they know the Muslims will chase them off if they don’t obey.

    Exhibit A is this guy: https://www.thefp.com/p/mike-freer-islamist-threats-mp-parliament

    He says he won’t be intimidated!

    But he’s stepping down… f’in clowns…

    1. But it’s not “the public” stirring up divisions … it’s Putin. It’s Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia.


      I guess this is the go-to excuse for every NATO nation now that they’ve had their asses handed to them in Ukraine. Maybe they’ll even get to WASTE another few hundred billion chasing Russian social media disinformation websites. How stupid do our governments think we are.

      PS … now The Daily Mail is posting half a dozen photos of the MURDERER as a 10 yo schoolboy. Driving home the graphic … that he’s just a little kid … still. no. mugshot.

      1. Who got their asses handed in Ukraine? Never mind your answer will be stupid.

        Yes of course, russia has always been playing all sides in major internal disputes in every Western country, and tries to stoke up the flames. That is and has been their doctrine. It is the chaos and division they want more than any particular outcome. You are aware the russia supported and invested in BLM for example?

        That does not diminish the fact that the anger Brits are feeling is genuine and justified. Indeed the left makes it very easy for russians to accomplish their objectives.

        Dismissing russian involvement as nonexistent is about as foolish as blaming everything on it.

        1. Yes of course, America/Britain have always been playing all sides in major internal disputes in every Western country, and tries to stoke up the flames. That is and has been their doctrine. It is the chaos and division they want more than any particular outcome. You are aware the America/Britain supported and invested in BLM and ANTIFA for example?

          There. I fixed it for you.

  14. Home Secretary tells public to “stop stirring up divisions” – Disgusting, sell what’s left of a civil society out for a chance at a pension.
    And a gay MP steps down, I wouldn’t want to be a decent gay person in England in 5 or 10 years. The rest that carry it around like a badge are in for an awakening.
    And we lag 10 or so years behind if there isn’t a massive change …….
    Things to come.

  15. Fear Confusion and Doubt,these are the primary tools of the bureaucracy.
    The Bureaucratic State fears everything of Human Nature.
    Seeks to control all.
    And power,for such parasites,lies in division and chaos.
    Believing they can whip up and incite the MOB and use that mindless rage to serve their own ends.

    From past attempts to use the mob to consolidate power,the effort is like riding a tiger..
    And the more you demand the power to control other people,the less you can have a private life.

    The Committee of Public Safety,the Inquisition and Witch Hunting..marvelous pastimes that never seem to go out of fashion.
    As we have seen,some of our bureaucrats have some sense of history and seek to avoid the cycles.
    The predictable waves of retribution that will fall upon the parasitic overload.
    By making all verbal dissent into Hate Crimes.
    By using the full power of The State to criminalize political protest.
    By keeping innocent citizens in “Remand without bail”.
    And by seeking to incite minor political violence as justification for State Abuse of all..

    All been done before.
    Always ends very badly.
    But Greedy Evil Bastards are that way for a reason..Frightened Fools and bandits,of such stunted character that they are convinced everyone is as small,petty and vindictive as themselves.
    And so they make it.
    To our Glorious Future.

    We could have had such nice things,such wealth and luxury..
    Instead we will tear it all down,in a frenzy of delight.
    For this is what we do.
