30 Replies to ““Americas Wine Mom””

    1. Hahahaah hahahaha … the 3-stages (3 glasses) … 3-faces of wine step mom. Remember Camilla has never had children … she’s just a step wine mom to some weirdo kids. Perfectomundo

  1. Yup!
    And wine moms are idiot-cows who shouldn’t be allowed to vote, drive or speak in public.

    1. I’m out during the day and see them driving 5000 pound SUVs to strip mall hair and nail and sugaring salons (yeah, dont ask) and they haven’t figured out roundabouts. It’s a good thing most of them drive like hearses.

  2. Sure,she’s a “wine-mom” and a cackling idiot, but she may be the next Prez of De Hew-Hess-hay!
    Trump should not debate her, he can’t win and she can’t lose.

    Btw, until I watched that video,I had NO idea Ukraine was a country in Europe! I thought it was a small town in Manitoba.
    And Russia’s there too! Russia must be an important member of the EU!

  3. I’m good with retarded. I’m still going to say she won’t be coronated at the DNC. They can’t bleach bit everything of her.

    1. She can’t be ousted from the candidacy. Democrats are leftists. What matters most to them is identity politics – what group you belong to. She ticks enough of the right boxes – she’s non-white and she’s a woman. She’s a diversity hire. Competence is irrelevant to them. She’s not at the top of the woke/politically correct hierarchy, but close enough.

      And the scary part is, she will likely win. Not win fair, Democrats never play fair, but they will pull out all the stops to keep Trump from office. Remember last election?

  4. They don’t care. The only motivation is to keep her well enough hidden and spin enough excitement to sell the premise 100 million voted for her. You know they are going to cheat.

    1. I just saw a new poll making the Twitter rounds claiming Harris +5.

      They’re going to astroturf her straight into the Oval, with a big assist from the utterly stupid electorate that just doesn’t want Bad Orange Man back.

      Western civilization is committing suicide before our eyes.

      1. Biden will be giving out copious amounts of FREE SHIT in the next 3-months to BUY all the votes “they” can get. And when they run out of money … how much higher than $35 Trillion in Debt can we go? … look out! Civilizational collapse. And nobody will care that they’re living in a Mad Max free for all dystopia … because they will have crushed Christianity (so they think) and punished all the white colonials … they will worship at the altar of their own death.

        1. sadly kenji this is one of your most poignant and accurate posts here.

          you are right sir, ‘mercuh has fallen for the propaganda whirl. and the ‘buying votes with their own money’ allow me to submit the world learned that one from the last 9 miserable years in Canaduh.
          what the hell is the end game? bring on the End Times, let folks like us ‘chalk it up to an old fiction novel’, and dare l say, BE THE VERY FULFILLMENT OF PROPHESY??

          what would a global financial, transportation, medical collapse bring? starvation and record mayhem ‘the likes of which etc’. well then what, are we all just waiting for them to put the finishing touches on secret fully equipped and guarded self-sustaining digitally interconnected compounds?

          what the blue blazes is REALLY going on?

          1. Total nihilism. Our culture cares about nothing, and worships their own miserable, err artistic selves. Look! All you straights and heteronormies! Look at how I chopped off my weiner and dress like a woman … I’m in control! I determine my sex!

            Now WORSHIP ME!!! … or else. Let ME use your daughter’s bathroom. Let ME compete against girls in sports. And WORSHIP my … uh … difference! Or else!! You will be MADE to worship me and fly my flag. Or else!! Otherwise you’re a “bully” … you’re “bullying” me by not worshiping my difference.

            Now I finally know what Sodom and Gomorrah were like. We are no longer slouching toward it … we are it.

          2. BTW … I have not watched a single minute of NBC’s Olympic coverage. I haven’t even read any sports articles about it. Not a single click for that shitshow.

    2. It is their clever M.O. The Donald is done by a lobe.
      Consider it stolen by even way more than 81 million.
      Hell, let’s call it 101 Million.
      Kamala is another way to spell Obama.
      Have a nice day.

  5. They picked her number one – because she is a MARXIST. Number two – they also picked her because she is so UNLIKEABLE. Just so they can rub it in our faces when they cheat yet again. To prove to America that their vote no longer counts and that legitimate elections are no longer a thing. Just a quaint relic of the past. “You see – we just ran a truly awful candidate. Just to prove to all you NORMIES that THE COUNTRY YOU ONCE KNEW IS OVER. WE control the process. WE are in control. WE have a monopoly on power. YOU are now our subjects.”

  6. In the last three years Kamala has gone from a cabin in steerage to Queen of the May to the American version of Margaret thatcher after dumbing the turnip. good luck America you are due for a hard fall. for you illiterate Americans for which there are many, if you don’t know what steerage is just rewatch the movie Titanic

    1. You lecture we Americans, paint too many of us with the same brush, from your perch in a country which elected Justin Trudeau three times !!?? You are throwing rocks in the biggest glass house ever.

      1. Peter,I don’t think we are giving a lecture. We are just fearful the Democrats by hook or crook will find a way to maintain power. As for our illustrious leader, it’s extremely few you will find here who ever supported him. And I for one,am by no means certain we will be rid of him. Look at the debacle in France.

    2. Titanic was a movie about a boat. A boat that was unsinkable … but it sank. Yeah, everyone thought America was unsinkable … but … it didn’t see the iceberg that was Obama. There was always more lurking below the waterline, out of sight. Parts of Obama that would “transform” America by ripping such a giant hole in it … that it sinks. These Marxists are VERY, VERY, close to their end goal … taking down America.

  7. And yet, Kamala will be President of these United States come January 2025. And the deep state cabal will just keep on keeping on. 2016 were the last free elections in the US. There will be no more.

    1. Kamala is not a strong candidate and much can happen to upset her plans between now and November. Right now the hype is mostly media driven and has little to do with Kamala herself. I don’t think it is realistic to think this will continue to be effective. At some point people will start to look at who Kamala actually is.
