You’re Going To Love It

Anyone who doesn’t is a racist.

Western Standard- Corus doubles down on DEI programs for new hires even as it slashes jobs

Mandatory racism training, virtual Zumba sessions and new events to celebrate Ramadan, Eid and Asian Heritage Month.

Those are just a few of the priorities for Corus Entertainment, which owns Global News, even as it cuts hundreds of jobs and slashes local news programming.

In a memo to employees obtained by The Western Standard in both official languages, the embattled media company announced it has hired a new DEI vice-president and increased mandatory training programs for new hires — assuming there are any after its latest round of cuts.

42 Replies to “You’re Going To Love It”

  1. That Saviour Government Assistance Fund runs right through membership in the Communis……err..Liberal Party.
    Gotta walk the commie talk to open the vault.

  2. We’re getting into “deckchairs on the Titanic” territory here given that Corus’s content is now primarily used to entertain and/or distract institutionalized shut-ins who, by virtue of restraint or enfeeblement, are incapable of changing the channel in the ward TV room.

    The DEI doubling-down seems, to my mind, a craven – and nakedly transparent – attempt to curry favour with various levels of ideologically-captured government without whose subvention, Corus would soon be insolvent.

  3. The corrupt Corporate media get more ideologically corrupt… “the Liberal Party fosters and nurtures a culture of corruption”… Judge Gomery.
    Corus is openly hostile to people with white skin… isnt that a hate crime?

  4. Just another ideological clone of the CBC/LPC/NDP/Green/CCP. The last time I listened to a Chorus station was when they censored Michael Campbell and he went independently online with Money Talks. I welcome their financial demise.

    1. J.C., same here. When Global TV evaporates, our corporate TV broadcast cartel gets more concentrated. But who cares? CTV will soon follow Global.

  5. Corruption is corrupt. They take government money, they sing the Liberal song. That’s how it is.

    I can’t boycott them any harder. Cable cut, no radio, no newspapers.

  6. It really doesn’t matter what Corus does. It has a mountain of debt it can’t repay, it has a now-permanent net income loss each quarter, its stock has been in free-fall for several years. So all it can do is double down on DEI and hope that the federal government will bail them out.

    Free money from government will not bring back the legions of people who do not and never will again watch Global. So might as well just stick a fork in it. Global will not be missed by anyone.

    1. There has never been, and will never be such a thing as “free money from government” which I’m hoping you meant facetiously.

      Like Indigo Books, I can only assume that Corus’s stock has ANY residual value due to the interest of vulture funds hoping they might be able to acquire some leases, licenses, or other such corporate remnants/detritus for mere pennies on the dollar.

      1. Of course there’s no such thing as “free money”. Just as there’s no such thing as “free healthcare”. Someone always has to pay.

        As for Corus, the sooner it goes to zero the better off we will all be. With barely a year before the next election, even Corus has to be aware that they are pretty much out of time before the Lib-Dip coalition is pitched out. The larger issue is whether or not anyone has the will to sht down the CRTC which created this media oligopoly in the first place.

    2. I’m waiting for the announcement from Dear Leader that his government has arranged for Corus Entertainment to be bought out by Al Jazeera and their new Canadian director of news will be Alexandre Trudeau!

    3. NONE of the MSM will be missed….EVER..!!

      Communist, Anti-Semetic Islamic Ass kissing TRASH, which is precisely what the entire Cabal of propagandizing NAZI filth is..

      F em all.

  7. In every large organization – Education, Health, Media, Government, and yes, corporations…..
    There are generally two types of people.
    The first is dedicated to the original goals of the organization. A sincere hardworking Grade 2 teacher or a John Deere service mechanic might be examples.
    The second is dedicated to climbing the ladder of the organization. They will say, believe, and do whatever they think is the current “trend” to climb that ladder. Or to fit in (as many on even lower rungs of the ladder have done).
    And thanks to the ladder climbers who are already up there, the new ladder climbers are often rewarded instead of culled. “He is one of us” holds sway over “He is a spineless sycophant.”
    Which is kind of the same thing.

    We are seeing the fruits of those ladder climbers now. In Education, Health, Media….blah blah.
    And large corporations. The leaders personally believe they are Elite, and have a history of believing, saying, and doing whatever they think it will take to rise up the ladder. They have forgotten (or never knew) what it was to be up late doing lesson plans, or out in the field at 2 am fixing a combine. Or in the case of Corus, chasing down a news story simply for the Facts rather than the Narrative.

    Remember, cream is not the only thing that rises to the top. So does swamp scum.

  8. This is a news organization. Which means they’re supposed to be aware of what’s happening in the world.

    Not that they need to report on every little incident, but they should at least be aware of the consequences for all the companies who pushed DEI.

