79 Replies to “August 2, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. That stuff has been “normal” for a few years now…and of course, NO ONE has any IDEA….everyone is baffled…

      All I want to know is when do the Hangings Commence…?
      Isn’t that what we do with NAZI’s..?

      1. I have been waiting and waiting for the truth to finally come out and the jabbed angry to get revenge.

        I honestly think we’ll need to see 10 to 15 million dead in a short amount of time to wake people up.

    1. How many women are fine with it?
      Lots and lots.
      They’re always telling men we should have no say in abortion, that our toxic masculinity is socially destructive, that the transvestite community just wants to be treated fairly.
      As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
      My sympathy lies between shit and syphilis.

      1. Is this not end stage feminism; men become women? After being told endlessly of equality between the sexes why should the females be concerned of a few of their ilk are pummeled and damaged?

      2. Someone told me recently that every woman he knows hates Pierre Polievre. If you ask why, they don’t have a reason or the answer given is that he’s another Trump. He mansplains would be another reason I suspect. I believe that most get their info from Global News, CTV or CBC. All of those are aligned with the Liberal’s ideology which is aligned with the woke agenda. But like this young woman boxer, they are surprised when they get a poke on the nose as a result of everyone following this agenda too closely.

  1. Olympic boxing?
    Court rejects Ottawa’s attempt to quash lawsuit challenging Governor General’s appointment

    In this corner in the red trunks:
    “Justice Marie-Hélène Dubé dismissed an application by the attorney general of Canada to have the case thrown out, giving the plaintiffs — two Quebec language rights groups — their second win in the case”. “The plaintiffs say they would like to see Simon’s appointment invalidated.”

    And in this corner, also in red trunks:
    “Governor General Mary Simon… is Canada’s first Indigenous Governor General and is fluent in English and Inuktitut.” But not French. Simon “has promised to try to learn it and started taking lessons last December”.


    1. I am not a fan of Mary Simon. Let’s make that perfectly clear. I don’t believe Simon is a meritorious appointment. She was appointed strictly based on her gender and ethnicity. No doubt in my mind.
      Having said that, I am not at all comfortable with this pending litigation attempting to remove Mary Simon simply because she cannot speak French, as that would set a very dangerous precedent.

      There are plenty of reasons to have Mary Simon removed, but lacking in language skills in one of the official languages shouldn’t be one of them, if the candidate being considered is fluent in speaking the other.

      1. This highlights yet another problem with the gulag known as shitholistan. There are many reasons that simon should be removed from that position but off course something stupid like french language skills is the one that makes it to litigation. Being canadian is an embarrassment.

    1. 20 stab wound suicide? Shapiro’s a Democratic. He can’t help himself. In Willy Clinton’s Arkansas, less than 3 bullets to the back of the head was a suicide, especially if the victim had evidence against the Clintons.

      1. There’s a southern joke about impossible suicides. such as being chained to anvils and other heavy objects and deeming it to be stealing more than they could carry. There are variations.

    1. In my view, if the perp was a danger to the public, then the high risk maneuver was justified, even if the maneuver was a risk to the general public.
      You need to weigh the risk to the public of taking down the perp against the risk to the public of allowing the perp to go free.

      1. Oh please, and then discount the danger to public from playing bumper cars because playing bumper cars is so cool when you got qualified immunity. So if you happen to kill some bystander… ah fu(k’em. Wouldn’t be the first time or the last. The investigation can always be stalled until the grieving, exhausted and bankrupt finally gives up (and is constantly harassed in the meantime). Jackbooted thugs one and all. The people in the neighborhood are lucky the stormtroopers did not spray their homes with gun fire this time like they did when they murdered James Hanna for example.

    1. Emancipation day in the Empire – 1834. Slavery was never significant in Canada and ended long before 1834 through the action of colonial legislatures and judiciary.

      1. Coast Salish kept slaves to grow potatoes on Vancouver Island for consumption and trade, (as did almost all tribes in North America) long before 1834. White men did not invent slavery. They did mostly eliminate it, so the hatred of the bipoc is a mystery, no?

      1. Kamala is quite something…What exactly, I have no idea, however the thought has occurred to me that whatever is inside that skull, it’s definitely NOT a Brain.

        As one X tweet’r noted.
        Biden: Vegetable
        Harris: Word Salad

        The Vegetable Salad Admin… I’M sure China, Russia and Islam are sufficiently “terrified”…

  2. I’m going to give up commenting if this damn web site doesn’t tell me which words I am not allowed to use!!!

    This kind of censorship has become intolerable. Conservatives should not have to self-censor.

      1. There are only a few words that censor you, the list is as follows:

        Just kidding 🙂

      2. “Ork” works just fine.

        Type “* “three times in a row with no spaces and you get your comment deleted. I used to use stars to fill in for obvious profanities. I no longer do that.

        Also the ork writer’s name “T0lst0y” when spelled correctly will get your comment deleted too. Because reasons.

  3. https://www.wsj.com/articles/khalid-sheikh-mohammed-plea-deal-9-11-terrorist-attack-guantanamo-bay-1eb48edb?mod=MorningEditorialReport&mod=djemMER_h

    “That the fate of these men is still unresolved more than two decades after 9/11 is a frustrating commentary on the failure of the war on terror to handle captured terrorists. In 2008 KSM was willing to plead guilty and head straight to execution. But the Obama Administration halted his military trial and tried to move his case to federal civilian court. This was part of Mr. Obama’s plan to shut down the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.”
    Or an MSM link:

    1. Somehow, 183 episodes of waterboarding by the Americans on KSM didn’t get them what they wanted.

    2. Buddy, it is a testament and comment on eternity and to a war on something that can/will never end.

      I don’t believe it’s intended otherwise.

  4. Just Stop Oil’s poster girl Phoebe Plummer is held in custody after inflicting ‘£50,000’ damage in Heathrow Airport stunt – after being told she faces jail for throwing soup over Van Gogh Sunflowers painting

    Just Stop Oil eco zealots are dragged away by police after trying to block Heathrow departure gates in yet another foiled attempt to unleash ‘summer of chaos’ at Britain’s airports

  5. Albanian drug dealer, 45, who ‘falsely claimed to be a Kosovan refugee and was caught in cocaine gang that laundered £500k’ is using human rights law to block his deportation claiming it would be ‘unduly harsh’ on his family

    But there is a cure!

    1. I actually like the idea a lot more than “safe injection sites” in residential areas. Those who choose to vacation in Moronto should experience the entire flavor of the city, there is much to do in Moronto, like twisting your ankle while slipping on human feces and landing on an HIV infested needle etc.

    1. Want 100 soldiers? In Vancouver you could probably find 100 reservists with turbans who might actually want to go to the event. Just pay them and don’t have them do anything stupid. My worst effing nightmare would be attending an Indian pop concert.