    By now they must be aware of the saying, “Go woke, go broke”, right? They couldn’t be that incompetent a news agency that they wouldn’t have heard of it, could they?

    Must be in denial, which means they’re committing corporate suicide.

    1. No, it’s a desperate hope to try to get the federal government under the Lib-Dips to bail them out. DEI makes sense as bait to get them to spend taxpayer dollars on a worthless network. A federal bailout is Corus’s only chance of survival.

  9. The best question I have seen lately that these organizations need to ask…
    “If DEI is such a good thing, why are you offended when we call people DEI hires?”

  10. Looks like Corus is entering the final phase of circling the toilet bowl. Tonedeaf and arrogant, still maintaining a losing cause until ultimate defeat, like the Germans in 45 and the ENDP in 2001. Let them be humiliated!

    1. Looking forward to the failure of Corus. Their stations as well as CTV and CBC are nothing but liberal propaganda outlets.
      They have no concept of actual news, only liberal doublespeak

  11. The expulsion of DEI departments in corporate US is just beginning. Unfortunately, the corporate world here in Canada will be far slower to shed it’s parasites because it’s been conditioned for over half a century to do as the government tells it to and is fully accustomed to bending over and taking one for the supposed greater good.

  12. As long as the funding from Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street is the only way to get things done it will continue. I don’t see any way to stop those megacorps.

  13. The DEI training that I see in our software company is quite something. This was one of the instructional gems that insults the person who expresses a different view.

    “Microinsults are communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person’s heritage or identity. They are subtle snubs, of which sometimes the perpetrator may not be aware, but clearly convey an insulting message to the victim.

    Telling a Black candidate that “the most qualified person should get the job, regardless of race” is a microinsult.”

      1. I was in university in the early years of the 70’s – very politically incorrect. I remember one of the famous jokes was “Did you visit Kominiwanttolayya on your Hawaiian vacation? Or any of Paul Lynde’s remarks on Hollywood Squares. My favorite was “Why do you beat meat?” His answer was “Because you are lonely!”

  14. Next step, an AI announcer like the “Hal 9000”. “I am sorry, but I can’t do that, Dave. The state would prefer you listened to a more DEI conscious selection called “Nails on a Chalkboard” for the next 6 hours.” (Otherwise known as “The Wisdom of Justine, First of Her Peoplekind”)

  15. Dangit! Lost a post to one of the mystery words.

    Oh well. Maybe I’ll finally get into the habit of writing comments on Notepad and then pasting them in, and if they get zapped, I can check it for the no-no word and paste again if I can find and correct it.

    1. “Oh well. Maybe I’ll finally get into the habit of writing comments on Notepad and then pasting them in, and if they get zapped, I can check it for the no-no word and paste again if I can find and correct it.”

      The beauty of the SDA edit function is that you can just copy the entire post after it is done (links, quotes and all) to your clipboard before hitting ‘Post Comment” ; if it disappears, just paste it back in minus one paragraph, sentence or word at a time and re-post until you find the offending word.

  16. the Front line people always get cut long before HR and the C-suite starts getting cuts. How much money could they save if they started with HR and the various senior executives? How upside down is management there?

  17. Yes Corus is finished and the executive are a bunch of idiots. However, I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t a sign of things to come. I wonder if this is a normal reaction to our country being sold out from under us to the 3rd world. I mean in case anyone hasn’t noticed, our political parties are being infiltrated and fought over by India and China. And eventually there will be a Muslim Brotherhood political party established that will counter the remade “Liberal” and “Conservative” political parties. All this is not “if” but “when”. As Steyn is always saying, it’s all about demographics. High immigration rates + high birthrate means a doubling population every generation so I anticipate that within my lifetime, I and my children will have to leave this country.

  18. What’s really stunning is that an outfit like Corus is still able to access credit in order to keep functioning. My guess is that no federally regulated bank wants to say no to their loan demands for fear of offending Ottawa.

  19. O.P.M.
    More OPM..
    Other Peoples Money is just so addictive.
    The Junkies on OPM are more foul than the worse Crackhead.
    They will go lower than any crackhead can even imagine.

    The Corus Management obviously has a “cunning plan” to get a much tax payer money as possible,then fire all employees and take the government cheese as Management Bonuses..
    And why not?
    That is what all good Liberals do.

  20. I worked at a Rogers radio station in Calgary. They had a list of 12 different identity groups that met regularly to discuss how they were affected by white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia and a list of other ists and isms.

    1. Imaginary?
      A proper fraud would pretend to have created all kinds of jobs,with every new employee being a work of fiction by HR.
      With each “new employee” being creditworthy for the purposes of collecting from government.
